Your Opinion On the Phase Release Rate?


Ok guy

Phase 1 is too boring. Classic is in its best state is when there are BG’s and 20 mans.

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Agreed HOWEVER I wish to enjoy the better phases for a longer time.

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Not happy too soon for me to get to 60. It’s a bummer but was fun for a bit. Sub runs out next weekend perfect timing.

I love PvP too. But I do not love PvE, at all. I’m about burned out because I haven’t done any battlegrounds. I am not enjoying phase 1. I want phase three.

What I’m getting at is, we all have an opinion. Doesn’t mean its correct or incorrect. Everyone’s different

Ohh absolutely. I actually agree with you. I can’t wait for Phase 3. I just don’t want it to be rushed from THEN ON. That’s what worries me.

I would imagine they will be adjusted to make sure classic is at a point of maximum boredom when retail content releases.

They’re of course happy to get so many classic players and have retail players play classic instead of dropping their subscription, but in the end they want us all in the version with the store.

I like to think I’m a fairly “average” player, when considering time played. I hit L60 not too long ago, I’m wearing almost every pre-BiS item a holy paladin can get, I have my T2 helm, and 2 pieces of gear from MC. I’m another day or two of farming away from having all the gold required for my epic mount.

I fee like 11/12/19 is incredibly early for P2. I won’t have hardly any extra gold for consumables saved, I won’t have a full set of epic gear, and I won’t be able to match up with some of the more dedicated players that have been L60 for a month or more.

And even though I fee like P2 is coming too early it really isn’t a huge issue imo. It will just require people to be grouped up when roaming Azeroth. As a healer I won’t leave a capital city unless I’m getting a Summon somewhere, or I’m in a group. Yeah I’ll spend 90% of my time gold farming in DM East until i feel more prepared. But that’s fine. Can’t wait to rank up!

They needed to implement phase 2 so raiders could start working on ranking while they continue to gear up in preparation for steamrolling casual pvpers who won’t have that sweet raid gear.

This thread is typical of its genre, which I call “the changes I want are more authentic to the spirit of vanilla than the release schedule or the changes other people want”.

These threads always start with…

Typical response A:

Typical response B:

Typical response C:

Typical response D:

And you think this is a good thing?

This is my observation, based on how pvp gearing was implemented in retail as well.

For anyone who has not played retail or kept up with it, pvp gearing in retail is based on getting one random piece of gear a week from a box you qualify for by earning currency. You can easily get duplicates multiple weeks in a row. The gear is far worse than most raid gear. So raiders get easy wins in BfA pvp.

The game director, who only raids max level content and does not do pvp, has told us the reason there are no pvp vendors is that people can’t find them.