You're all actually playing watered down Retail WoW

I played dark souls for 30 mins just didnt like the feel of it. I know alot of people like it but just not for me. I wonder if people are comparing a tab target game to a action game for hardness. They are not really comparable. The saving civ 5 is not hard because it doesnt take skill. Strategy is the hard part and when strats are known the content becomes easy.

I don’t see how that’s a bad thing. Cosmetics has been part of Video games for a long time. The fact Retail has like an overwhelming amount of cosmetics, is pretty sweet, but at the same time, in comparison to most triple AAA video games these days where it’s super limited or mostly sold by MTX is pretty depressing.

The same way you find Classic enjoyable, they (the OP your refering to, i think) find Retail enjoyable. They have their number of reasons or they just do.

When did you start playing?

Why do you ask? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

It seems a good many who played vanilla dont like retail. Conversely, those who started playing WoW in later expacs have a different appreciation for modern WoW.


You’re not wrong lmao.

The only real thing I kind of want Retail to have from Classic is the sense of community ( I dont like phasing. ) that servers bring and the difficulty of leveling a character. Oh, and I also want Vanilla/TBC PVP. As nice as it is to feel ‘even’ in retail in BG’s as it scales you I do like having clear advantages over players when I have better gear ( For example, when Reckoning, Seal of Command + Judgement deletes an Orc warrior in one shot with Sulfuras ). Tie it all up with a nice feeling of actual hatred towards the opposite faction.

Other than that Classic has
-Better PVP/Competitive PVP
-Better raids
-Viable and Optimal specs

Im genuinely curious as to how Blizzard will deal with the mess that is PVP in Classic. There isnt alot to do in Classic aside from running raids weekly and comparing parses lol.

My issue with this is why would they like Classic? I understand its the same game, HOWEVER, WoW Vanilla was a SANDBOX MMO. This means it lacks general direction and content (unlike retail) and the adventure and fun is solely reliant for the most part on the players and how they play in this sandbox.

The way players are playing Classic vs Vanilla is 100% different, meaning it is pretty much a completely different game.

In Vanilla you never Q’d up into WSG and faced 100% premades with your pugs. Everyone was lost and generally stumbling around trying to understand everything. Even Rank 14’s then (And even now ) keyboard turned and back pedaled.

I started in Late Cata.

I have played Vanilla, but only super duper briefly as a young lad on my mom’s account. Confused the hell out of me wondering why the pause menu didn’t pause the game. I was used to Single-player games at that time. :grin:

No, i haven’t played “played” Vanilla if that’s what your asking. I just ask my friend who did played vanilla at the age of 4 for vanilla related info. All i know is Feral Druids suck back then, Thottbot was the 2004’s WoWhead Equivalent, Nature Resistance go to AQ, GM’s were a lot more active, and the Blood plague happened to get WoW in the news and even studied by actual medical experts.

Well, i don’t have a problem with Classic in what it’s trying to do, emulate Vanilla, infact, i actually like the game. It dearly reminds me of my first time in Cata, only a lot more harder, no tmog or barbershop, and the poo-poo fog distance.

And after playing it and having some fun with it, I think Blizzard should transfer some of the things in classic into Retail, cause while Retail is my preferred version, i have to admit, it’s lacking a whole lot, especially with BFA. Things like the talent tree, indepth professions that isn’t “oh go to the dungeon to do this”, and a third slot… …Just so i can get my gun back they took from me from MoP! :angry:

This is true. I did enjoy mythic+ but not enough to put up with everything else. The Vulpera was my breaking point.

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End of BC/start of WoTLK. My favorite expansions were Wrath and Legion.

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i’ve been called a wrath baby on this site by people who have grunt and stuff because i came back in wrath with a second account. i played the last half of vanilla, bits and pieces of tbc (which i didn’t like much), and then whenever i came back on this account in wrath and have been subbed off and on since then. you don’t need to tell them when you started playing. you can play a game and decide if it’s good or not. the game wasn’t actually any harder in vanilla. we were just all terrible. like google raids then and you’ll see rogues spending all their energy on feint who are in the top 3 of dps. this is not a joke. the people are arguing that THAT is what takes skill. and most of the “i played in vanilla” people are actually “i played on a private server for 10 years” people, so i don’t trust them anyway. wrath for me made the game a ton better than it had been. then in cata before the dungeons were nerfed were the most fun i’ve had in dungeons in this game. until i did some low mythic+ in legion. the game just keeps getting better. but you look at this forum and you can see how well #nochanges is working out for them, who don’t want change. :wink:

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hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaa! wow. The trolls are out in force today.

Low effort troll

you haven’t try out latest patch out, even my dad is struggling when trying it out

The game definitely isnt getting better. We completely disagree. Although, Legion was pretty damn good. For me personally, Im done with Retail. Vulpera is just trash to me.

That is huge assumtion, I see more people playing retail then classic

Except that I’m having way more fun playing this game with my friends than I would have if I played modern WoW by my self because everyone I know minus 3 people no longer play modern WoW.

And while Classic has some bugs, and while it’s by no means Vanilla; it’s at least fun.

Sure I post about the dumb crap that plagues this game like my 5pc T1 hunter set bonus breaking my class, the fact that auto shoot has a massive delay that didn’t happen in Vanilla, or a plethora of other things.

Regardless of these annoying things Classic is still a game that my friends and I can get on raid, drink, smoke and have a good time, change servers to our other guild and do it all over again.

There is plenty of stuff to do, fun to be had and I am by no means attacking modern WoW; Blizzard does that daily with bad design choices and they don’t need any help killing the characters I spent years building.

Would it be awesome if modern WoW was fun again? Yup!

Will modern WoW ever be any good again? No idea, but not gonna wait up for blizzard to fix that mess.

Exactly as Vanilla, or we gonna pretend spamming frostbolt is hard?

And the rest is difficulty contrived from artificially complex mechanical convolutions, and whack-a-mole design wanks.

When did players stop understanding that the “difficulty” (or the challenge) in RPGs is mostly getting to the point where your frostbolt is worth spamming. Your gear and build does most of the work. That’s the entire point of an MMO RPG. If you guys want a pure action game experience, you are in the wrong genre.

Criticizing WoW for not being mechanically difficult enough is like hating on Counter-Strike because it has no character development.


Vanilla wow is just dumbed down classic everquest