Your existing mounts will NOT be able to fly in the new expansion

I’m in high hopes Dragonflight is awesome. The cinema showing the Dragons in flight looks like a lot of fun. But…we need to be able to use our own flying mounts, many of which we worked hard to get for a reason. Because we really like the way they look! And/or we collect them. If Blizz takes away flying our own mounts I believe it will be a disaster for the came!

But it’s okay for me to start out with the Dragons, but along the way we can use our own flying mounts.

Actually, it didn’t take that long to be clarified:

Who asked for dragonflying specifically?

Rofl, what? The ask was for flying from the beginning. Not dragonriding. Blizzard is the one shiftng goal posts, oh no flying, oh you purchase it at cap, oh you need xyz rep grinds, oh you need xyz achievements.

Just regular flying please. No frills.

We are pretty clear on what we are asking for. Blizzard are the ones who seem incapable of listening.


They listened and they decided what you are asking for is not right for their vision of the game. A lot of people ask for a lot of different things and it is up to Blizzard to decide what they should and should not add to the game. It is very obvious that ‘regular flying’ is not something Blizzard feels should be in the game for around the first year of the expansion or included right away for any new content added. So people can continue to ask for ‘regular flying’ at cap or at launch or whenever they wish. I just wish they would stop being so negative on other new things added just because it is not the one thing they wanted.

That’s fine, but don’t accuse us of shifting the goal posts. Flying is flying, period. Dragon-riding is not what we were asking for.

Yeah we’ll see. I mean, it sounds interesting.

But if you are in the “flying ruins the game camp” - not sure how dragon-riding doesn’t still just continue to “ruin the game” since you are still above everything.

If you just want flying, then that isn’t what you will be getting. You are getting some weird hodge podge.

So it begs the question - this isn’t what anyone was asking for. So why? How much time is being spent designing, testing, iterating on this thing that really doesn’t solve the problem for either group. It feels like no one is getting what they want.


That’s just made the cash shop mounts completely worthless

Compromise. That magic word that is the basis for relationships. What we know is what they have been doing has not been very popular with most of the WoW players. While not all change ends up being good I welcome changes when the alternative has been anything but.

Is it really a compromise though? This feels a lot more like what they did with water striders and mount equipment.

This is a solution to a problem that only they think exists.

Is this a build around feature you are excited for 10.0 for?

Personally I would’ve rather gotten another dungeon, or raid, or bg, or quest hub, or anything else. I get that those aren’t necessarily the same resources, but someone’s time is being wasted on the dev team and I would much rather their time be spent on something more useful.


Compromise doesn’t exist in the producer-customer relationship. Either the customers get what they want to buy, or they don’t buy.

Sadly enough I am most excited about the talent tree changes. I welcome changes in general though since the game has been so sub par lately. I figure they might as well throw darts at a board with blind-folds and see what sticks.

The problem here is having an established way of flying and then dedicating resources to a new type of flying that gets removed in 11.0 just doesn’t make any sense at all. all players wanted was to be able to spend the gold buy flying and fly everywhere. It is neat to try something new but why not just spend all those resources on the current flying mechanics and update them and make them new and unique?


This I’m with you on.

The level squish helped a little bit, but it doesn’t solve the fact that talents every 10-15 levels or so wasn’t particularly fun.

Even if at the end of the day most of us played vanilla/tbc/etc. talents in a prescribed order … that’s no different than now. We have 1 or 2 situational talents, or maybe its a full load out, but fact remains this game gets raidbotted and simmed to the nines, and people just go wiht what’s best.

I am a little hopeful for 10.0. It seems like for the most part we are going back to basics, which is what we desperately need.

I just think the whole dragon-riding thing is an unnecessary gimmick they will waste a lot of time on.

I would much rather the dragon be something we customize throughout the xpac - i.e. what mount equipment should have been (changing the appearance, attributes, colors, etc.). Then let that open the door to doing it for new mounts going forward (and/or old mounts).

