Oh yeah, Altruis and Kayn. Theirs is one instance of “elf unification” I don’t dread.
That blood elf boss in Vault of the Wardens rants about how his people “shunned (him) as a freak,” so I imagine it’s the same all over, but maybe now’s the time to amend that. Hearthstone did introduce a felblood elf demon hunter character whose mission was to rally the dispossessed wretched of Silvermoon in its defense.
Liadrin will get one for sure, she’s been running around with a unique sword and board for years now. Only a matter of time until the rest of her Hearthstone look is translated over. Bloodwatcher has unique character art in HS as well, now I think of it. Maybe he’ll get lucky.
Since Midnight is possibly the next expansion we get a new class in and it’s based around Silvermoon and elves, I would really like to see a new arcane using class. We only have the mages at this point.
Most likely candidate would be a Spellbreaker/Spellblade. Would fill an unfilled niche in the classes with an arcane based tank and melee DPS. Third spec could be a melee support spec to balance out Evokers ranged support spec.
Long shot option would be Artificer. Nightborne do explicitly have them and blood elves have magic engineers, but I don’t think they’ve ever been called Artificers.
I do hope Draenei show up in Midnight even if just in the background. The blood elves went to WoD to help Draenei and they were the Horde race that answered Velen’s call for help to invade Argus. Would love to see the return of the Shattered Sun Offensive.
The three of them basically divided the race. That’s why Anasterian should yell at the lot of them.
Besides, I can’t see him being all too happy with the Forsaken and Orcs and Trolls running around Quel’Thalas, either. Old School as he is, he’d probably sooner have seen them all slaughtered first.
Wasn’t he just relaying Kael’s directives for most of TBC?
I know that almost immediately after the sunwell crisis ends and he’s actually officially running the show, he was trying to extend olive branches and was even leaving care packages for the helf lodges in the plaguelands whose inhabitants were murderously angry at any envoy they sent.
The decision to exile those whom didn’t adhere to Kael’thas’ teachings was entirely his own.
Then he went and exiled the elves studying the void. I mean, absolutely 110% justified on that one, but we all know Blizzard is going to make it seem like the biggest, most obvious mistake ever come Midnight.
Regardless of what Lor’themar did afterwards, he’s as much responsible for the race having splintered as the (living) Windrunner Sisters are.
If that’s the case I’m still willing to give him a little bit of a break since he was just a ranger thrown into power during the aftermath of a nightmarishly horrible crisis and didn’t need a mini civil war over Rommath’s solution to the mana crisis with undead to the left and right of them pressing in.
Alleria I think is dumb for not actually talking with any belves to find out why they joined the horde, but that rift was torn way before she came back, its not her fault.
Veressa though? Yeah, she absolutely deserved to be called out by the story way more than she was.
I hope a lot of good void elf lore gets added. Void elves are one of, if not the only allied race that doesn’t have much of a backstory or screentime in general. They are a blank slate in terms of potential
All of them could arguably be given a break for one reason or another if we want to dredge up enough justification.
Lor’themar had the position thrown on him, that’s true, but its not as if he was lacking for experienced advisors either. It was still his decisions that led to the splintering of the race. Alleria and Vereesa picked up the pieces he created, only cementing the divide.
That having been said, I don’t think that Lor’themar, or any of them need to feel bad/guilty over this, even if Anasterian tells them they’re all idiots. Lor’themar absolutely did his best in a terrible situation, and if he feels he shouldn’t be beholden to Quel’Thalas’ last king, then that is absolutely justified on his end. Would be a good way for him to finally break whatever connections he has left to the old dynasty, throw off those shackles, and lead Quel’Thalas as more than just a regent.
I still think it be neat if they made him lord protector instead of king, because we have enough kings. do something unexpected, make a democracy or something.
The high elves have been divided since Anasterian’s day, specifically over his decision to leave the Alliance. I doubt his ghost’s ire would be directed at the elves who followed his example, and I really doubt it’d take a moral stand against the new Horde, considering he secretly covered for the old one’s atrocities during the Second War.
Besides, his soul is as fractured as Uther’s and Sylvanas’s were. Guy’s probably spent a small eternity seething over that betrayal he went to his grave believing the Alliance had committed in bailing on QT to besiege BRS.
Off the top of my head I can think of a few things:
Reunification should bring in Fel Blood and San’layn into Silvermoon
Lor’themar’s ascension to the throne as emperor so he can fully surpass Kael’thas
Lor’themar, Liadrin and Rommath should be given moments to shine
Progress with the Dark Animus
Making the Blood Knights interesting once again.
At the very least addressing past hostilities between the Alliance and the Blood Elves
On the topic of the Amani I would like them to make amends. Fruit of this new relationship could see a bit of cultural exchange in Silvermoon and Zul’Gurub. For example a Loa temple built for Al’ar in Silvermoon.
Void elves are villains in the making and Blizzard better not portray them as misunderstood saviors since it would make look the void like a joke in terms of its corrupting influence.
And their own models finally.
Manari teased a lot of possibilities. On that list we can put Forest Trolls and Dragonmaw skin for Orcs too.
The what now? What did I miss here?
They are. Now they need a job to do shown being useful.
And no forced apology from the blood elves since they are the wronged party most of the time.
Why would he want that? That would break his personality. He said many times he does NOT want to be the leader.
Gelbin is a democratical elected king.
Which he wouldn’t. He was always annoyed by Alleria. Since he was the one to make the call to leave the alliance in the first place.