Your top 3 most hated dungeons in the game?

Do go on


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I actually really like Oculus, but I get why people don’t.


All of the dragonflight ones tbh. They are all painful to go through.

I agree with your first two without question
there are two that tie for third place both are in Legion
Vault of the Wardens/Blackrook Hold.

I honestly can’t think of any dungeon I hate doing. There are a few I’m more bored with mostly because I’ve done them to death.

I also thought Oculus was fun, I know people didn’t like the part where you control the dragons but for me it wasn’t hard and was a nice change of pace from doing my usual rotation.

I’m probably forgetting some but:

  1. Nokhud Offensive
  2. Black Morass/Old Hillsbrad (I count them as the same even if they’re different, since they’re both CoT)
  3. Mists of Tirna Scithe

Honorable Mentions go to Halls of Infusion due to the Tidal Wave gauntlet at the end, Brackenhide if you have no healer who can dispel diseases, Violet Hold for taking ages.

People who don’t raise the most red flags of all.

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ZA and ZG.

Having to rush in ZA was a royal pain in the butt.

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What? Don’t you like infinite diseases that you can barely keep up with dispelling?

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Brackenhide Hollow is way worse than Nokhud Offensive

Although I dunno if it’s just me but I feel like every group I’ve had for Brackenhide Hollow has been super nice and patient, but for some reason something about Nokhud Offensive brings out the toxicity.


Anything from vanilla, really. Or TBC.

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well if i ever encounter you, you’re allowed to ride on my dragon.
no nsfw comment

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  1. Nokhud Offensive
  2. Oculus
  3. Brackenhide Hollow
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trial of the crusader.
auchindoun draenei dungeon.

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(with acknowledgements that I don’t have Dragonflight, and rarely did dungeons in BFA and SL)

I don’t dislike most dungeons overall; at best they just have ‘that ONE boss’ that everyone hates.

Grimrail Depot. The concept is interesting and it has a cool skybox. That’s it. That’s all. I have no idea why anyone likes it otherwise. It’s mostly a narrow killbox corridor.

Vault of the Wardens. Not one but two Elevator Bosses to pick off the unwary. Teleporting demon guy can cause a cluster#### with all his stuns. Final boss has mechanics you have to know really well.

Pit of Saron. SO MANY TRASH MOB PACKS THAT CAN WIPE YOU. SO MANY BOSS MECHANICS THAT CAN WIPE YOU. It does at least really make you feel like you’re puny weaklings barely scraping through the domain of the dread all-powerful Lich King, somehow even more so than running away rom him in Halls of Reflection.


Wailing Caverns (too long, too much doubling back, long unskippable escort quest required to finish)
Spires of Ascension (that entire map is a flashbang)
Black Morass (the most boring dungeon ever created)

Nokhud isn’t badly designed, but there are still a lot of overtuned mobs.
Occulus dragon navigation is just annoying.

Final boss mechanics can be almost solod by 1 person who knows what to do, you just have to follow their lead.

It would be fine if you could actually kick/stun the mob with the aids spreading killing disease
but noooooo can’t do any of that.

I was going to ask if anything surpassed the Oculus yet and surprised nothing has yet to trade blows with it.

Yes, agree; it was way too long. Every time I ran that dungeon it took like, upwards of forty-five minutes to complete with all the running back and forth-and forbid anyone die because that took forever.

I like the Oculus too, I thought it was neat.

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