Your existing mounts will NOT be able to fly in the new expansion

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I’m a mount collector. Mounts are the thing I enjoy most in this game. It’s like being able to ride and show off all your larger Pokemon. I even coordinate my transmog with them. And I am still super stoked about a customizable dragon with special flying abilities, even if it means I can’t ride my other mounts in the new zones. I can’t freaking wait!!!

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I’m on the fence. Guess what Blizz, I’m not a huge arcade player, and I don’t generally LIKE arcade games. Saying flight will be like an arcade game is putting me on alert that I may loath the plan because I don’t like these games. I don’t LIKE the dumb jumping games, and some of the trash they put in that was arcade style. So yeah, not liking the wording.


Because of how it was written, I can conclude several things, among these, why buy a mount in the store if it is not going to work in the new expansion? Why use another flying mount, including those that are sold, other than the draconic one on the Island if the others INCLUDING those in the store will be inferior?

This is a red flag both to those who buy mounts, those who collect them as well as those who don’t, since the store will not work and if it does, EVERYTHING will be inferior to the great draconic flying mount on the island.

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The only part of WOD world that wasn’t complete for flight was Tanan Jungle. You could get those rocket mounts from your engineer works and fly for around 2 minutes. The world was fully 3d rendered and I remember testing it all over the place.

They just didn’t want flight. Had nothing to do with the layout.

I imagine the new dragon mount and dracthyr will be the only ones capable of engaging with the new dragonflight model. I do expect they will add more as time goes on like druid flight forms. if enough people like it maybe it will become the norm everywhere and they will replace the old flight model.

Or dracthyr and the new dragons will be doing it everywhere. I hope it isn’t being designed as disposable content.

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I don’t think it’s irrational hatred. I think it’s about money. If this works as I am beginning to suspect, you won’t have total flight freedom. You will have paths. Paths they control, so that you see what they want you to see, and therefore don’t have to build the rest. As a development savings.

Exactly like they built WoD. Because they never intended to give us flying past that expac. They were forced to.

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Just because things are made in 3d vs the original WoW model does not mean flight was intended or that the ‘layout’ was designed with flight in mind. Nothing in WoD was in a place unreachable without flying mounts. In TBC look at Blades-Edge Mountains, Skettis, the dungeons and raid of Tempest Keep in Netherstorm. WotLK had Storm Peaks. That is an example of designed with flight in mind. Every expansion since the end of MoP has been designed in a way that flight is not necessary.

They 100% will be giving us normal flying in a later patch, as they always have.
All that is happening is that you will be getting excellent mobility mechanics earlier this expansion.

They do because they are trying to be edgy for reaction. They need the attention desperately.

I do, in my heart, think this is something they will reverse. I think they’ll have to in order to keep subs.

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Lol, Blizzard sure loves forcing people to do things they don’t want to. Both for employees in the office, and players in the games.

If I have to ride a recycled proto-drake or pterodactyl, for this “new” system, well, I pass on Dragonflight.

Already a lukewarm reception from it.

Give me something actually new, that won’t use a recycled skeleton. All I see so far are reused assets.

Or scrap your dumb idea of having to use one dragon, and implement the new tech with all flying mounts.


I really hope the new flying system replaces the outdated ‘no-clip’ flying system for all mounts. I have always felt it was a mistake.

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That’s probably part of it, but I think it also really does throw a wrench into game design. Aside from little areas made specifically for flight, flying mounts pretty much render anything and everything outdoor moot. It renders Elwynn Forest and a max level zone packed with raid elites functionally identical. Flight as implemented in WoW is basically noclip with 310% speed.

It’s also not just the current team that dislikes flight. I remember reading an interview some time around Cataclysm where the the dev team of that period said they regretted letting flight get so fast and powerful.

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Flying is the biggest Pandora’s box they have implemented.

I feel the best solution would be to implement a physics based system for all flying, and then change the taxi service to be teleportation as an olive branch towards those that want to get around as quickly and easily as possible. Basically, adopt the GW2 model.

or, hear me out, they could just leave it alone?


repeat all that for my end
except the part that Im ok with paying $25 per mount for a list of mounts on the store on three wow accounts
and now being told I cant use them to fly with.
If this is the case, I wont buy the expansion.
NOW is the time to fix this crap

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“we can turn your crap off any time we want
remember the strider?”
seems like a power play more than anything they needed to do
just to keep me in my place :rofl::rofl:

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dont count on it. Wowhead evidently asked them directly and they said no.

aannnnnd another one to the list.
same could be said about you and your troll post there l

I still would like to see it said first hand, but that said, it does track with their war on flight for sure.

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