Your existing mounts will NOT be able to fly in the new expansion

maybe a glyph later. :wink:

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Likely no druid form. That would tick people off more i reckon that a single class gets to fly uninhibited


it’s not hatred, they just dont want people flying on Day One usually, how are you going to enjoy a new zone if you’re just taking to the skies to zoom through it?

Honestly, I don’t really care. I care about flying from point to point b as smooth and easily as possible, i honestly don’t just stop and marvel at the sights as i run down a path. I know there won’t be day 1 flying but at the same time, this isn’t actual flying. This is a minigame.


Ya true. I wasn’t sure exactly how they would handle that cause a lot of druids will be like “You mean I have to use a mount?!” xD

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Real question is tho will our new Dragon flying mounts and the new flight abilities work outside of Dragon isles? Or will our regular flying mounts be able to get the dragon flying mount abilities?

Some players enjoy flying early, some don’t . To each there own, not everyone has the same playstyle.

But why did we have to be granted dragonflying

Why couldn’t it be… we want to fly from the start, we are granted the ability to use the mounts we’ve been collecting for nearly 20 years, everyone is happy

Legitimately how difficult is it to just use a system that already exists and put it in the code lol. I think the dragon thing is stupid personally. It should be optional, not mandatory


The dragon will only be for isles at this time, and regular flying where its otherwise unlocked for you. They’ll develop as times goes on and based on feedback naturally. While its a cool idea and an interesting concept, i can’t see a whole lot of people really wanting flying disguised as a minigame they have to micromanage the entire time being super popular after the expansion unless they do some real compromise with it.


Wowhead said that, not Jeremy Feasel. All he talked about was dragon riding but he didn’t mention regular flight.

“Survived” isn’t what people should be experiencing in a paid game for enjoyment… lol


Agreed. These devs don’t care though and they don’t learn. They’re already back to the old “we think this is going to be nice for the game and we’re not ready to shut the door on it completely”.


Firstly, its stated all your regular mounts will be ground bound. Secondly, if you’re going to dump as much time and resource into a system like this, making it this wide spread and detailed, you already know what you have planned. Now that can and will likely change after the “feedback”, but lets not be delusional here. He said it, he just didn’t want to point blank it and try to put off the backlash.


They have said many times over the years that they don’t take feedback from players. They have also said that they are “listening”, yet proceed to implement things players hate, even though they knew players were going to hate them.

They have their plan. They know what players want, and it isn’t part of their plan. They think players are wrong. We’re getting their plan, and if players don’t like it they can just quit, which is what happened to the majority of players in wod, bfa, and shadowlands.


Honestly, their only saving grace at this point is that people have been playing for 17 years or more and honestly just can’t bear to put wow down for good for the most part and how massive wow is even if its a mess at times. Any other game or developer that treated and disregarded its base like this would be bankrupt in a flash


there is no goal post to move if they cannot see the touchdown line.

they give us flying from the get go but only with 1 particular mount (one they choose for you, regardless of how its customized - it’s still the dev’s choice for you.). none of the hundreds to choose from from 15+ years of collecting.

from them telling you which mount you will be using for flying ( until who knows when ) is no different than them adding scaling and making it the only option. same with warmode. same with personal loot. same with master loot nerf. the list goes on from there.

if there were options, aka choices, then the goal posts would be visible. but with these devs, the saying of “be careful what you ask for, you just might get it” comes to mind. they give you flying but only on the mount they want you to use.


Again, Wowhead said that…

Yea? Where?

[Dragonriding] is very fast and fluid, it’s arcadey,” Jeremy explains. “You press the spacebar and you do a giant takeoff. And then the whole mini-game is that you’ve got height and speed and you have to try to figure out how to get as far as possible before you land again. And it should feel like you’re swooping and diving through these landscapes. With giant zones the two ended up working really well together. You’re gonna move really fast when dragonriding too, much faster than existing mount speeds. Taking off there should be a giant gust of wind and a big flap of your wings,” Jeremy adds. “Our environment team is doing a great job incorporating things like more cloud layers so that you can fly through clouds and get that feeling of moving really fast. And then as you start to speed up and go faster and faster you’ll see particles fly off your wings. And eventually that turns into contrails.”

“A big push was to make the experience of moving around the world feel more three dimensional,” Jeremy continues. “That idea of conservation of momentum, of caring about when you stop, because you don’t want to stop, you want to keep going fast. How do I get from A to B as fast as possible? Finding those different spires to jump off of becomes an interesting thing to look for as you’re traversing the world.”

Us asking them to simply do what they did for the first ten years of this game isn’t a moving goalpost.

Their inability to just do that is on them, not us.


Fair enough, ill correct that, but that doesn’t make it any less true, i think there’s probably some lost in translation stuff there, but again, you think they’re going to do all that, and just let you…fly your regular mount and ignore that system completely? Maybe later in the first or second patch, but no, its going to be forced on the base, which i won’t care so much as long as its all account wide, but i think we all know thats not nearly likely

I think your logic is flawed. The definition of insanity is repeating the same steps and expecting different results. Blizzard is trying something different here. The same thing is giving us pathfinder we unlock about a year down the road. They acknowledge that might be a flawed design. They are trying a different version of flight that fits with the expansion we get on day one. I think it sounds cool. I have always hated how mindless and unrealistic current flight is. There should be air hazards at the least we need to avoid or like in Skettis, we get knocked out of the air.

I just hope there’s at least 9 other mounts to collect besides the drake, I’ll only need 9 after ZM.