Your existing mounts will NOT be able to fly in the new expansion

they are trying again. they are just using a more subtle method.

So, do you stand by that opinion in support? Do you have no flying mounts in your collection which you never use? Of course you do…

This is an expansion-specific flight simulator minigame. It isn’t a means of transport where I can hover, move easily from point to point, carry a friend with me on my two-person mount, use the druid flight form that has been in the game since almost from the start. Its a gimmick that deprives us of choice.

If you think having less choice in an MMO is good well, dunno what to say mate.


Good. Flying has sucked all of the adventure out of the game. thus blizzard designs nothing interesting but a bunch of chores around it. It’s time for the old flying to die. If it was in any other video game it would be considered hacking. It has allowed blizzard to become extremely lazy when designing content. I am right, you are wrong. end of story.

Wrong? Well, shall we say lacking in the ability to see beyond your own small space.

You may get your wish. Flight is a core feature of WoW whether you like it or not. You dont have to fly if you dont like it, thats where choice comes in. If you think a flight simulator is design moving forward you have a very narrow view of game design.

I know it will mean nothing to you, but I have finger/hand issues that make it difficult for me to do rapid and repeated keyboard and mouse actions. Even typing is uncomfortable.
Its one reason I had to give up raiding as I couldn’t manage that sort of thing over a concentrated time. This method of flight could cause me actual pain since, as Feasel said, its “very arcady” as in an arcade game. So I’ll probably have to spend most of the time on the ground rather than be able to use the gentler less intense methods of flying I have now.

Is it so hard to ask for choice, to use either as is preferred by each player? I guess you would say no because what matters to you is likely all that matters.


At most the traversal will include 4 buttons. I think you’re being a touch over dramatic.

Blizzard spent all this time and effort to squash something we already found to be fun.

imagine If they took half that effort and put it into player housing.

I see they put themself into a whole with the name of the expac…blah blah blah this now has to be a thing. Heck it could be really fun. BUT it’s not fun when they take away things to do it.

If they slowed down regular mounts due to a “windy” debuff and made the new flight form really fast and fun that would be cool. But don’t wipe away the original just to make your new baby look cool.

If it can’t stand on it’s own it doesn’t deserve to stand at all.


I don’t find flying as it currently is fun. It’s just a tool of convenience to get world quests done faster. There is nothing fun about it. It’s purely utilitarian.

I look forward to the new system and something different. Plus we get flying back in the beginning of an expansion. It’s better than them not allowing it at all. I’ll freakin take it and not complain.

They could take it away from us in a second and we’re not even in alpha stage.

To me it’s fun. I don’t want to take away your “Dragon Flight” options, I simply down want my regular flight options to be removed.

I would be fine with de-buffs like “too windy” “up-draft” or “down drafts” to slow my regular mount down making “dragon flight” be the better option in that area. I simply don’t want my regular flying style removed as an option in this expac.

It’s just lazy.


Not completeable without an AOTC mythic achievement, a mythic + meta achieve, and a base item bought off the cash store!

Dont try to reason with him, he is 100% about being in control of everyones experience, and as he said, only his opinion matters.


Yes, but you see. In your short sightedness you lose perspective on what the old flying system does to the game. Blizzard is designing all of these new zones specifically for this new dragon riding system. They have turned traversing the map into more than a straight line. You have to use your new mount to reach new places. If old flying was unlocked from the start… you just kind of… arrive… I guess. Wowie. So interesting. So depth. Bing bing wahoo! Much Wowie.

They could also donate 90% of their paycheck to the “Gamers who left WoW refugee” program.

If anything, I’m viewing this from a more long term and practical standpoint.

Blizzard keeps picking the wrong hills to die on. I do not understand why Blizzard keeps coming back to this “flying mounts” hill only to get crushed again and again.

IT is not the hill to die on…it is simply a method of transportation preference.

They should focus on ADDING cool stuff. Not taking stuff away.


Improving what is by far the weakest component of the game (travel) is the correct hill to die on. I will say it with my whole chest. It is about time flying was replaced with something better.

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May the taco bell hit you mid flight then. :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ll just dive out of the way. Because I have to pay attention and play the video game now.

The funniest part is in their shortsightedness they don’t realize they finally have a way out of Bobby Kotick’s maze and they are chomping at the bit to get inside. They don’t want better content. They want to make getting to the crappy filler content we “enjoy” now to be easier.

The average WoW player is an exceptionally trained animal. Bobby messed them up real bad.

the only reason there is any question is Ion hates flying and has a multi year tush burn over removing it in WOD. He figures if he can get rid of it for 2 years he can make that permanent. he is willing to kill wows sub numbers to do it. people cheering on dragon flight dont realize that at the next expansion announcement, there will be no flying.


Buffed Interview on MMO-Champ:

At the start implies it’s not permanent.


That seems hopeful, However I have about 100 scars on my rear from open ended Blizzard statements that did not pan out.

From Blizzard I require specifics. They have fully earned the lack of trust I show them.

" Implies" does not cut it.


If true, then all is good.