Your quest log is full

Is one of the biggest annoyances I still have to deal with in this game.

Why is the limit still so small? I dropped everything I could, all my quests are current Dragonflight stuff and it still ends up full.

“Just drop some if your log is full”

That’s what I’ve been doing, over and over again.

  • Do I drop the crafting quest I’m still working on?

  • Do I drop a dungeon quest I still need to complete and will have to travel halfway across the map to pick up again?

  • Do I drop the quest that’s gonna lead me to an interesting story bit that I have no clue where I picked up?

  • Do I drop the quest that comes from an item I dropped in my bank which I’ll forget about if I drop?

  • Do I drop the weekly PVP quest and go all the way back to Valdraken if I decide to queue for arena skirmish while farming ores?

Having to constantly go back into the log every 20 minutes to decide which quest I can drop for now and keep note of where I got it from to go back to get it later just so I can pick up a new one often feels like a chore.


Not sure why its limited in the first place.
I’m sure someone will provide some.
WoW’s not alone either.


I personally like to accept a few quests at a time and complete them before moving on to others. It’s slow going but you don’t end up with a build up.


Honestly, I’m the type that wants to experience everything. I want to do ALL of the quests, so I pick up everything as I see them. Sometimes, it’s hard to find the quests you’re missing without using an addon, so I pick them up as I see them.

Then my log is full and I have to delete a bunch of stuff :frowning: It’s quite sad. I’m all for removing this limitation, or at least increasing the number.


They need to remove the limit or make it like 200…


I too wonder why the limit exists. Imo, it doesn’t really add anything to the game.

Edit: I suppose allowing players to pick up 1000 quests might end up problematic, but the cap could certainly be increased.


I could be wrong but I assume the reason is space. I mean, there is only so much space on display and next to the map.

I get the reminder part. If I didn’t keep notes, I would have no idea what each character was doing after I take a break from WoW or just not playing a character for a while.

If it was twenty or even ten years ago, I would tell you to suck it up and make smart choices but the reality is the game has gotten really complicated, offering a lot of paths at once, and more space is needed to accommodate that increase in offered activities.

So I would say put in a suggestion asking for it with that reasoning. WoW has made a lot of adjustments over the last while with the HUD and this might just be something they haven’t thought of or thought thru.

BTWQuests help with that bit, at least.

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My suggestion is that they use the fact that the quests are sorted into different types. Let each type have their own limit. Set that limit to equal of that of the total quests now.


As long as there’s undismissable quest pests following you around, there should be no limit.


Those tend to disappear when leaving the intended questing area only to reappear when you return. I suppose that some quests may be an exception to this.

I did what you did OP and then later got Zygor to help with specific quest chains. It’s been clean since, and I’m nearly at the point of finishing DF ones that auto-occupy your questlog.

I agree with

Is an excellent free one.

I struggle with a full quest log, too, and it sometimes discourages me from questing too.

My ideal solution would be to have separate quest log caps for each expansion, and one for expansion-unrelated quests (crafting, PvP, etc). Assuming quests have a flag that indicates when they were added, that might not be too challenging to implement.


start finishing the quest chains before starting a new one?



I won’t accept quests without the intent of completeting them outright, for that very reason.

Items that start quests, I’ll leave in my inventory until I have room for them.

PvP weekly quest to complete 3 battleground blitzes, or get 1500 honor in battlegrounds?

Buckle up, we’re completing those now lol.

And profession quests, I tend to do last, because you can always get someone else with better skill to craft stuff for you, via the Artisan’s thingy.

Also I tend to blaze through story quests because I know they’re always chains.

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I dont know how people hoard 25 quests


Might be like a lag thing or a map limitation thing, but that’s only my guess :thinking:

Do some quests, problem solved.


They don’t do quests.
I don’t see what people gain from hoarding this amount of quests and demanding for more. It’s good to have a limit so players can space themselves.