Your existing mounts will NOT be able to fly in the new expansion

Or I could speak up about what I would like to see now before we get to the point of no return like we had in alpha the last two xpacs.

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That’s fine, but I’m speaking up too.

Conflicting opinions are fine–healthy even–so long as they don’t devolve into argumentative drivel.

I think the flight–all of the movement, really–needs overhauled in WoW. It’s all so basic at this point.

Heck, I think we need other types of mounts too. The leapers in Everquest 2, for example, are hilariously fun. You just pick a direction and yeet yourself hundreds of yards.

I don’t need every time I walk to the car to be a party. If I feel like being entertained by getting from one place to the other in the most expedient manner possible, I’ll take a flight path and watch a Youtube video in the meantime.

Teleporting to map points at the press of a button would be EVEN BETTER…too bad they ditched the Flight Whistle, their last desperate scramble to undo people wanting flying, somehow.


What if the Dragon mounts are faster? They also apparently have talent tree abilities—could that foreshadow danger in flight, something our mounts can’t help us with?

Arguably one of the dumbest decisions in WoW history.

If we can’t fly our own mounts day 1, 95% of the playerbase will quit.


Is the majority asking for this though? I’ve never really had anyone complain about flying beyond pathfinder.

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

That is on devs for failing to make anything to do with it. Leave flying as is and build things you can do while flying. They had the perfect chance to try out things in ZM.

Have some engaging and fun content centered around flying! Think like flying through hoops or through an obstacle course where if you succeed without hitting edges you get a treasure, puzzles, fighting flying mobs while on your flying mount, secret hidden rare mobs/toys/mounts/easter eggs that require flight to get to.


DEVS: birds attack you and mawsworn dismount you if you fly. FUN!


I like travel/exploration in games though. It’s a cornerstone of openworld games–as are fast travel systems, but we have those in the form of flightpaths.

I just see room for improvement and how the system could evolve to be really good. I don’t know that it will, but it could.

Mounts in, say, Guild Wars 2 are SO much better than in WoW. Heck, mounts in Everquest 2 are better than in WoW and that game came out around the same time. lol

The dragon mounts are faster. Ion literally said it in an interview.

The things are supposed to be well faster than mounts we currently have.

Their are maybe 2 or 3 places you can do that where you don’t end up flying off the edge of the map in a minute or two. Shadowlands zones that allow flying are not one of them, unless you are getting up, stretching, and sitting right back down.
Such a ridiculous statement.
I challenge anyone to actually do this.
Go to ZM, fly up as high as you can go and turn on auto run. Now get up and walk away from your computer. Go do literally anything other than sprint right back to your computer.


That’s a fair take.

I think maybe it has to do with folks being content with what they have, even if it could be improved.

I don’t know that this is an improvement but it looks like a lot of fun.

The open world in WoW has become so boring to the point that I avoid it at all costs and just hop from instance to instance. I’m hoping that this sort of dynamic gameplay is a sign that that’ll change in the future.

But it may not be.

How slow do you move?

I get up, go get some coffee, come back, and am typically somewhere near to where I wanted to be.

I’m talking gone for maybe 30 seconds to a couple of minutes depending on the size of the zone/where I am going but it’s certainly doable if you have even the faintest grasp on distance/time. lol

Also, in specific regards to ZM, it’s so small that it’s not necessary. A bit of an outlier though if you consider ALL of WoW’s zones.

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Just chill out. If you dont like it, then dont play it and play something else like Fortnite.

Not slow at all, but my computer isn’t next to my kitchen or bathroom.
I also have a dog who loves to “help” me get things.
ZM is the current content, and afk flying is useless there by your own admission. Who cares about years old content? I could afk auto run on my ground mount too if not for all the little snares and snags they littered the ground with and be fine. Should we get a stamina bar and can only run for short distances? That sounds super engaging and it works for other games!

BTW, here is a full quote about what we can look forward to:

[Dragonriding] is very fast and fluid, it’s arcadey,” Jeremy explains. “You press the spacebar and you do a giant takeoff. And then the whole mini-game is that you’ve got height and speed and you have to try to figure out how to get as far as possible before you land again. And it should feel like you’re swooping and diving through these landscapes. With giant zones the two ended up working really well together. You’re gonna move really fast when dragonriding too, much faster than existing mount speeds. Taking off there should be a giant gust of wind and a big flap of your wings,” Jeremy adds. “Our environment team is doing a great job incorporating things like more cloud layers so that you can fly through clouds and get that feeling of moving really fast. And then as you start to speed up and go faster and faster you’ll see particles fly off your wings. And eventually that turns into contrails.”

“A big push was to make the experience of moving around the world feel more three dimensional,” Jeremy continues. “That idea of conservation of momentum, of caring about when you stop, because you don’t want to stop, you want to keep going fast. How do I get from A to B as fast as possible? Finding those different spires to jump off of becomes an interesting thing to look for as you’re traversing the world.”

Jeremy Feasel, via AusGamers

For all those players who were like, “You don’t need to fly! WoW’s not a flight sim!”:

WoW is now a flight sim.


I hate it, but you’re right. But I hate it.


I expect you will have to grind out rep to earn unlocks that will permit you to spend currency to upgrade your dragon.

That’s absolutely hilarious. They don’t do unique. Unique = Only one in the entire game.


He was very careful in his wording and never said once we would be able to use our regular mounts to fly around.

‘but it is not going to fully replace your mounts while you are there’

‘running around areas you are still going to use your broad collection of mounts’



My computer is on the other end of the house and I have a husky that DEMANDS attention constantly. haha

I’ll be honest, a stamina bar isn’t really a problem if it only exists to serve as a “sprint” function, like it does in most other games. If it’s 100% of the time it’s not as good.

Also, I don’t really have any reason to fly around Shadowlands. I just teleport everywhere with my dungeon teleports/engineering ports/mage ports/hearthstone, et cetera. So many ways to just ignore the world.

But ideally you shouldn’t want to ignore the world. If you do, it means they’re doing a bad job of engaging people (and I think they are.)

Yeah, I’m familiar with the quote. It sounds like it could be really cool if they handle it properly.

If they don’t, just like anything else, it won’t be–but we’ll have to see.

Discounting it immediately I think isn’t fair though.

This is accurate, it was left intentionally ambiguous. Which could be a bad sign or not. Something we’ll have to see.

I think it’s reasonable for players to immediately discount what they can see is clearly a strategy for flight removal. They’re going to do this to the playerbase and finish off what they started in WoD.