My biggest fear is probably that the Blood Elves will be treated as the villains of the Blood Elf - High Elf - Void Elf story-triangle.
Fact of the matter is, that most High Elves who have staunchly defended and remained with the Alliance owe the Blood Elves a huge apology, and the Void Elves too.
But reality is probably less concerning. Blizzard will likely not address the details in the relationship between these three, and it will just be treated as a ‘Horde and Alliance coming together’ rather than ‘Elven tribes reunification’.
A minor fear is yet another resurgence of Amani trolls. The amani troll presence in Quel’thalas should be over and done at this point, and in reality, so should the undead infestation. But this is blizzard.
I recall from the preview that there will be “elven unification”, and so my worst fear is that it refers to a reconciliation between all the elven factions, including Night Elves, High Elves, etc. I enjoy the split between the elven factions, especially because it stems from their own near-apocalypse and the legion invasion. I would argue the Night Elves and Sindorei are most compelling when juxtaposed against each other. In fact, I wish Blizzard did not totally drop the energy-vampire aspect of Sindorei. Tangent aside, my hope is that the reunification just refers to Sindorei and the Silver Covenant coming together.
I agree, although I think the story would greatly benefit from a soft breakup of both factions. The relative peace/cooperation within the respective members of the Alliance and Horde makes less sense with an increased focus on cosmic forces and influence. For example, if light and life domains are opposing forces, does it make sense for Night Elves and Lightforged to buddy-up? Does Zandalar (life/death?) really care about Silvermoon, when it has Stormwind and/or Kultiras in its backyard? Likewise, does Silvermoon care if Stormwind and Zandalar war with each other? Having to plug the greater Horde/Alliance dynamic constantly feels like a constraint.
The amani trolls literally came out of the woodworks to attack, the Blood Elves dealt with the threat. They have dealt with the threat twice now.
For sure, the amani troll remnants in Quel’thalas should be non-existent, same goes for the undead remnants.
It is just a logical end to a group that is but a fraction what it used to be.
It is not really about genocide, it is about a small group continueing to throw themselves into a meat grinder and getting themselves killed before escaping to Zandalar. The meat grinder wasn’t even moving against them, it just stood there… menacingly, and like moths to a light the trolls just jumped into it head first.
Elves are former trolls.
At that point there is no meaning behind “IT IS THEIR HOMELAND!”
I could give you a smarter answer, but I am dumbing it down to a level you might just understand.
The point is the Amani only ever died to keep what was theirs to begin with. That is the whole argument. The elves left Ashenvale willingly because they refused to give up magic. Nobody persecuted or orpressed them. They are not the good guys of this particular story.
They were there first. Then elves stole it. When you settle of land from someone else people call you a thief. Which is also the reason most people in the world protest for Palestine and not Israel.
Silvermoon was build on a burial ground. We kill traitors in Atal’dazar for the same reason. The elves didn’t even ask about it they just assumed they can have it. In the real world you get UN voting to make your case stronger.
My worst fear is that this elven reunification will take the fast route and, instead of exploring the divisions that kept the elves apart and showing them slowly or grudgingly working past them, will have a brief exposition dump of “Some elves say we shouldn’t be bestest friends! And they’re dumb! Now, on with the show!”