Your top 3 most hated dungeons in the game?

Sethekk Halls
Black Morass
The Occulus

And I did each dozens of times.

For some reason I always like Shadow Labyrinth, even though I had some nightmare heroics in that place that lasted for hours.

i’m surprised that was made into a dungeon. I guess when you’re running out of time making the expac.

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Honestly, I don’t mind De Other Side.

One of the only last bosses that can be solo’d by a Healer.

Gotta show off those Dragonriding Mechanics.

I also suspect this dungeon will age HORRIBLY unless they decide to make Dragonriding standard from now on to future expansions.

Oculus is a pretty strong first place for whole dungeon.

Really though, it’s dungeons with mechanics that aren’t telegraphed or intuitive. There is no way to run certain dungeon bosses without explanation.

I hate certain bosses or long dead spaces.

I don’t like mechanics that feel cheesy, like the last boss azure vault. The orbs just feel lame sometimes.

Actually my favorite dungeon- not even joking. I played a gnome warrior in Vanilla, so nostalgia is a huge factor too.

The music, the theme, the fact that it’s hard, unforgiving- and, most importantly- an actual dungeon crawl.

I know I’m an outlier.

A close second favorite for me was the ORIGINAL Sunken Temple, not the short abridged version we have today.

Now, THAT was a dungeon!

On dungeons I actually hate?

Nokuud Offensive, I kinda agree with OP. It feels more like an instanced World Quest you’re doing with a group of five rather than a dungeon- it is just the zone after all. Barely even a dungeon.

It probably could’ve been a phased questline within the zone, tbh.

I also don’t like BFA’s Tol Dagor, because the weird aggro through the walls, and nightmares getting that dungeon in randoms and no one ever seemed to know how the mechanics worked, especially those cannons up towards the last boss.

  1. Wailing Caverns
  2. Any of the Diremaul dungeons
  3. Occulus.

And a footnote!

Just about any of the old big vanilla dungeons; they were probably great back in the day, but I just don’t have the time for those big dungeons anymore, especially if the tank does not know their way around them.

The Oculus was one of the few dungeons that I actually remember people getting into, then leaving immediately once they saw they had gotten it. That alone I think is evidence to put it at the top of this list. People hated it so much that they just left. I think the primary thing was putting people into dragons and expecting them to be good at abilities they were unfamiliar with. There were so many wipes on the final dragon boss because of it. I think it gets an A for effort. It was different, and I did like the mage boss that did the ice around the ring. At least some thought was put into it and it wasn’t a Violet Hold redo (booooring).

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  1. The Oculus
  2. Everbloom
    3 Dire Maul

Stormstout Brewery

  1. Oculus
  2. Shrine of the Storm
  3. All but two of DF dungeons

I don’t get it either, nothing is hard about it. A single player on a red Drake can solo last boss :man_shrugging:t3:

I Think Oculus was one of the most hated dungeons ever in the game. It was next to impossible to find a PUG, and LFD almost always just had people dropping group.

it was the expansion they tried to go big into mounted combat experiences, and it whiffed.

It wasn’t even that it was hard. It was slow crawl through mounted combat that took a wihle because the mechanics limited you (when it was current content. Now it’s easier and sped up)

It was so bad during 3.3 that there was special bonus loot in the dungeon for running it. I believe we got a mount (if you didn’t already from rng)

How can you be this weak?

This is why I hate Nokhud so bad.

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I don’t grone at any except that one break yourselves opon my body boss. I doe no matter what I do

I have to add that I’m at the point where I only do dungeons I enjoy. A couple years ago I was like, why am I doing dungeons I hate for the sake of gear or a score. I refuse now. unless it’s to finish a quest bc of ocd

The only dungeons I love to spam are wrath ones.

Utgarde Pinnacle - because of Skadi - DBM - “Run away little girl run away”

Escape to - wherever it is - it’s just too time consuming.

Grimrail Depot

just mara.

a hundred years later, and i still can’t navigate that place.

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Lots of practice

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