Anyone can post in any CS thread they wish.
You don’t even need an active account to post here. ANYONE can post.
Anyone can post in any CS thread they wish.
You don’t even need an active account to post here. ANYONE can post.
Something seems to have changed recently.
That people are getting banned for doing the quests in AV or for defending in AV suggests AV is broken. As for me: I’m happy I saw these before queuing an AV because if all we’re doing is rushing to the final zone it’s simply a dps fight. I would typically play on defense and it seems like I probably would have been banned for it.
The customer support forums are primarily a player to player forum? That seems unintuitive
It’s not the primary means to contact Blizzard Customer Service.
It is primarily a forum where players can discuss with other players, such as myself, support issues, and ask for help on how to approach the support system, but does not bypass said systems.
Not really. Customer Support isn’t Customer Service. We help folks out here all the time, most of the time folks get things resolved before an SFA has a chance to look in. Most of the time it’s run-of-the-mill stuff, and what we cannot do, we get people pointed in the right direction. Just like with the OP. Their posting here gets them nowhere at all, so we tried to advise them where they should post.
It’s stuff like this when I, as a customer service person, tell the customer “Of course, I’ll be happy to bubble that up during our next meeting” and then completely forget about it…
Not in my job description to pass along suggestions.
The Forum Support Agents are not tasked with monthtly reports like you are suggesting. Relaying forum concerns is not what they do. Their job is to provide information on how to navigate the support system, explain policies, explain services. That is what this forum is for.
Community Managers are the ones that collect feedback and compile weekly reports. They do not come to the Support forums. Those folks are in the General forums, reddit, twitter, etc. They collect feedback across the board.
I understand that function now, but I still think the name may result non-frequent forum users to come in with misaligned expectations. If its a community help forum and not a customer support form. Its not that blizzard is supporting people here, but community members?
It’s something that comes up from time to time, hence the sticky.
The best way to describe this forum is an Information Desk. Mostly frequented by volunteer regulars, but moderated/answered by Blues during their work hours. They are not here 24/7.
The role of the Blues, and regs, is to answer questions about the Support system, help people figure out how to put in tickets, explain policies, explain account or game services, etc. If someone wants to get help, but does not know where to start, this is the place.
This forum is not for suggestions though because Forum Support Agents don’t collect those for Devs. That is the role of the Community Managers who are tasked with it on the Discussion forums, reddit, twitter, websites, etc.
Apologies to the OP for the brief derailing here.
We’re your fellow players, yes. And you’re not the first to point that out in regards to the name of the forum, if it helps.
One of the biggest perks though? We’re not bound by what Blizzard employees may be. People come here, enraged that they cannot submit a ticket, not understanding fully what GMs can and cannot do. There’s nothing at all stopping us from helping this person out, like for game hints or how to proceed through this or that. Also by coming here to a forum of your peers, you’re not going to have to wait for a day or more (save for billing and account issues that necessitate a GM). The regulars here have been through quite a lot, even though we still get hit with learning curves, and we’re always happy to help where we can.
A 30 day ban for the first offence of “Afking/Non-Activity in a BG” is ridiculous and needs to be re-examined.
Why should someone lose access to their entire account for 30 days - because they made us lose an AV 3 seconds faster? Like really, the consequence of someone AFKing in AV is so minor considering how fast those games end.
Shouldn’t the punishment match the crime?
Why not just ban people from queuing for BGs? Or start with a warning suspension like 24 hours?
Jumping straight to 30 days right before what may be one of the biggest re-release dates - while Blizzard is struggling to rebuild their reputation and trust with the community - is just a terrible mistake all around. I agree unironically they need to review this and make some changes.
I’m not saying this as someone who is banned, in fact I probably reported people who were AFK. But I am NEVER reporting in a BG again knowing how extreme and unfair the response is. I had no idea someone would be banned for 30 days for something so inconsequential.
I believe because many players have got very tired of their fellow players doing just this. Being AFK in Bg’s and not helping them try to win. Also has to be more then just once, They will not suspend you if you do it just one time.
It’s annoying sure, but it’s just that. Annoying. A 30 day ban for your first account offense is super unfair for how little this actually impacts your life. Especially if you’re Horde, you were gonna lose that AV either way lol
It is also super unfair to gimp your team to leach and hide during a game.
Yes, it’s annoying. As I said. The punishment should match the crime. You are not gimped from playing the game at all for 30 days because someone went AFK. At worst, you lost a few minutes quicker.
I think Blizzard should be more harsh on players, it’s akin of purposely throwing the game. In professional sports, you throw a game on purpose, you are booted from the team permanently and blacklisted. BGs is team game.
Sure, make deserter a multi-day debuff. But I will never report someone in a BG again until I know they wont be removed from the game for a month over it. That’s way too over-the-top for what is just a boring grind for honor. No one plays AV because they love the gameplay. They play it to cap two towers and hope to win/lose as soon as possible afterwards. Nothing someone does in the span of that 6 minute match is going to make me inconvenienced enough to think they deserve to be banned for 30 days.
Unless they’re screaming slurs in BG chat - funny enough I don’t think that would even get you such a long ban
Speak for yourself, I enjoy AV, I don’t like it when people give up right out of the gate and call to let the other side win. Drop the ban hammer on those guys. Don’t queue if you are not gonna play.
There was a pretty good ban wave right before TBCC was released. They’ve done them on the eve of a few of the major patches as well. If the number of days suspended doesn’t drive home the lesson of what not to do, the timing will. All of those whose suspensions don’t get overturned won’t forget this any time soon.
That isn’t to say that there shouldn’t be better communication and clarity about all of this muck and even I was a bit shocked seeing all of the 30 day sanctions when we just had a smaller wave come through about a week ago that was only 7 days for most. But they’ve been amping up and are really trying to drive in what is acceptable and what isn’t for all of the different violations. The smaller ones weren’t working so now they’ve gone straight to a month now. It’s kind of sad that it’s come to this, but that is their decision to really try and stomp out bad behaviors.