Your top 3 most hated dungeons in the game?

Throne of The Tides in Cata: every single random had issues with that first pack for quite a while. But I learned how to be a better healer. But I hated that one.



Dire Maul


Grimrail Depot

  1. Nokhud for having the MOST obnoxious mobs in the game. Constant aoe stuns for entire packs that force me to dance in and out or eat big blasts of damage as a tank.

  2. Shrine of the storm. If you even so much as fart in the wrong direction you’ve got half an instance of exceptionally high damage casters breathing down your neck. With the average quality of DPS players, you can assume no interrupts will happen making tank/healer lives miserable, people getting thrown in the air repeatedly, and mobs getting gigabuffed by each other. If you lacked invis pots or a reliable skip you hit the expansion’s hardest trash and were almost guaranteed to lose a dps every pack to lack of situational awareness.

  3. Sanguine depths. This was place was just all around awful. Some extremely hard hitting trash, bosses that require dps to have situational awareness as much as the other two roles do, and trash packs that heavily punish healers for lack of interrupts.

A few of the packs are a little intense with the amount of crap you gotta dodge, but other than that it’s fine. Azure Vaults is far more annoying imo, though again only because Blizz went overboard with giving mobs stuff you gotta dodge cause in AV with everything going on I sometimes can’t see where it’s safe to stand in melee range.

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De Other Side
Upper Kara
Spires of Ascension

Those are just a few. A lot of dungeons have bosses that make me not want to play :man_shrugging:t6:

When it comes to this expansion, Ruby Life Pools is definitely the worst.

And for some reason Azure Vault just really isn’t my jam. I can run it fine, I just dislike being in there…not sure why.

according to my IO the three i hate the most are

-azure vault
-ruby life pools
-nokhud offensive

if you ask me the only one i really hate is azure vault because it wipes my focus target everytime we use a “book” to travel.

Lower Kara was a pain. Didn’t do it in Legion, but didn’t like it in SL. RLP can def be a crap show, and while I like a certain degree of stress while healing it’s just more frustrating. Then maybe DoS. It was just long and weird. Fights were cool but I hated the aesthetic.

  1. Occulus
  2. Occulus
  3. Occulus.

Honorary mention: Occulus

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  1. Occulus
  2. Black Morass
  3. Court of Stars

I may have to explain 3: hated it long before it became a M+. I tend to get lost easily so I always got lost, and the RP section drives me up a wall

Nokhud Offensive
Nokhud Offensive
Nokhud Offensive

Of all time? Most pre-cata dungeons. They have not aged well. And seat/cathedral.

More modern dungeons: all dungeons that have non skippable rp like halls of Valor, mots, spires, top, ruby life pools, and I’m sure I could list more. Unskippable rp has no business being in instanced zones.

I also really dislike dungeons that are built around small pulls. Such as kings rest, mots, spires, top, streets, upper kara. The entire fun of m+ is pulling big and aoeing. They need to stop trying to limit or stop this. It makes the game mode not fun.

hands down black morass and violet hold.

nothing beats standing around for 6 and 1/2 hours in between every trash pack and boss.

the “crowd” that hates fast tanks and or groups must love these dungeons though.

it’s fun being forced to stealth between the dot ticks. great design.

Lower Blackrock Spire

The place was clunky in classic and wasn’t really updated with Cata. To this day, it remains messy and unfun.


The devs forced the vehicle mechanic on us and it was hated. And nowhere was it more hated than the Oculus.

King’s Rest

Overtuned, unfun garbage. M+ affixes would regularly break this dungeon completely.

For me it’s more of the top 3 elements I hate in dungeons.

  1. Forced long RP dialogue/waiting around that we can’t skip.

  2. Mini games required to complete in the dungeon to move forward to boss.

  3. Vehicle/ extra action button fights.

The 3 dungeons I hate the most in DF after finishing KSM this season.

  1. Azure vault (overtuning and back to back bosses at end)

  2. Ruby life pools. (overtuning and we hate casters In particular final boss + quaking or volcanic combination )

  3. Halls of Valor (unforgiving timer with forced really long RP and back to back final bosses)

But let’s all thank Shadowmoon burial ground for being a free dungeon with 1/2 the dungeon being spent on worm boss.

Like what was Blizzard thinking adding Court of Stars, with that annoying RP section, to M+?

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It’s not really a specific set of dungeons but a few things:

  • Forced long RP
  • Unskippable cutscenes
  • Stupid mechanics that are deliberately designed to punish groups that aren’t playing at MDI level (over use of interrupts as a pull size determiner as an example)
  • Unavoidable tank busters in trash that don’t have any telegraph (looking at you Algathar battleaxes!!!)
  • Blizz putting in stupid traps that catch unaware groups out. Because it’s always fun to have everybody pointing fingers at each other over a mechanic nobody realizes is happening :roll_eyes:
  • Violet hold/Black morass “run around to portal” dungeons. They are just dumb.
  1. Rescuing thrall -long, slow, quest giver drama, infini dragons have mean abilities to heal through
  2. Wotlk dragonriding - hate all vehicles. I want to play my character not an npc
  3. Netherstorm prison spaceship - the parasites are always overtuned and one shot everyone

Special mention to halls of lightning/halls of stone that are awful to chromie time heal through