Your existing mounts will NOT be able to fly in the new expansion

I just…

You’re literally getting the fantasy of riding Dragons in the Dragon Isles.

OP, do you really think that Blizzard would let you fly the mount of your choice? They say they want to give players the freedom they want, but then control what the players can do. There is zero reason why any current dragon mounts cannot fly within those islands… if other dragons can. Of course, it is kind of wishy washy to say other mounts can’t fly when the dragons can fly. But Blizzard needs to show that all the work they are putting into this feature is used and liked by the players, and what better way to do that than to outlaw other flying mounts. :rofl:


Of course it does lol, what do you mean?

No. I think (hope) dragon riding will be what we have for the first year, and then we will unlock pathfinder again.

It would be a real shame to limit flight to one mount all expansion. I am really excited to be in the dragon isles, but it will seriously sour the excitement if I can’t dust off all my old dragon mounts. Or ride invincible on my DK etc. Ion also stated in an interview that they are adding tons of new mounts in DF, all of which will be wasted if we can’t fly them around. Why would players farm new mounts that would only get used in old content?

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Nobody asked them for some special new mechanical flying.

Nobody asked them to permanently ground the flying mounts we’ve worked hard to get or spent money on. I like and want to use the two seater mount I use to fly my directionally challenged housemate around.

She’s probably not going to be able to do the dragon flying at all because of her disabilities and motion sickness problems.


I also think there will probably be pathfinder at a later date, the question is why they wouldn’t just…say that. Yeah you’re going to do this dragon stuff for a while and what not, later you’ll learn how to access your favorite mounts again blah blah blah.

Its worrisome that they don’t just SAY THAT. Thats the problem here. They could avoid a lot of the blistering anger right now if they just said it.


Yeah, our current flying mounts will forget how to fly. including the dragons. in the dragon isles. so we will have the traditional ground mounting.

incredible to me that the devs are still trying to wrest flying away, offering it only in some gimmicky arcade style. (i understand some players love it from having it another game. but if i wanted this, i’d play that game.)


Dragon. One dragon.
OP is talking about riding the life binders handmaiden which would be really cool. If they limit flight to one mount all expansion that is not going to be fun.

It is lol. I do not want to be stuck on the same mount all expansion, I also don’t want to be playing the flight mini game all the time. It sounds like something that will be fresh and fun for a while but will become annoying pretty quickly.


Where did this stupid idea even come from that the only things in a game have to be asked for? What a braindead phrase that’s unfortunately on repeat with…well braindead people.

What does this even mean?

One dragon that you can change to look completely different in a currently unknown amount of combinations.
If you want to play that game, there’s only 1 proto drake, 1 goat, 1 yak, etc etc.

I know what mount they’re talking about.
The mount we all have.

Maybe we can have a Dragon that looks just like the DS Drake?

And if not.
It’s a very small cost to pay.

As harsh or cold as it may sound and I am sorry for your housemate… not all games are for everyone. Sometimes things change, for better or worse, and games can shift from being the kind person A likes to the kind person A dislikes. That is the nature of games that evolve over time.

The person he was responding to, for one.

And thats cool for people who want it, i don’t think it’s right to force it onto a lot of people who don’t. If you don’t want to pvp you don’t have to turn warmode on. If i want to pvp i can turn warmode on. If you want your endgame to be flying centric then you can enable that, if i don’t want my endgame to be riddled with inconveniences that make progressing my content harder then i should be able to just use my regular mounts


You don’t even get to change its looks until it’s fully upgraded.

You can’t be serious with this. People have spent years and years farming mounts. Some have crazy low drop rates that people use all the time. I don’t know about everyone else but I like to match my mounts to my class, mages use the book and my DK uses invincible etc.

No, not everyone has it… the only mounts everyone has are the super easy ones no one cares to ride.

The cost is people being frustrated over silly restrictions. We all know how that went in WoD. That is not a small price and certainly shouldn’t/won’t be ignored.


Reading the description in the link your post makes it sound like the Joust mini-game in Cata.

Is this just open world firelands joust recycled as a new feature?

(Joust may be my favorite video game of all time, so I’m not knocking it…)

So what you are saying is that you approve of making the game inaccessible to people with disabilities.

How stunning and brave.


TBF, they already stated there will be toggles on most if not all of the effects for reasons like this. I am also a disabled individual who struggles with many things in game. And I have to accept that.

While I wish it weren’t the case, i know i am a minority of people, and not everything is made to work for me, i just have to adapt or accept that its just not in my scope. It sucks and its not right but its how it is. Most modern games these days are way behind on accessibility because…we’re just a minority.

Not everyone is meant to do everything, as sad at it is and thats a reality.

blizz takes one foot forward and trips on their 2 feet.

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What I said is games evolve over time and sometimes become things that a person is no longer able to enjoy for any myriad of reasons.

Yep, this is a problem. This new idea should complement the existing flying mounts by eventually letting you fly on every mount(that can fly) in the expansion. Come on Blizz this is NOT what people want. The people arguing that this is what we meant by flying on day 1 are truly brainless! Relegating 400+ of my mounts to the ground all expansion will be unacceptable in every way imaginable.


Can anyone point to an iteration of a vehicle gameplay system in this game that wasn’t janky as hell?

Yeah, can’t wait lol.