Your Opinion On the Phase Release Rate?

What is your opinion of the rate at which Blizzard is releasing phases?

I am the guild leader of the best guild on my server. I spend about 18-20 hours a day playing Classic WoW.

Even though I am incredibly well prepared I believe Blizzard is jumping the gun here. I can’t imagine how rushed the casual playerbase feels.

Take your time Blizzard. Let this last. Let the players truly enjoy this game.

How does everyone else feel?

Edit: At this rate the Naxx phase releases in July so Shadow Lands can release in September. Marketing technique?


Definitely jumping the gun. I play many hours a day and still feel like there isn’t enough time to do everything needed to be a raider and work on pvp ranks, while farming consumables and finding time to relax and level an alt or just screw around. This date is far far too quick and I hope it isn’t a sign of how long each phase is going to last.


I personally think the release dates are too soon with little to no time to prepare. I think blizzard should be doing a better job with informing us on the release dates and not throwing them up randomly with little to no time. Us hardcore raiders are prepared but some hardcore raiders are a little shy of the gun and are forced into bigger shoes then they can fulfill, I believe in a extensive play time but no longer then 7-8 hrs a day although I play 12-18hrs if BWL launches as soon as I think it will be I am not happy. I haven’t had all of my fun yet in the phase we are playing. It is, grind, grind, grind and I love the grind. but little time for fun and it is ruining the classic experience for me. please slow down! release BWL in 5mo +


as a PvP player i cant wait for the phase to release so i can get some gear lol. I cant wait for bgs too so i can get gear from the BG reps :slight_smile: Those who cant pvp will complain but forget them ^^

Edited for Language by the Moderation Team.

I LOVE PvP. That’s not the issue here.

The issue I have is that we have less time to enjoy each phase. You may love PvP but the life time of Classic is reduced with every rushed phase.

I am in this for the long haul and I want this to last.


Seemed fine

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we dont know how much phase 3 will take , maybe a year? but phase 2 was needed since not all can do PvE and for those who wants PvP the only thing they can do is to sit and wait for phase2.


Jesus christ


Nope let it all out now so before this time next year all this wont be worth a spit in a bucket.
Hurry now Hurry!!!

Lol. Is that your educated guess?

You think from BWL to ZG we will have a gap of 1 year?

What does this even mean?

It means you need to get better at reading comprehension. Self explanatory :roll_eyes:

dude needs serious help or an intervention.


No. You need to get better at explaining yourself.

We are talking about NOW. Not a year from now. NOW.

So if this is damaging the quality of the game NOW(it is) then we should be talking about it.

And I believe you need to understand that this phase releasing NOW impacts the game a year from now. Any phase that is rushed to be released also causes the next phase to release sooner than it would have if the previous phase was released later.

ITT: people who made wild assumptions that this artificial time gating was anything other than stretching out content. It was NOT meant for you to “catch up” There were no set dates at all. Some of you REALLY dreamed up some 4 year plan.

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2 years. We are looking at 1 year MAX at this rate.

2 years? LOL You’re lucky to get a year, maybe! I want to raid ZG. I don’t want to run MC more than statistically possible.

No, they said it could be a year until BWL. I think you may be misinformed on what is coming in each phase.

It has been stated (in at least one of the pre-classic interviews) that phases won’t be released at a consistent rate and that the early phases were likely to come faster than the later phases.

Lets act like that makes sense.

Yes. 2 years for all content. You know…like the original timeline?

Trust me. I live and breath Classic WoW. I know what is coming in every phase.

Source for your claim?

Original timelime? WTF nobody EVER said that would be the case. EVER. It will be in the order of, but not a minute for minute clone of content released.

You people have got some complete misinformation going on.

The ORIGINAL timeline of Classic/Vanilla WoW. You know? The one 15 years ago?

Or perhaps you think this is a new game. I think you have some complete misinformation going on.