Your favorite questline ever

The Legion Guardian artifact questline. Every time I hear Ursol say to me, “Truly the spirit of the bear dwells within you” I feel that tingle inside.

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The one that got censored when Garrosh made a no no comment to Sylvanus.


Duskwood pre-Cata, doing quests for Abercrombie. Oh, he’s just some weirdo! Wait, I just unleashed an elite on the zone…

For story, I still think revamped Westfall main story is thematically perfect. At first you think it’s just a joke zone, hah hah this guy is riffing on CSI. It disarms your expectations, so as you finally start to see how screwed up Westfall really is it works. Stormwind bankrupted itself in war. You spy on Vanessa riling people up, and you know what? Every word she says is right. She’s entirely justified in sticking it to Stormwind, it even hits you with a flashback of her finding her fathers corpse after some mercenary adventurers cut his head off.

It’s surprisingly dark and well played.


Pre-Cata: Wrathgate, Alliance Side.

Post-Cata: Stonetalon, Horde Side. I know Garrosh’s characterization here was due tae a miscommunication astae what direction tha writers wanted him, but it is still one o’ the best scenes with Garrosh and has ensured that any Warcraft TTRPG storyline I GM involves Garrosh followin’ this characterization and nae desendin’ intae just mindless villainy.

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That one gets my vote as well. It was just such a perfect satirization of the playerbase that you couldn’t help but laugh.

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Kingslayer Orkus is a bro and a true hero of the horde :dragon:


For me, Linken is tied with the original (Vanilla) Fallen Hero of the Horde questline. 16 slot bag in Vanilla WoW, yes please!

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Warlock Dreadsteed & Pally Charger OG quests.


Oooof. What a hard question to answer.

For the story: The Legend of Stalvan, The whole Suramar campaign, The Great Masqeurade (Alliance version of Onyxia attunement quest chain), Pamela Redpath and Linken.

For efficiency: Tirion’s quest chain in EPL, Green Hills of Stranglethorn and The Big Game Hunter (plus the other additions to Hemet Nesingwary’s shenanigans)

Questlines that were fun to do regardless of their story or efficiency: Whirlwind Axe quest, Amberseeds in Grizzy Hills, the one in Hyjal where you have to get the cubs down from the trees, Defias Brotherhood and Dead Mines quests and anything and everything in Hillsbrad and Arathi as Alliance pre-Cata.


Getting to kill Nathanos or at least until Tyrande shows up.

I was soooo tired of him on the Zulzudar ship.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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The one with Runas…

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Loving all the replies! Trying to keep up and liking reading these as best I can!

don’t make me pick just one :neutral_face:

the chain with the murloc family (i think it’s in azsuna?)

the Cata ones with Budd (i’m a manataur) :laughing:

Maximillian of Northshire

the day deathwing came

the one in Hillsbrad where you get to be the quest giver

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Sometimes for me, it isn’t just a specific questline, but the story of an entire zone.

In particular I always loved leveling thru old Duskwood. Those quests were enrapturing, spooky and fun and back in the day I found myself making lots of alts just to level thru it again, the same way one someone wants to rewatch an old favourite movie.


Probably the OG Defias Brotherhood Questline.

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that’s a no from me.

I seemed to be a Stitches magnet. :dizzy_face: :headstone:


Lol, Mor’Ladim always got me in the graveyard too! But the danger was super fun! :hugs:


the other issue I had, was in the crypts.
I’d always find someone had just been through there and cleared everything out, then mobs would just spawn all around me and there was too many to take at once, and nowhere to run.
My first introduction to corpse dragging happened in there.
Res, run a few steps, die. res, run a few more steps, die. :upside_down_face:
Get out of the crypts, sit down to eat, and agro something from halfway across the map and die again :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

That entire zone had some pretty harsh lessons for new players.
My lowbies much prefer the re-designed version.
It’s still got the ambiance, without as much danger.


Wrathgate was awesome, especially when you do it for the first time during Wrath. But one of my favorites was:

The whole guild is involved in helping you, but the solo quests were both challenging and heartbreaking. I imagine it’s much easier today, but back then, not so much.

I would add, apparently at least one of the devs loved it too since they pushed out an addendum in this patch. Another sad quest.

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John J. Keeshan in Redridge, and on the Horde it’s Johnny Awesome