You're all actually playing watered down Retail WoW

the bgs are 100% better so yea classic wow has the worst pvp of any mmo right now.

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What on the earth are you smoking?

I have played both and retail is miles easier than classic.

I can literally run +10s with one hand while stuffing my face with cheetos

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Hows smashing frostbolt to get that 99 parse in Classic working for ya.


As compared to MC where the only challenge is how close to 30 minutes you can clear the whole raid while binding every key to shadow bolt?


The most fun part of playing a MMORPG for me is the leveling experience & journey (& smaller-group dungeon content), so in that regard retail WoW is just a sad, soulless dumpster fire. Personally, I would rather be playing TBC Classic with the pre-nerf heroic dungeon content, but that will never happen.


Mannoroth Reckoning?

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Fun server during MoP

Thereā€™s nothing watered down about the wpvp which you canā€™t get in retail anymore.

CLassic Wow is like a pserver if the moderators did everything they can do destroy the replay-ability, and then said fck it, and handed the steering wheel to a toddler.

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Uhhh considering classic came first Iā€™m pretty sure retail is just a watered down version of classic bud but sure


and you could make a very rational argument wow classic is just a watered down version of EQ



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I mean, we handed it to WK who was drunk all the time. Thatā€™s pretty much the same thing.

Edit: This is a joke, people!

More wisdom, kind bull. More, I demand it.

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wow gold is the new bitcoin.

invest today.


ā€œPlay competitivelyā€ :rofl:

Also, the mere fact that you felt compelled to come to the classic forums to post this says a lot about you. A lot.


Thereā€™s something about seeing a level 31 gnome hunter in Dragonstalkerā€™s that made me cringe pretty hard.


Responding to the OP.

Thatā€™s nice, Iā€™m sure youā€™re opinion carries great weight and there will soon be a mass exodus from Classic back to Retail because you know better than everyone else. I myself donā€™t know you, but I will certainly leave Classic just as soon as a certain very hot place we all know of, freezes over.

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If QOL means being forced to grind WQ and Islands, Iā€™d rather wait 1 hour for my own mail.

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If you think Retail is not an easy game, you really need to get good.


Although it probably went right over your head, my point is not to trash Classic. I have over 30 days on my main. Played it a ton and had fun with it.

My point is the Classic community being totally delusional when talking about retail. They hate it and have no idea why (most of them.) and trust me, Iā€™ve spoken to A LOT of people playing Classic atm.

Also, Classic is not the Vanilla experience, which is sincerely disappointing and will cause the game to go stale.