The whole traversal non-sense, and “skill” to fly… is just an unforced/unnecessary error (imo).

Whats likely to happen is pathfinder will be tied to unlocking every SINGLE dragon unlock, including the ones that are so hard to reach you give up after 40 tries.

Yet here we are with a lot of people still playing though their system of choice was removed back in 2014. If you want Blizzard to rethink their model I feel it would have to come from a much bigger exodus of players than we have ever had and it all being just flight related.

Since the reveal a couple podcaster, youtubers whatever you wish to call them…had shows that compiled information from many interviews Ion and other WoW dev team members did with outlets all over the globe.

True to start Dragon riding is exlcusive to the Dragon Isles and you won’t be able to use your flying mounts.

But how that shocks anyone is amazing to me…I’d expect nothing less and if you played through any number of expansions that shouldn’t shock you in the least either. Dragon riding is the new thing, the “toy” of 10.0… why would you expect it to NOT be exclusive feature of Dragon Isles to start off the expansion, and why would you think regular mounts would be used to fly in Dragon Isles from the start.

That would make nearly zero sense…it would wholly dilute the novelty and fun of Dragon Riding.

At any rate in one of the array of interviews Ion hints that as time goes on in the expansion flying will open up (I didn’t hear any interview were he straight said the words “path finding” but from context – yeah it seems to me pathfinder isn’t off the table just by the virtue alone that he didn’t explicitly rule it out – because hey if there’s no pathfinder how could you NOT just flat out say that!), so my impression is we will be flying with our “regular mounts” over dragon isles before dragon flight wraps up , I just feel it won’t be until at least the 10.2 patch if not the 10.3 patch.

Before late in the expansion it just wouldn’t make any sense.

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They say they are listening well they need to be listening because they have not learned as much as they think. I am glad they are allowing flying from the beginning, what I do not like is locking out crap that is not needed.

Add the new feature and let players do the quest line traing their dragon etc…reward them with the mount. Let those that are not interested in it just fly on the mount they want. Everyone is happy and Ion cannot time gate the process like I am saying he will do. Somehow this flying from the start is not going to be what it seems. Its going to be like a leveling process that takes a long time to finish. That is just another way of slowing players down when they want to play it the way they want to play. I can hear it now 1st week of expansion will be a love fest just like Shadowlands. Players will say how awesome Blizz is etc.

Then they will see the grinding and time it takes to get their one mount up to full flying abilities and the Blizz hate will begin again. The one lesson I want Blizzard to learn and hear is some of us want to play at the pace we like. We hate it when they do stuff to slow you down. If we run out of things to do we can quit for awhile. That is why I love Elder Scrolls and old Bioware RPG games so much. I got to play the way I wanted to play. Go through the main story or venture off somewhere out of curiosity and find cool quests to do.

I am simp,ly voicing my opinion on what I personally would like. I know some players want their hands held and rails to follow to show them how they are supposed to play. I hate that style:P


I think in the future I’d just rather dragonflight flying (aka Gryphon Flying from GW2) be available to all flying mounts in all zones. They’d probably need to do a touch up on some zones to make them more dragonflight friendly, but fr, the Sky Golem already does spins, flips, aileron rolls and barrel rolls in the form of animations. Nothing should say that my current gryphons, dragons, flying carpets, or even turbo charged flying machines should be unable to have a bit more aerial expression

And what about those with disabilities issues that will be unable to do gimmick stunt flying? I guess they should quit the game?

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do we even know if it’s required to fly? or if it just makes you fly faster/differently?

Idk how GW2 did it with gryphons, but whatever they did is your answer

I don’t know if GW2’s gimmick stunt flying is accessible or not, but I highly doubt it is by its very nature. I don’t play PVP games so I can’t say for sure.

I personally want a choice if I want to do the gimmicky stunt flying minigame or if I want to fly normally.

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