You're all actually playing watered down Retail WoW

I have this thought too but I’ll wait to see how badly they neutered BWL. MC bosses were needlessly stealth nerfed when the game was already super easy.

It’s almost as if Classic is some sort of precursor to retail. How odd.


well there are no Monks and can actually kill priests in this version , so i’d say its not retail just dif type of garbage at the moment

There is some really hard content in retail. Mythic raids and 10 plus dungeons. The rest of the game is pointless and easy.

Classic is easy but takes investment to get gear that is just handed to you in retail. I am on raid 10 of mc and still only half geared. Retail i be done in two weeks.

Av rewards only purps that are close to free in classic and that only goes for alliance now. Horde it take some time to rep up with hour ques.

Oh I am sorry. Should I be sitting there farming azerite on islands instead? or doing LFG or mythic+? right… yeah im playing the worse version of the game. That is why the game had the highest pop in vanilla/TBC and WOTLK and the lowest cata and later.

“really hard content”

it’s literally avoid mechanics, win game.

kinda like classic, but with flashy things happening on your screen to tell you whats up, so by that, it’s classic… with training wheels.

so no… retail is ez mode and as said primary school children could clear it’s content.

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With the amount of addons in Classic as well, you can still have flashy things pop up all over your screen telling you what to do.
Suggesting Classic or Retail is a “hard” game by any standards is weak. All this game is a time investment.


Retail is a fashion show where everyone runs around transmogging to look the prettiest and sporting the flashiest mounts they own. Then go run an instances where they just AoE spam everything and congratulate themselves on how hard it was. Then they return to town and continue the fashion show.


As opposed to killing a MC boss before your other hand can even get in the bag to grab a cheeto.


i’ll agree that both games are insanely easy so long as your iq is above 2

PvP is also harder.
PvE normal raids are harder too maybe BWL will lift the difficulty a little.
Honestly id argue mythic dugeons and visions full run are also harder lol.

My dude i was running mythic 10s+ shortly after hitting 120

Retail isn’t hard
classic isn’t hard

There are far more players playing classic

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Really? When did you hit 120? We are currently quite late into BFA, so catch up mechanics and gear levels are in place. Mythic 10+ now is not what it was when BFA was first released.

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Shouldn’t you be battling your pets?


When is this forum not a drama stage? It’s WoW’s version of Hamlet, without the good acting.

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dude i dont even understand what you find fun in retail ?

Like i play retail and am like why am i playing. Its story line single player. WHat the hell how can you find it fun ?

No body care in retail . Like you wipe 5 time people will just kick you remplace you. People are like bot lol. I dont care about ur acade game were no body care and all the content is single player story line With 100 k daylies

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So what is hard content to you? Maybe have to go to some silver surfer to be hard enough for you.

So because you are good at the game or have good friends the games is easy? What is a hard game to you?

Mythic 10 plus is fun but other than that its shallow game of meaningless game play.

i mean i made a new character in ds 3 after not playing for 2 month and dam i was struggling really hard. Nameless king even on new character is gonna force you to work