Your Opinion On the Phase Release Rate?

I think bringing PVP systems quickly is a good thing. I’m PvE-centric, as many are, so I’d be concerned if BWL/ZG/AQ40/Naxx started coming faster than some of the more casual raiding guilds could progress, but PVP-centric players have been very bored since release with nothing to work towards. Ideally I think they should bring in BGs early like they did with Dire Maul so that this interim nightmare for people leveling 48-60 doesn’t last too long, and then wait a long time for P3 onward.

PvP systems are gonna be important because they give something for the more hardcore players to enjoy and grind out indefinitely while casual players catch up. I hope P2 is coming this quickly because Blizzard realizes this, and not because they think people will join retail post-Classic just because of the level60 level squish.

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See this is what i think was meant when blizz said “You think you do” everyone is worried about their gear…to the point last night (My guild does community pugs while we wait for people to level since we arent hardcore) we had 17 rogues pst,…6 joined…11 said “How many rogues? more than 2?” then didnt join when i said yes…same with healers…they meant that youre not going to get to play properly because the people who get lucky RNG wont “Want to run MC more than statistically possible” even though 10/40 of their raiders are undergeared for the next set of content. and if this is the rate they release stuff at, you better pray your RNG stays high or youre gonna be left behind when everyone out gears you.

Classic isnt about YOU, its about your server and your guild. Stop being so selfish,.

On the PVP note though, HONOR SYSTEM should have been along side DM imo, its the fact the WHOLE phase is coming out this early that bothers me

YES. 100% YES.

The scary thing is thinking this rate of Phase releases stays regardless of what comes with the next phase.

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Naxx won’t be in july. This is just world bosses and honor. It’ll be a while before we see bwl.

I think it’s too fast, but I’m not rushing to level 60 - taking it very slowly and playing loads of alts.

I guess they have to strike the balance that is best for the people who are desperate to raid and the people who like to level and adventure.

I don’t feel “rushed”, at all. This isn’t a “progression” game. It was meant to be a museum piece, to preserve what was. It’s supposed to be “unchanging”. I have nothing but time.

TBH, all of it should’ve been released as soon as Classic launched. These phases give the community a wrong impression that Classic is some form of “progression” game, when it’s not :woman_shrugging:

LOL! Not even going to debate this.


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They’ll get here when they get here (aka on Hawaiian time).

I don’t see how you’ll change my mind, if you don’t.

I’m not on this earth to fix you. Anyone that has the stance you do is well beyond saving. Sorry.


Yeah - that’s pretty much how I feel. I did the whole “progression” thing during Vanilla (in fact, I was a raid GM of a moderately successful guild), and I can’t imagine getting on a gear-upgrade merry-go-round again - spending hours raiding etc… just doesn’t appeal in 2019.

If I hit 60 by Christmas I’ll consider it reasonable.

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Each phase will be 3-5 months.

Actually this is modeled after something RS and EQ did called “Classic PROGRESSION servers” so technically the model is for progression, its just prog through something already set out and known.

That didn’t take long for the ad hominems to start kicking in.

Ohh the irony.

Releasing all of Classic, when they launched it still is “unchanging”. Dire Maul, BGs, Naxx, etc. were all in Vanilla which is what we (generally speaking) wanted, correct?

No. No it’s not.

You gotta explain your side.

I don’t “gotta” do anything. Since you’re so dense, let me help you.

Vanilla WoW did not release with all of its content.

Releasing wow with all of its content on launch would be a change.

So again.

The irony the palpable.

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Content is coming out too fast. It should be released at the same rate as original vanilla. No reason to rush everything out. The reason I re-activated my sub was so because I like the slower pace of Vanilla.