Making the Void the hero all along and the Light the villain all along in an overkill use of the “bad is good and good is bad” trope. Especially if it involves the return of Sylvanas or Illidan. Or both
If the blood elves play second fiddle yet again there will surley be a large community uproar considering they are still the most popular race in the franchise.
Blood elves need drama to exist !
Given the Sunwell and Alleria’s ties, I don’t think the Blood Elves will be second fiddle. Who do you think they’d be second fiddle to?
Alleria and the void elves of course.
Makes sense, though Alleria’s son - her ultimate “I will not fall to the Void” factor, arguably moreso than Turalyon - is a blood elf.
No he’s a half elf who has residency in silvermoon
So Blood Elves will play second fiddle not to the void elves.
But to a single half-elf and Alleria.
Even better… I guess?
Alleria is the leader of the void elves?
Yes she is. Together with Umbric.
My personal nightmare. We saw in the blood elf heritage quest what matters to the elves. Kael’thas and Sylvanas. We should capitalize on that instead of giving attention to the single elf ranger that belives being friends with humans is more important then the survival of their whole kingdom. Ridiculos.
I would call her more of an advisor.
She is a prominent void elf, but she is probably going to have more of a solo run, than she is actually leading the group of Void Elves. I see Umbric as being the one to actually lead the Void Elves, Alleria was just there initially to help them cope.
Maybe I misunderstood you, sorry. In my mind, a cause for the “alliance of convenience”, etc., is that Blizzard has to show the Alliance and Horde each as unified, cohesive factions (with exception of course - SoO) stopping a world-ending threat. A soft break up would allow Blizzard to focus on smaller scale stories imo. Maybe a good example would be a race equivalent of class halls, or continuations of the heritage quests, where you just have orc, Zandalari, etc. content rather than the entire Horde or Alliance as a whole present.
The Alliance and horde need to stick around as discrete organizations because working with the A/H army in non faction war stories is way cooler than working with the designated expansion friends
But they are not. More often than not, both factions have strived to do things their own way, not unite for the greater good. Their unions haven’t been working out so well if you recall.
What we end up with is the player teaming up with some big names in the Alliance or the Horde, not with the factions themselves. And the Horde always ends up taking the back seat. It’s become so bad that the latest expansion literally wrote the Horde out of the story. So yeah, someone has to understand my reluctance to share stories with the Alliance.
I don’t have a good answer given Blizzard’s reliance on character-centric themes/expansions. Vanilla WoW comes to mind, where the stories didn’t intersect as much, fewer “team up” questlines, etc., but the scale of the stories were smaller. You didn’t have the full scale of the Alliance and Horde show up each time.
BFA is an example as well. Even if the Horde was the whipping boy of that expansion. And I would rather have smaller scale stories that focus on the faction then whatever we are getting these days.
Missed lethal drama there. The half-elf Windrunner scion adopting the blood elf identity in addition to living in Silvermoon would’ve gone over real well with his aunt.
Man, now I need a sassy adolescent Arathor lashing out. Wearing sylvanas che T-shirts and going “HMMM I WONDER” whenever his mom asks why the belves didn’t join the Alliance whenever his aunt is around
An Alliance character (Alleria) comes in to “redeem” the BEs who are suitably subservient and thankful.
Biggest fear is they’re going to add too many “look at ME I’m so cute and quirky!” characters for fear that the tone might be too dark. They’ve been doing it increasingly often since BfA. It ruined Voldun, it ruined Ardenweald, it ruined most zones in DF.