Your Opinion On the Phase Release Rate?

I prefer a nice slow release rate. The slower the better.


Putting way to much emphasis on the word phase…

It is the 2 world bosses and turning on honor…ALL of which should have been released with launch…

Phase 2 should have been BWL and BG’s

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You didn’t need to continue with the ad hominem attacks, when you still explained your side. IDK why you keep doing it.

Even then, we (generally speaking) wanted Classic, correct? That comes with Dire Maul, BGs, Naxx, etc. You’re still “changing” Classic with the “release” of these phases. Giving us access to these places that should’ve been accessible, in the first place.

The point of “unchanging” is not adding in things. It gets confusing, when they phase everything out 'cause we (generally speaking) were “promised” Classic, but we still don’t have it.

We have a fraction of Classic.

I feel rushed. Let these phases last please. This only happens once. Gear inflation will make everything irrelevant fast, I just want to enjoy this dungeon phase.

He doesn’t have to explain anything to you. This is a defciency on your part if you require this of others in your life.

Again, with the ad hominem attacks.

This is a discussion board. The point is to discuss.

Not even close. I never said anything about gear. MC is boring AF. Raids that relieve people of doing is a must for the life of the game. MC is a sub killer.

“classic isnt about you” WTF? you DO KNOW THAT VANILLA WAS THE PREMIER solo game rite? Oh and I thought Classic was about the “journey”
“adventuring” You sound so corny when you say it’s about my guild or server. This Faux Vanilla spiritual revivalism is sad.

Give me a f break. Classic is exactly the same as retail. Both are themepark MMOs centered around gathering gear.

Rose tinted glasses has made you spew this trash. Made you continue a myth.

I am actually highly disappointed, maybe even a touch outraged. It is not that we should avoid BGs or other additions. I am ok with that. It is that these early releases signal untrustworthiness: how soon will they destroy end content? I have 2 lvl 40+ toons and no toons at 60 yet. So I get to enjoy zones and quests at my pace, BUT I fear I won’t get to enjoy the various raids before the raid crowd has moved on.

IF Blizz would commit to not eliminating classic end content, then I would be fine. But I left vanilla because I could not do the toons and zones and quests at the pace I wanted before Blizz/Action eliminated the end raids. I won’t wait around as long this time if that happens again. Last time I playe 3+ years. This time how long?

To soon. It would be nice if people can level up at least 2-3 chars to 60, which would probably take the average working person 6 - 8 months to do. In my opinion, the game still feels new and they are pandering to the steamers attitudes. But hey what can we do besides just accept blizzards decisions with the phases eh?

The Lazy and the tragically casual who decided to roll on PVP servers are the ones wailing on the forums.


I’ve been ‘ready’ for a while but would prefer it was a slower rollout. I’m okay w/ Classic moving slowly

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this is complete bs

If vanilla’s timeline and the current rate of classic releases are anything to go by, phase 2’s release means phase 3 is probably 2-3 months away.

It does make more sense for them to release things quickly to keep people interested in Classic (as it’s dropping fast ATM, as all releases do). This doesn’t bode well for it’s overall life, though.

It is rushed. You have a fraction of the player base that hit 60 within the first or two and is “bored”. Blizzard wants to appease this minority. The PvP only players cry about what they knew before the game launched. Blizzard wishes to appease them as well.

So they released Dire Maul a treat. Phase 2 is to appease PvP players, but won’t do it. Until battlegrounds are released they’ll be restless. So for those of us whom value our time outside WoW more we’re behind now. If you have valued just enjoy the leveling experience at all and you’re on a PvP server it’s going to be a rough Phase 2. I’m on one of the lower pop pvp servers, but there are still enough to cause problems while finishing to 60 and leveling alts.

I wish they’d have committed to a December or January release to let the holidays end before committing to Phase 2. Either you’re going to have to develop a lot of patience on pvp servers or move to pve. That’s even on my server, Earthfury.


Your ego is through the roof lol

As if you’re some household name for wow players

Lol. Best guild on the server???

Proved him wrong, has nothing to say now other than throw out personal insults.

I said nothing egotistical. I stated a fact. I am making this post as a guild leader of the best guild on my server. You did your research and found it to be true. That’s why you aren’t debating it.


This is not the topic at hand. Stick to it please.

No opinion.

Whatever happens happens.

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Let me ask you this. How long do you plan to play Classic?

Until I get bored and stop. I might start again at some point after that, who knows?

As of now I don’t see myself quitting any time soon.

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