Your existing mounts will NOT be able to fly in the new expansion

Why is this always a point? WTF do you care if I mindlessly swim through the air? it has no effect on you. Whatsoever. Because you can choose not to use it


They hedged on flying being a maybe at the start of WoD… We all know how that turned out, so I wouldn’t be so sure.


I know this is a few days old but wanted to respond anyway.

Did you ever think maybe a wrench NEEDS to be thrown in they game design if something like flying breaks it?

You know what we call a max level zone packed with raid elites? a RAID. The open world is not supposed to be a raid or a dungeon crawl. It’s the open world where people who don’t want to be 100% challenged 100% of the time play this games - you know us casuals. The mythic runners and raiders already have their zones, let us casuals have ours.

The early devs learned this lesson from EQ where you needed a group to level and walking in the wrong creatures path was instant death and loss of xp. Many of of left that game (though we liked the setting better) because WoW was more for us casuals and was a better game for US. Now they are trying to take that away and it sucks


actually they said NO flying at all in WoD, on a Friday, before a holiday weekend, on a 3rd party website, there was no maybe at all.

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I remember that. It was a really crappy move on Blizzard’s part, and they deserved, and continue to deserve, the lack of trust that they’ve more than earned. You reap what you sow.


Yup, 100% agree.

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It’s not even WoW or Blizzard’s style of game design specifically that TBC flight kinda breaks. It breaks just about any ground-dominant game. As other posts have noted, it’s basically a combo movement and noclip cheat with a mount model attached. With TBC flight in play, the ground could be insanely craggy or a flat featureless void and it makes absolutely no difference, and that’d be true in any number of other games too.

I’m not saying that outdoor zones need to be raid difficulty, I was trying to make a point, which is that with TBC style flight when you’re in the air the practical difference between different zones becomes almost nil. Even if you’re not designing zones to be insanely hard it kinda sucks to have a design lever like relative danger level taken away.

And yeah I’m a casual and being able to make use of zones is good, but I don’t exactly want the entire world to wilt in my presence and pose no practical threat either because that gets almost as dull as being excluded from content.

Blizzard can seriously never win. People whine and moan non stop about wanting flying asap. They now get it which also lets you customize your mount yet people still cry because they can’t use one of their other mounts.

Get over it. Use your other mounts in all the other zones then. Be thankful you can fly from the start.

This only applies if you consider the terrain to be part of the content you have to over come.I don’t believe it does inane MMORPG. FROm EQ to WoW TO DAoC to SWG etc if you stayed on the roads there was no obstacles to overcome so there is no “cheat”. Ie this is the open world. Most of it is not an obstacle to find your way around or through - there are just pockets of monks invidious areas outside of the man travel. This is why people like me saying flying doesn’t break this.

I don’t want moving from one hub to another dangerous. That’s what the mob areas are for. Again in dungeon crawl you have to fight every step of the way - it’s why there is trash in there. In the open world it’s call “open” for a reason.

Think of any D&D map you played and look at the world. Only a few areas had action and adventure the rest was, what’s that word again? OPEN. The hardcore fight every step happened when you set foot in a dungeon. Maybe you found a camp in the world of 10 people but you didn’t kill 10 people, then fight 5 5 steps away then kill 10 more at another camp…

Here is why (I stand the way I do. I don’t want the world to “wilt” as you say but you know what I do want?


I want control of my character and where they go and what they do. Again MMORPGs are about building WORLDS to enjoy not LEVELS to be overcome.


Which makes perfect sense. But flying isn’t following a road, it’s arbitrary point to point with autopilot.

Also, if the terrain doesn’t matter, why not shrink new expansion areas even further into little flat islands of quest objective mobs to fly between? Would save a lot on dev budget and accomplish the same thing.

Never said I wanted to fight every step of the way, but I don’t think I should be able to entirely disregard it either. Like back in the day if I veered off the road in most L60 zones and tried to cut directly across, I’d find myself in trouble or at least be inconvenienced enough for cutting across to not make sense. Going back to Elwynn or Westfall or something as a 60? Yeah cut across all day, but EPL or Winterspring? Probably not that great of an idea.

I think we’re just going to have to agree to disagree here, we clearly see the world as having considerably different roles in the game.

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I can guarantee you’ll be able to fly normally in later patches.

The problem is they are dramatically reducing the size of zones and have been. They are going vertical instead of horizontal. Flying shows how small these new vertical zones are.

And BTW I HATE (and I don’t like to use that word) HATE the new vertical zones filled with caves and invisible walls with "one true path ™ " to your objectives. Like I said, I don’t want to fight the terrain. Make the terrain nice and flat like it was in most ares and keep mobs off the road and I will chill on the flight.

Demand I have to run in circles around a mountain trying to find the invisible path that takes me to the next hub or quest objective? I want my flying. Ill wait to come back if I have to or give it up overall for a company that understands MMORPGs are NOT side scrollers


Well Dragon Isles are supposedly larger than Northrend with the largest of its zones being the largest zone in-game to date. We’ll see if those claims line up with reality but at minimum it sounds like the next xpac isn’t a dinky-zone one.

That I do agree with. We need more zones that are mostly flat or have gentle rolling hills. Crazy verticality in every zone gets annoying.


And that was the day I cancelled my WoD sub. I shot the hostage.

I guess I wasn’t alone in doing that.


He has spoken! If it doesn’t happen, we all blame this guy!

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This is how I hope it is. And I can unlock and use my other mounts later to fly.

You can’t guarantee anything.


Save this thread, see you in a few patches.

they sold one hell of a lot of subscriptions using that feature. And they will loose a lot removing it. They need to decide if they are running a game studio or a discussion group for mmo “purists”. The people leaving Ion in charge have done a huge disservice to their customers and shareholders. One thing I learned as a business owner, I ordered product that my customers wanted to buy, not product that I wanted.


I personally think the mounts are a waste of time - like all 700 that exist. Think of the new content we got if people didn’t demand silly crap like cosmetics