Your quest log is full

Remember quests can have all sorts of triggers and sometimes unique scenarios linked to them up to and including zone phasing. Now imagine the server trying to keep track of all active interactions multiple players can have and multiply it by a thousand

Dude, your toon looks cool. I don’t know why but the combination of cybernetic augmentations and rotting flesh just feels extra icky. I love it.


I don’t understand how these quests keep racking up? We need more space for more quests.



Raid quests shouldn’t count against the total number.


This would be pretty nice


I would try actually doing the quests. :confused:


To those that say just do the quests what must your life be like? Literally living one hundred percent in the moment? To do lists exist for a reason. Hey that quest looks interesting I’d like to do that tomorrow when I have more time. Oh this quest chain is important, it’s got 25 steps and I’ve done six of them and am out of time for the rest. This quest involves doing ten different things and I’ve got half of them done.

There are so many different reasons to keep a quest in your log, and there’s a reason they allow 35 (with some leeway). But depending on how you play you can run into that limit quite easily. Expecting someone to keep external notes on quests they want to work is absurd.

Should there be a limit? Sure. Is 35 enough? Hardly given the number of zones and expansions and events constantly happening.


I never thought I’d make a Mechagnone but felt compelled to try out a DK when they added the option because Mechagnomes had extra “undead” skin colors that gnomes have and the whole body horror feel was too awesome.

Reminds me of Sci-Fi B movies or the Borg from StarTrek


Looking at the 20,000 unread emails I have that I’m not going to clear out I’m fine with Blizz keeping a reasonable cap on my quest log for me.

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So what are the other 20 quests?

Yes! That’s actually exactly what came to mind after I made that post!

I’ve literally been spending the last two days trying to clear my quest log down, but here’s what i have on my main, that I’m now putting a focus on for Season 4. I’m at 26/35 but I was pushing the 35-37 range constantly prior:

  • Embers of Neltharion - This is in the upper quest area, so I believe it’s exempt. Haven’t done it on this char, but have done it numerous times. Just being thorough.
  • Azsuna - Infiltrating Shipwreck Arena - Want to do this chain
  • Dalaran - Bringer of the Light - Want to do this chain
  • Frostfire Ridge - Nemesis - dwarf heart, gotta queue for that one PVP zone these days, but need the quest to even try
  • Krokuun - The Hand of Fate - Working on Working on BofA stuff
  • Nazjatar - Back Out to Sea - Working on BofA stuff
  • The Maw - Worn Obleron Etching - A random item pick up I haven’t turned in
  • The Ruby Sanctum - Assault on the Sanctum - Screwed it up the week I was there, have to go back
  • The Vindicar - Prophecy Stirs - Legion chain
  • Tom of Sargeras - Aegwynn’s Path I’m at 1/4
  • Vale of Eternal Blossoms - Uncovering the past - working through this chain
  • Artifact - The Power within - Chains…
  • Azerothian Archives - The Big Dig - weekly or something just gotta be on at the right time
  • Black Empire Campaign - A Titanic Problem - Another chain
  • Engineering - A Titanic Problem - Legion one where my troll toy was on CD halfway through because I got hit by something, so didn’t want to wait 26 minutes doing nothing
  • Garrison Campaign - Head to SMV, chain
  • Garrison Support - Two shipyard quests
  • Heart of Azeroth - middle of this chain
  • Heritage - Blood Elf chain
  • Horde War Campaign - BofA stuff
  • Legionfall Campaign - Legion stuff
  • Pandaren Brewmasters - Mop scenario
  • The Deaths of Chromie - middle of that chain

This is the issue. If you are on an alt, and you’ve done stuff on different characters, you can either ignore what you have done, or go back and re-experience it on that character, but it’s not easy to just plow through one chain at a time. And when you’ve done it before, it sometimes gets a bit repetitive, so you do it for a bit, then pause it, and do something else. And picking up the quests themselves is a huge massive time sink, so when you are short on time anyway, the last thing you want to do is spent a bunch of up front time just flying to pick up the quest, and that’s if you remember where it is exactly too.

The scale of the game is massive now, with all of the expansions and zones. And WoW actually does a pretty good job with their quests, so they are fun to do. But the micro-management can be cumbersome. Now, one viable solution could be that if you made contact with that quest-giver at the time, then in some sort of built in quest database that SHOULD exist in the UI (think like the raid and dungeon stuff) then you could ‘start’ that quest at any point in the future from said database (or call it a log if it makes you feel better) without having to revisit that person.

This could cut down on the number of quests we have visible and active, and instead of devoting actual system/character resources to the details of a quest, could just be a flag that says “activatable” or something in the backend. That would be slick and useful.

Most of us just want to play the game. But the game itself makes this hard to do. And folks judging HOW you play the game makes it even worse.


true representation of my log. :sob:

…but i’m not going to cry about it, because i’ve only got myself to blame.

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Seems like maybe you should knock some of these out then?

I literally said that’s what I’m doing, and I’ve already knocked out like 10 of what I had. Takes time. Season 3 I spent building an alt army, because I had tons of free time, but now I have a LOT less, so just trying to focus on the one. Also had to work on pugging raids (AOTC) and pugging M+ dungeons (KSM this season) so I’ve been busy on several fronts. But given the season is almost over I’m now devoting to questing (the DF meta) too.

Slowly working towards a combined 100k kills too, but I don’t focus on rated PVP. Just for funzies.

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Everything has to have a limit.

Each quest carried by players has some kilobyte amount of data held in a database, spread across 7 million players, it adds up.

With that said, the current limit is too small.

We can have up to 50 quests. No one is actually actively working on 50 quests. If you’re hitting that limit, you’ve collected a bunch of quests that you don’t have any real intention of doing in the short term, and thus do not need to have in your log right this second.

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The game can certainly dump a lot on you…and if you are like me and youre running current AND old content simultaneously, it can be very irritating to have to start deleting quests you need to do but cant do right now.

or…and humor me on this…you can mind your own business on this one and not tell us how to run OUR games and foam about our asking for more quest slots given it has ZERO bearing on YOUR game if there are more added :+1:


In one of the recent Ion interviews, he says it’s designed to be limited in order to urge the player to complete the quests.

However if you have quests from several different expansions, including all the catch up in the current one on an alt, it’s pretty clear there needs to be a quest log extension. This is a design choice by someone who doesn’t have alts and doesn’t explore older content simultaneously.