Your quest log is full

Ion…lmao…the joker who CLEARLY HATES OLD content because it makes him look bad when he fails with new content.
Im trying to run old and new most days. If hes gonna dump 20 quests in my log for DF, then he should make allowance for the 40 Im already having dropped in my lap running around the game world trying to farm transmogs.


I agree. There should be limits by expansion, or something. So many quests are parts of long chains that are very difficult to either finish in one stretch or pick up and continue later mid-stream. Especially given the number of long current quests there are. Go get 12 of this, and do 15 of those, and win 6 races, or do that raid 4 times, etc. These aren’t quests you can drop and re-pick up without starting over, and they require often more time than can be spent in one setting. Or even one day, depending.

Maybe to prevent some yokel from going around and collecting every possible quest at once in the game, then making videos/streaming/whatever in an attempt to become an internet celebrity with a channel full of “LOL BLIZZ SO STUPID” and “WHY DOES BLIZZ ALLOW THIS” and so on.

Or “come donate to my charity run while I grab every quest in the game and give the money to charity (after taking my $500,000 cut for expenses)” or whatever.

These aren’t the ORIGINAL reasons, since youtube, twitch, twitter, etc. didn’t even exist when WoW launched. But they seem like good reasons to me to keep it in place.

I wish attunement quests for old raids only requires one clear. Love having Blackrock Foundry taking up my entire quest tracker for four weeks!

I know I can stop tracking but then I forget it’s there.

Yes… Most dungeon quests can be completed within the dungeon itself. You’re picking up too many quests preemptively, I presume most people, including myself actually take the quests we intend to complete at that moment, something can happen later and we can leave the zone, but in that case I just drop those quests until I go back. For instance, I just did all 10 allied race quests in a row, so I just picked all 10 up on 2 diff chars, and then went through each one until quest log was empty again.

I have to do this or I get lost, confused and then annoyed that stuff is all over my map. My brain can’t handle the multitude of things cluttering my map like that anymore.

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that would be acceptable…50 max per expansion, keep them separate if need be.
It only becomes a problem on my end because Im farming old content while flipping back over to current. I just had to delete a bunch of quests I HOPE I can actually take again. Sometimes you cant, I found out the hard way, if its certain questslines and youve not gotten to a specific point in the chain.
I had that happen a long while back and was told I’ll just have to start over on a different character if I wanted to finish after I deleted figuring I could take up where I left off by finding the quest giver.

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25…the limit is 25.

My quest log in retail is never full. The one in SoD with the incursions however…

Honestly, it sounds like these quest slots would have zero bearing on your own gameplay. If you already can’t manage 50 quests slots, adding more isn’t going to help you actually do any of them. And just hoarding them across players/alts does cost Blizzard money in data, and infrastructure as already pointed out, so it makes sense that a cap is kept at a reasonable level for most reasonable players.

Money in data/infrastructure? Lol. Let’s say each character used 1GB for quest data. Which is absurd already, but for a high ceiling, and to make a point, sure. There’s what, 7M subscribers right now? Each with 50 characters? That’s 350m characters. Again, way over the top, but sure, to prove that point. 1k GB is a TB. 350k TB is what we are talking about, unless my math is off. Right now, for server storage, a 10TB drive retail is about $150, so Blizz is going to be way under $100, but let’s call it $100. That’s a $3.5M cost, and let’s double it, for some raid parity, so $7M all in at these absurdly overhigh rounding values.

The reality is for increasing quests from say 35 (it’s not 50) to say, 100, to likely be about $50k in storage more? Which, if it really was 7m subscribers, would mean 70% of a penny each. Want to call it $100k? Okay a penny and a half each. Not per month, total.

Let’s just ignore the “monetary” expense of a change like this lol.


lmao…sounds like youre trying to pretend you have an argument when you dont.
its already been explained to you son, why this is an issue.
not my problem you cant cope with reality.

I agree that the limit should be removed or expanded. I cant think of a legit reason why the limit is still there.

Never had this issue.

When this happens I look to see which quests can be done quickly then hit those and turn them in to make room. Ideally they’d increase the log size but until they do that’s your best option.

I actually make it my mission to have an empty quest log. Open ones that I can complete so that it goes back to being empty

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

Meanwhile, at the Hall of Battlepets.

Have you tried completing them instead of going and getting new ones?


What quests exactly

since when?