Your hope for Midnight

It’s in the Sylvanas novel. The orcs slaughtered his ranger-general and chief advisor (incidentally the Windrunner matriarch and patriarch), the Farstriders held an inquiry, and he burned evidence of the Horde’s involvement. He then swore his new ranger-general to secrecy on the grounds that none of this was a high elf concern and they’d brought their deaths upon themselves by travelling beyond the Sunwell’s protection. Great guy, real ethical paragon.

Anasterian’s opinion on the lethargic orcs has never been given FWIW. Only the human kingdoms are noted to have voted on the orcs’ fate. He left the Alliance over a variety of grievances; the most recent one, per Chronicles 2, was the betrayal he perceived in its retreat from QT to besiege BRS.

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Ah, haven’t read that one.

Well, that’s pretty damned messed up, although I still don’t see how its, ‘Covering for the Horde,’ exactly. Seems more like he was trying to keep Quel’Thalas out of the war than anything else.

Yeah, it’s pretty messed up. Makes Sylvanas’ decision to join the Horde even more messed up in a way though. Can’t imagine what the average Blood Elf would think if they ever learned about that.

Somehow, I don’t think it’d be, “Oh boy, this just PROVES allying with the Horde was the right idea all along!” Not that I want to open that can of worms.

Hrmn… I could’ve sworn he was among those who wanted genocide, but I could be mistaken. The Sylvanas novel already tarnished what little image he had to begin with.

To be clear, not saying that voting for genocide made him look good. Rather, the Sylvanas novel only made him look even worse than before. Getting a bit tricky to see how/why he was so respected at this rate, other than a heroic last stand. Really, doing nothing at the death of his own Ranger-General REALLY sours the only identity he had, which had been caring for his people’s welfare above all else. Apparently he was willing to let even that slide to a degree, if it worked out for the, ‘greater good.’

I actually hope the Darkfallen don’t stay in silvermoon, they should help certainly but i despise the idea of breaking up the forsaken, that said i would like to see greater horde involvment in the defense of silvermoon


For WoW to be fun and entertaining again.
Silvermoon updated.
Siege of Stormwind.
More customization options for all races.
The Return of Our true Warchief from beyond oblivion
Sylvanas’ head on a pike.

The first half is a pretty comfy look at Quel’Thalas before the Scourging. It predictably falls apart when Sylvanas takes her header off Icecrown and the Jailer retcons commence.

I’m not sure how else I’d interpret the destruction of evidence that incriminated the Horde in killings he’d decided to cover up their part in, but certainly his motivation was to keep the elves out of the war.

Surely it’d be the Alliance’s elves who would take a dimmer retrospective on Anasterian if the extent of his forbearance were made public knowledge. The specific deaths he hushed up were Windrunners, who only survive in the Alliance.

I guess that’s what I’m getting at. It’d be surpassingly hypocritical for Anasterian to wag his ghostly finger at Theron’s partnership with the Horde when Anasterian himself broke off their old alliance and enabled the evils of its previous, far worse incarnation.

See, I quite like the lore’s reassessment of Anasterian as a flawed, morally compromised figure. It pokes holes in this misconception a lot of MHPs have that the high elves of old were all goodly heroes of virtue and only the bad ones took up the blood elf mantle. Alleria herself was patient zero for no few of her race’s uglier traits.

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Covering it up sounds like he’s intentionally doing it for the Horde’s benefit. To me, at least.

Well, apparently Arator is living in Silvermoon City, and may even be seen as attractive to some of the elves therein, according to Alleria’s short story. I don’t know if Arator’s surname is canonically Windrunner. It’s not as if Turalyon’s surname has ever been revealed. Or maybe it has and I missed it. Regardless, if Arator Windrunner is a popular figure within Quel’Thalas, I think Anasterian’s dismissive reaction to the death of the Ranger-General and her husband could prove to be bad publicity.

Granted it doesn’t get much worse than what Kael’thas ended up doing to the Sunstrider name anyways.

Perhaps, but in my mind I framed it in a different perspective. According to old novels, like Arthas, whilst Anasterian ruled, VERY few outsiders were allowed in Quel’Thalas. It wasn’t as if humans and dwarves and gnomes were just freely wandering around the High Elves’ ancient homeland.

As an isolationist, allowing ANY races to brazenly waltz through those territories feels like something he’d frown on. That the Horde had races with a history of attempted genocide against the elves would only make that worse. It’s a plot point that Blizzard DOESN’T explore for obvious reasons, but I have to figure SOME of the Forsaken once literally tore apart Quel’Thalas while under the Lich King’s control. While the Elves can absolutely handwave that, it has to be at least a LITTLE weird that they’re sitting at the same table with the faces that ripped apart their families and tore down their cities and temples.

I mean, you’d think some Orcs would recognize Forsaken from their time in the Internment Camps.

The Forsaken’s antagonistic role against the Horde in the past really has been swept under the rug.

To me, this seems like a retcon of Anasterian’s original personality. He was always flawed and morally compromised. He all but back pedaled on a blood oath. That said, his flaws were all focused on what was best for his people, which I liked. It’s what made Kael’thas originally such an interesting character: making bad choices for his people’s welfare.

In another timeline, Alleria would’ve been a Blood Elf, and used fel magic instead of void magic to hunt down the Scourge and slaughter the enemies of Quel’Thalas with the sort of ferocity that would’ve put the likes of Garrosh Hellscream to shame. She was always depicted as a very ruthless person. I mean, in the Second War she drank the blood of orcs, if I’m recalling some tidbit from a novel correctly.

That said, I don’t think any of the Windrunners are exactly paragons of virtue and morality. Maybe Lirath could’ve been, but even he seems like he’d have just wound up a socialite and a hedonist.

No, you are not.

Thankfully this didn’t happen and she remains one of the Alliance’s proud heroes.

I hope they bring back the position of Warchief for the Horde. The Horde doesn’t really feel like the Horde anymore…. At least to me anyway.

I know it will never happen , but I’d like to see prominent pandaren characters get some story/screen time.

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It’d be cool if warchief became a temporary position like dicator in rome, where one is only empowered during a crisis


It’s so frustrating they ended up giving the Alliance a Warchief(High King) when it always should have been a council and then gave the Horde a council when it should always be a Warchief.

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Liadrin getting a unique model

Blood Knights doing their thing

Void elves doing something useful

Azshara rocking up and doing her laugh

Johnny Silvermoon being the main character

I would like Silvermoon to become the neutral capital.

The Thalassian people (VE, HE, BE…) are united and they become neutral.

The Sunwell is corrupted and becomes the Voidwell.

Alleria becomes the new leader of Silvermoon because Lor’Themar prefers to live in Suramar with his wife.

Your bait game is weak mate.


The first and second wish could come true at Midnight.





high elf fans still mad that quel’thalas left the team and decided not to simp for humans like they do. Pretty pathetic if you ask me.

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Erevien shilling for the colonizer kingdom today because he forgot to take his meds.

I am a Kael’thas fan first of all. The races are secondary.

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Cool, then stop bringing up nAtIvE races every 10 seconds just to get some desperate brownie points with the X crowd.

It is really, truly, getting tiresome.

Like we all know you think the Darkspears are primitives and Talanji should be decapitated, you’re not fooling anyone.

Kael’thas is a draenei fanboy.

He bobbed his head on Kil’jaedens lap.

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