Your Mage can do stuff! So, DO STUFF!

And that is your right, just like I have the right to play how I want to, and you have no right to tell me I am wrong for doing so.

I have every right to tell you that you’re wrong. Your $15 dollars does not give you freedom of other peoples opinions. Let me guess you’re the same kind of idiot that thinks freedom of speech lets you run around tossing racial slurs around without repercussion?


And now you resort to insults. Great job showing you have no vaild points.

Goodbye, you are not worth my time.

Anyone who keyboard turns and clicks their spells in WoW in 2021 should just delete their character and unsub. These people are a disgrace to gaming.

I mean you haven’t argued against anything i’ve said so what the hell do I care what you say? Get lost Karen.

hunters have this awesome thing called arcane shot as well seems to be one your missing lol

i dont think you actually do more damage tho beause it increases you attack speed by a ton your jsut hitting with your staff or one hander lol maybe if your got maxed wep skills but not all casters do lol

the trick is to go balls out top the meters and use your toolkit in the process :stuck_out_tongue: granted easy to do on a hunter lol

Don’t forget rogues. The number of them that don’t understand how their various cc abilities can bring a group under control and turn a wipe into a win is mind boggling.

And the Rogues that open with Cheap Shot and not Garrote?!

I mean…really?!

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you are in the wrong place.

the forum users are 95% just bad. its easy to tell based on their opinions of most things.

so coming here asking people to play better will just end up triggering people

I open cheap shot most of the time on this rogue. Mainly because we are 3 months in, he is naxx geared, the people leveling tanks aren’t, and everyone in that run knows there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell I am not taking aggro on that mob lol. I even spec’d out of daggers and into maces knowing the tanking was coming lol.

Don’t. Especially if you’re tanking with Warriors or Druids. If they’re starting a pull, a Warrior or Druid wants to get hit a few times to generate rage. They can’t do that if the mob is stunned.


Not sure how many single pulls you are doing in normal ramps, but a tank getting hit in a 4 pull to build rage isn’t the problem here. It is the timing of the cheap shot. Easiest way to mitigate this is to throw a target on the mob you want me to cheap shot and hold. Believe me when I tell you that I will literally be tanking whatever mob I open on and taunting is better used on other players in these runs.

That’s not an arrogance or a lern2play my class thing either. The gear difference is way too high and no one needs me sitting for 10 seconds when I can just off tank things at this level due to the very high dodge chance.

Not saying it isn’t situational. But generally speaking, a Warrior or a Bear wants to get hit a few times to generate some rage. As a Bear, I don’t have as much a problem given how I generate Rage through hits and crits. But Warriors? I know they want to get hit a few times.

So, yeah, there’s a bit of leeway. But as a general rule, open with Garrote more often than not. The bleed is nice and it’s also increased with Mangle.


I know my class and generally speaking I agree not to open cheap shot. In a normal setting where a tank is capable of holding aggro off me I will open garrote or if I a feeling spicy with my spec that day I will open ambush.

But I am level 62 on this toon. The rage generation a warrior will get from one mob in a 4 pull isn’t going to really matter if the warrior has to keep wasting it trying to take aggro back from me. In this scenario where I drastically over gear my tank, 10 seconds of stuns with cs ks gives the tank enough time to get aggro on everything else so that by the time I kill the first mob the tank never loses it again.

Also none of this implies opening the second the tank makes first contact either. It is still best to give the tank 2 to 3 seconds to establish the location they want to tank. Once established, that’s when you drop a cs.

I like to enslave the Homonculus before Illhoof and take him into the Shade of Aran fight. He is a huge boost to damage done, if you have two locks with two of them its like an auto win on shade.

Some groups do brick H BM by not purging/stealing the haste buff.

Sometimes that boss’s spell reflect shield overlaps the huge speed buff, so spell-stealing immediately isn’t always an option. Purge, and dispel in the same boat too, but not sure if Arcane shot would work in that situation or not… I don’t play hunter.

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I mean that place is so big you could pull threat, kite and then fear safely. Not ideal but certainly doable when you’re light on CC.