Your hope for Midnight

Write one thing down you totally WANT to happen in a good way for Midnight. My personal one is Kael’thas getting a second chance at life and making a grand return to Silvermoon together with Sylvanas where they tell Alleria to the face that the Horde is their home now.

The salt from the MHPs would be grand and glorious.


Well, that is certainly a hope. Keep hoping, keep dreaming, even though reality will 100% disappoint you. :rofl:

Now here’s My hope: I wish that Thrall had less screentime. Unfortunately, given how the latest cinematic confirmed that Thrall will be the main character of the Worldsoul Saga and the entire saga will be centred around helping him reconnect to the World Soul, I know that Midnight will be just Horde wank fiesta, same as TWW.

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I hope zuko captures the avatar and regains his honor.

On a serious note. I just hope a lot of good blood elf lore gets added.


Male human paladins are deleted as a playable option :dracthyr_crylaugh:

Joking aside, I just hope the story is good and that the trolls get to play the hero for a change instead of being glorified loot piñatas


Continuing the discussion from Your worst fears of Midnight:

The same fears of not seeing this stuff in TWW are my hopes to see! Or just refer to my post history… I think I’m very transparent and honest of my wants and hopes! :laughing:

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I want at least 1 of 2 things

  • Elves barely holding the line against the forces of the void, when they see the Amani rushing in with war cries. Everyone thinks they’re screwed until the Amani run past the elves to start chopping up void freaks, because if they weren’t cool with the elves building on their sacred lands, do you think they’d be okay with this?

  • Xal trying the same tactics to split the factions against each other again like the Twilights/BL did and it just failing because it turns out the various leaders are more introspective than a potato and have learned to do basic due diligence and outreach before going into a foamy rage over a provocation.


I can see the Amani going SEE?! There was a damn reason we told you not to build here! and then they go ham on the void creatures, proving why troll kind is really good at fighting the void


Another troll raid. We’re due and those raids always have the most fun fights and aesthetics. God i miss Oppulence

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We need a Siege of Stormwind for a change :dracthyr_heart:


Hmm it be nice to see Troll “Shadow Hunters” being able to battle more than evil spirits… or define what a “Shadow Hunter” even is beside one thinking of a hybrid of Shaman and Priest class, as they fight the Void.


A relevant monk npc having a full blow cutscene defeating a major enemy barefist, thats my hope for every expansion, it never happens.

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Ji or Chen?

I hope that the “reuniting of the scattered elven tribes” is a very meaningful and thought out plot beat and not a preachy moral thing where all the elf leaders squawk at the players in unison how we all need to be friends now.


I hope that we defeat Dimensius and have the possibility to explore and heal K‘aresh. Xal change sides and fight with us.

Anyone, you could create a new blood elf monk npc, have him be relevant and do the thing.

Thrall could reroll a monk as well, i dont care which monk, as long as it is a cool fight sequence.

I hope Silvermoon City gets an awesome update into a living, Suramar/Boralus-like zone - with questing in the city designed so that there aren’t permanent hostile mobs wandering around, so that every area of the new city can be used by roleplayers.

I hope that Lor’themar, Rommath, Halduron, and Liadrin get their own chances to shine, and plenty of time to show off their personality and individuality.

I hope that the Horde/Alliance divisions, and the inter-elf divisions, are treated respectfully and are not resolved with a simple handwave. Even though they work together, I’d like for the story to note that there are plenty who are very unhappy about working together, and that the story doesn’t say ‘and they’re idiots for not dropping these old grudges instantly’.

Similarly, I hope the blood elves don’t have to get too cozy with the Kirin Tor again, and that there’s a minor plot about former Sunreavers which clears up the lore about how long those prisoners were held, when/how they were released, and the effect that second Dalaranian mock trial had on blood elf perception of the Kirin Tor/Alliance.

If Azshara gets involved, I love the idea someone else here had about treating her more like Dr. Doom - she’s not forgiven, she’s not welcomed, but she knows how to make herself useful in a desperate situation (and also knows to get out of dodge before the situation fully resolves and the heroes regain the time to deal with her).

If Kale’thas gets involved, I love the idea mentioned here a while back about him getting fused with a spark of A’lar and returning to life that way, really leaning into the ‘Phoenix Mage’ theme.


Another hope, is the return of Azshara.

She is my favorite wow villain, and she has been killed twice, so if she dies again we could have more stuff hitting the fan.

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I want to see Rommath summon Al’ar in defense of Silvermoon, Asvedon the Greatshield and Felerin the Forgotten canonized as characters, Voren’thal and Valeera to show an interest in their race’s affairs, and a memorable death for whichever blood elf they off to raise Xal’s villain cred (maybe Lor’themar, probably Halduron).

Speaking of Voren’thal, I want Liadrin to cash in her good relations with the draenei to recruit Ishanah and the Shattered Sun Offensive for the big Light vs Void battle sure to rage on Quel’Danas. They’re space elves, they can get in on this.


I support this. All blood elves need to return home. Raise Kayn too while we are at it and give Bloodwatcher and Liadrin their own models.

I’m curious how the blood elven illidari are treated in their society, we’ve seen that for Night elves, so why not? Kayn Sunfury could appear that way.