Your existing mounts will NOT be able to fly in the new expansion

The other goal is to stop people from farming old mounts, because if players are no longer permitted to fly, they will be less likely to farm older mounts.

My personal opinion is that people who liked to farm old mounts will have less to do and be more likely to quit. I think it is unlikely that anyone will do mythic raiding because flying has been replaced with a jumping game.


Yes I am OK with games evolving for the good (or perceived good) of the game that exclude people that suffer from certain disabilities.

If someone (using your example) is directionally challenged then they should probably stick to auto path (usually mobile) games. Blizzard can and has improved their game for people suffering from motion sickness and other disabilities. As disabilities pile up on an individual it can make games more and more challenging to the point that they become unplayable on their own.

Those lizards will not fly they will only glide. A better glide than the Dh but glide at last. Not flying.


So stunning and brave. I hope you never are in a car accident and wind up with a traumatic brain injury that keeps you from doing things you love like what happened to my housemate in 2018 when someone tboned her on Ventura Blvd going so fast her car slid off the road and crashed into a gas station so a small handful of people that like excessive gamification can enjoy something.

The last time they gave us a mechanical flying it was in cataclysm and not everyone agrees with it being very good or very fun.

I have no faith in Blizzard to not make this thing anything but absolute garbage.

Is this an out of season April fool’s joke?

I can’t even increase my font size over 18 points without increasing the size of my entire UI and having to use an add-on to make everything else smaller again. I can’t even change my font face without an add-on to something that I can read better than a san serif font.


right…if we can ‘fly’ like this at first I spose its ok…but to ground our flying mounts for the expansion…yeah…the wife and I just talked…neither of us will be buying this garbage if this is what we’re getting.

I called it when ZM dropped. I said Ion WOULD pull some escalation crap with flight again next expansion…and here we are.

“[Dragonriding] is very fast and fluid, it’s arcadey,”
“Finding those different spires to jump off of becomes an interesting thing to look for as you’re traversing the world.”
“And then the whole mini-game is that you’ve got height and speed and you have to try to figure out how to get as far as possible before you land again…”


evidently theyve said no flying mounts in the expansion…our mounts anyway

“Blizzard has confirmed that you will only be able to “fly” in the Dragon Isles using the new Dragonriding system. Your broader mount collection will act only as ground mounts in the new zones.”

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I was talking about the phrase “nobody asked for” and its overuse. Do try to keep up, im only jogging here

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What’s the bet they put a regular flying mount in the delux preorder and then you can’t or won’t ever want to use it.


Absolute terrible decision, huge L for blizzard already along with the terrible looking player dragon, I sometimes spend YEARS grinding for some mounts that can fly so I should be able to use them in the newest expansions when flying is unlocked, forcing us to have to use the new meme dragon flying thing for at least two years is unacceptable in a game that forces you to work hard and grind in some cases for these flying mounts.


Wait, guys, do you hear that?
Do you hear it?

It’s the sound of Ion laughing.


And worse, they take two steps back but they just got done climbing up a flight of stairs…

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Now is the time for the community to let them know we do not like this idea and want to use any flying mount we have if we want to. They need to know how people feel about this. I personally want to use the mount of my choice. Maybe I want to show off one of my rare mounts while playing? I know I rarely use my dragon mounts I already have for different reasons. Feel and ease of the mount are most important to me. Making the playerbase play the way you think they should play is a mistake that needs to be fixed. I am not worried though as there is plenty of time to get them to change course. The rest of the expansion looks good though. They now need to remove pathfinder from all past expansions IMO.


Yes, and you implied that those who use the phrase are braindead, when responding to someone who used the phrase to counter someone who claimed players had seemingly asked for this particular design decision. The guy had someone dismissing him for seemingly “asking for it” and also for “not having asked for it” in consecutive posts from two rhetorical giants.

There’s nothing to “keep up” with. You got condescension and nonsense - not a deep bench.

How about we talk about how this new system isn’t going to work on players like you? Players who can’t muster the level of interest required to complete a simple questline, that’s tied to player power to boot, to unlock flight in Zereth Mortis? How is playing dragon dress-up and watching your mount’s fuel gauge drop - with no associated player power - going pry you out of whatever it is you’d rather be doing and put you back in the skies?

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I didn’t imply it, I’m saying it outright. It’s context is irrelevant.

something that would be really dirty…make a flying mount that flies in the expansion…then sell it for $$$ in the store…while not allowing our collected mounts we already have fly.


Nothing says immersive like telling me I can’t use the mounts I spent countless hours unlocking because apparently only this NEW creature can fly when they can’t.

I have Herpetophobia (fear of reptiles). Dragons give me the creeps. I don’t want to ride on one. I want to ride on my beautiful flaming phoenix.

Just let me play how I want. Me riding on a non-dragon mount hurts no one. I can play through the questline, I will work with them, but I’m not going to be bottlenecked to only riding a dragon.


to me it sounds like they are adding a new style of flying and soo they want the players to focus on that because like always it’s not what we the players want it is what they want.

i think it was Ion that said that ones and it the reason why i don’t really respect Blizzard much and why i don’t have that much hope for this expansion.

i am still going to play it just to see it, but i’ll still keep my hopes low as low as possible.

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Excuse me. This is not how we do things at Blizzard. You will play how WE want and you will have fun IF we allow it.


Ion will have none of that, lol.

:point_up_2: :point_up_2: