Your worst fears of Midnight

Which horde leader got corrupted?

Garrosh. Obviously.

He chose to corrupt himself for more power though. It wasnā€™t thrusted upon him

No? He was just evil.

He didnt change personality by using the Heart of the old god, he just powered up.


The Revantusk are in a good spot. Though they havenā€™t really had focus. And the Zandalari should be good now, with the infighting over and what not.

Blizzard is found with rebellion storylines. Though Iā€™m still concerned that Blizzard would just take the easy option in making the Amani fully hostile, while the Revantusk serve as the only friendly Forest Trollsā€¦ as they currently are. I would hope that the Revantusk could serve as the middle man between the Blood Elves and the friendly Amani.


Its a different era these days at Blizzard.

If Silvermoon City is void-nuked, I expect the expansion capital will be Zulā€™Aman, where the refugee Blood Elves will be found. Thereā€™ll be a single NPC hidden in some phased corner who says the Blood Elves and Amani made peace a few days ago. Weā€™ll never see how it happened, weā€™ll just be told in that very easy to miss way.

Itā€™s just a worry is all. The worst possible thing blizz could do. Itā€™ll come off as tone deaf if we end up killing more trolls during a void invasion.

Hopefully blizz has learned their lesson though. And does something at least interesting with both the blood elves and the Amani


NuBlizzard continuing to ignore the incredibly high demand for older races to become playable in favor of implementing some new non-naga flavor of elf, dwarf, or troll.

They completely overhauled the skeletons and animations of naga in legion.
A single animator completely redid quillboars and gnolls.
Ogres. You know. The same ogres that have had a two thousand plus post thread for the last four years.


Anduin prophecy comes true.

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Not sure what they can do. The two options are genocide of the trolls, or peace. Iā€™d say genocide is off the table for new Blizzard. Peace is the only real option.

Doesnā€™t even have to be a buddy buddy kind of peace. Just a recognition that both sides did terrible things and a willingness to work out a beneficial agreement where both sides can live without so much hostilities between both groups.

Or thereā€™s a break off group of Amani tired of all the violence and willing to kick out their more violent kin and work somethng out with the elves in exchange that the blood elves stop attacking their villages and I dunno, the blood elves offer to give up some land they havenā€™t used in years.

But who knows. Itā€™s years away and no point about worrying about it right now :dracthyr_nod:


The ballsy move would be for Xal to reawaken ancient aqir nursing the same grudge against the Amani thatā€™s motivated their war with the elves. Both sides might be more willing to meet at the negotiating table with land claimants predating either of them barrelling down.


Iā€™d say itā€™d feel much more WC3-esque.

Two long-standing enemies forced to work together against a mutual threat seeking their annihilation. In WC3, that was the Horde and Alliance against the Legion. In Midnight, it could be the Amani and Blood Elves against the Aqir. Itā€™d even give the Amani a chance to reframe their entire rationale behind their land war with the elves, to hear the Aqir parrot the same lines theyā€™ve stubbornly clung to for millennia thrown right back at them.


Seriously though, given the powerful Aqir general thatā€™s buried under Zulā€™Aman, the Amani being terrorital makes a boat load of sense. They likely didnā€™t want anyone tampering with magic or digging around and accidentally waking it up

Which would be interesting if Xal does imbue the slumbering beast with enough void magic to awaken it and it and itā€™s army is what ends up sieging Silvermoon

  • Midnight isnā€™t Horde character centric.

  • Lorā€™themar is portrayed as inept and lacking the strength to defend his kingdom.

  • The pragmatic decision to exile the Void Elves will be thrown back in Lorā€™themarā€™s face when the Void Elves are suddenly positioned as the only group suited to protecting Quelā€™thalas from the void. :roll_eyes:

  • Lorā€™themar is killed off.

  • Liadrin, an iconic Blood Elf Paladin is corrupted by the void.

  • Thalyssra is not present in a meaningful capacity.

  • Thalyssra is present, but is similarly portrayed as being weak and lacking in strength.


Iā€™m putting down five virtual bucks right now that Alleria does not get void-corrupted in Midnight, at least not irretrievably. They already blew that plot point on the horrific visions back in BfA. Doing it again now would just be boring because there would be no surprises. Kinda like how Nozdormu didnā€™t become Murazond in DF.


Iā€™ve got even odds on that Naaru heart she ate going Light phase, to be honest.

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Dude the sheer amount of arguing i have had to do has actually made me hate story points

anyway my only fear is if the Darkfallen leave the forsaken, they are forsaken damn it, i like being the only nation that isnā€™t an ethnostate

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Bob dies to show how serious the stakes are and because of that Thalyssra is shown as a weeping mess greaving over her husband that we as players have seen around less the 10 interactions on screen, bonus points if she is pregnant or just had a kid.

Amani team up with the void so we wipe them out once and for all.

The grand elf unification is presented as ā€œif it werenā€™t for foolish horde aligned elves the grand elfpire would have been formed ages agoā€

I guess also as a final fear that is a amalgamation of the previous fears. All horde contributions amount to ā€œjust there to die/ beg alliance and maybe the arathi for help.ā€
Although tbf out of all the fears that one is 100% happening.

Extra bonus points if they prune the blood elf cast but leave aethas alive.