Your top 3 most hated dungeons in the game?

1: The Nokhud Offensive
2: The Oculus
3: Halls of Reflection

What are yours?


Just WoD /10

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Temple of Sethraliss, ew! I hate the theme of that dungeon and the snake people are creepy. The third boss is whack. The second boss is annoying. The first boss is boring. The fourth boss isn’t even a boss. The ball roundup you have to do on the timer is annoying and bad. If you don’t have a mage to spellsteal, the middle trash mobs are bad.

Violet hold, Nokhud Offensive, Escape from Durnholde, Tol Dagor, and De Other Side were the other nominees.




i liked the Everbloom dungeon in WoD, that’s about it though.

Great start! I get this in the random dungeon, I leave group and log out the game. I don;t like it and I will not do it anymore.

If for some reason i feel crazy and decide to go M+ hardcore, you will see ratings for every dungeon EXCEPT this one. I will not do it. Even if it was nerfed to be 1 hit kills for everything inside. IT DOES NOT EXIST TO ME.

Another good choice. It just rubs me the wrong way. I wouldn’t drop group, but i would not enjoy it.

For my 3’rd … Grimrail Depot maybe? I can do it fine. I just feel anxious whenever I step in there. I would still do it, but given a choice I would probably not pick it.


Top 3 hmm…

Halls of stone is way up there. 3 for this one. It’s got that stupid section where your just standing there getting hit by little light specks and waiting for a pack of stone guys to spawn… it’s all on a timer and slow. Awful.

For a number 2… black morass. Again is like a bunch of ping ponging around and rather boring.

Number 1 … Probably violet hold (the return of it anyways). The first wasn’t was not that great but then it came out again and worse. Boo


Culling of Stratholme
Culling of Stratholme
Culling of Stratholme


Violet Hold
Black Morass

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"1: The Nokhud Offensive

Great start! I get this in the random dungeon, I leave group and log out the game. I don;t like it and I will not do it anymore.

If for some reason i feel crazy and decide to go M+ hardcore, you will see ratings for every dungeon EXCEPT this one. I will not do it. Even if it was nerfed to be 1 hit kills for everything inside. IT DOES NOT EXIST TO ME."

I randomly decided to que for my first Dragonflight dungeon (normal) and i popped that dungeon.

i was doing math in my head during the run on how long it takes blizzard to give refunds and how fast i can buy the WOTLK bundle on sale. i was ready to just delete retail and move to Classic, just from 30 mins in this dungeon.

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I can usually find something fun in most dungeons but there are some that I absolutely hate; of the ones I hate the top three would have to be:

  • Siege of Niuzhao
  • Grimrail Depot
  • Iron Docks

The Iron Docks can just go jump in a lake, I hate that place.

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  1. The Occulus
  2. all of the Kul’tiras dungeons
  3. All of the Dragonflight Dungeons.

Whats the one in feralas with the orgres. Anyways all wings of that one.

I don’t understand the hate of NO, unless it gets ridiculous at higher keys, it’s the easiest dungeon of the expansion.


I really hate that new Gnoll dungeon.


Imo its boring. Just a big field, fly to points and thats it. The mechanics arent even difficult if you’re paying attention.

Weird, I like this one. Which part is it that people aren’t digging?

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I don’t get why they make you lose flight for last boss, my only issue with it :man_shrugging:t3:



I love those.
I dont hate any


The Diremaul

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