Sylvanas’s apology tour.
Where she feels really bad about everything naughty she did, but in a way that’s completely focused on her and her precious feeeeeelings instead of the people she wronged. And it keeps being brought up that she feels really bad you guys. In high res, rendered cinematics.
I’d like to think there’s not much of a chance of Lor’themar being portrayed as some weak leader. He’s always been portrayed as a very competent but reluctant leader. Poor guy just wants to go back to being a soldier. If anything Lor’themar should thrive in Midnight, because he gets to do exactly what he’s always been wanting to do, kick butt and take names on the frontlines. fingers crossed
-Silvermoon allowing Alliance forces in. Well, that’s already happening in the short stories so it’s probably inevitable.
-Having to do more quests for Tyrande.
-Anduin being a main character because of the Sunwell and the Light.
-How they plan on handling the zones. They’ll probably reimagine Quel’thalas into more zones which could be great or could be awful.
Isn’t interesting how the two main bosses of Horrific visions are central focus of TWW?
It is, but however they’re used, I don’t think it’s going to be for “Horrific Visions 2.0: For Realsies This Time!” There will be some kind of twist.
Tyrande will be shopping for a gift to give Sylvanas as an apology
About as interesting as all the bosses in the, ‘Hour of Twilight Dungeon,’ being in the Shadowlands together.
Oh wait, nothing happened with most of them…
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Xal’atath is the sort of enemy who walks people into doing terrible things all the while letting them have the illusion of control. She has already arranged it so that Alleria is emotionally compromised, which is a fatal condition for a void elf. If you loose your composure too long, you loose your sanity.
Alleria somehow getting duped into doing something terrible (likely involving the sunwell) feels nearly a forgone outcome, to me.
First, the revamp turning Silvermoon into a natural hub, that’s a no from me. And not just because the Horde has to be put through another struggle session where they are expected to give up one of their cities to total neutrality, cause we all know what helfers will demand next, namely the expulsion of the Horde from the respective city.
I don’t want more Alliance characters being paraded in front of the Horde, I’m honestly tired of that. The one positive about BFA is that each faction had their own story and it was refreshing to deal with people from your faction rather than whatever this crap was in DF.
The worse thing I fear however is that they will attempt to bring the factions closer together, to make them act as some united entity for the good of … whatever. In my opinion that’s killing the soul of warcraft.
I’m fine with it when it’s not “lets make the entire setting revolve around like 5 dev favorite chars”
We can agree on this here. I feel the same about it.
He is an elf without special magic. Blizzard might as well kill him and not a lot of people would care. After Vol’jin and Garrosh it should be obvious that no Horde leader is save from Blizzard deleting them.
No, I’m very invested in his and Thalryssa’s ship
They are cute yes but I would give the best relationship to someone else.
My personal worst fear is Blizzard killing the whole blood elf cast for more shock value. I don’t trust them they just love to get rid of our lore characters.
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What if the Amani killed them?
I doubt blizzard would kill of the entire cast given thats like four characters, Could kill lor’themar though
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Dead is dead. It doesn’t matter who would do it.
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My main worry is that it won’t have anything that interests me, which is already something I’m struggling with regarding TWW.
I don’t care about the grand alliance heroes or taking quests from them but it seems yet again just like in Legion Blizzard forces us to follow them.
It’s gonna have a neutral Silvermoon, including a Night Elf aextion, a villain-batted Void Amani faction, a neutral Amani faction.
Somehow the Trolls get another L in all of this. Thanks for nothing Blizzard.