Your existing mounts will NOT be able to fly in the new expansion

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You should probably read the link supplied to you at the beginning of this thread.

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Okay, and again, I have little doubt that as this expansion continues, eventually they’re going to unlock standard flying.

I hope that doesn’t happen, at all. Ever. The old flying is scuffed. They should keep iterating on the new flying.

I’m fine if maybe the first patch or so, but they better implement them into the new system eventually. Flying the same 4 dragons, with just different customizations is going to get really old.

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Every single topic on GD will be about flying as it was back then lmao


That’s your opinion, others feel differently, and if you think your opinion matters more, please stop posting.

Really, people need to stop acting like they speak for everyone, that their opinion is more important, or should hold more weight than others.


No dragon no matter what color or features can replace flight form.


I didn’t say flying is unpopular - I just said your argument was illogical because you were saying because everyone does it they like it.

There’s also no conclusive proof a lot of people quit due to lack of flying. If you are speaking about WoD it’s pretty well established that the major issue with the expansion was a complete lack of content - not no flying. I’m sure some people quit over not having flying early enough but I highly doubt that’s the primary reason.

People quit righr after it was removed and it was put back. And people were enraged at the time. There is only one thing to draw from that.

This was before the complete lack of content was apparent.


That’s revisionism to say the least. It wasn’t announced flying wasn’t planned for the expansion until about halfway through and by that time people had quit in mass. The complete lack of content was apparent the second day at level cap when you realized all there was to do was the daily fill the bar quests from the mission table in your garrison.

No it was not because it wasn’t really apparent until a raid tier was cut. You are the one with the revisionist history.

You only need to look at the 180 they did on flying, and how controversial removing it was to see what pushed people to quit.

You seem to have a fixation on controlling other players experiences. This is a you problem.


If it were such a great thing, most would use it. And these people would have no issue with both existing at the same time. But the vocal minority always come out of the woodwork on systems when a new expac is about to hit.

They disappear after it fails.

I have little doubt that Ion will grow a soul and become a real person. Dont bet the farm on either one happening

Y’know. It occurs to me that if Blizz doesn’t pull the ripcord and switch on regular flying in the dragon Isles, one has to wonder, what happens in the expansion afterwards? Will there be another “all-in-one” mount? And as time goes by, will that mean the 700 or so mounts that are currently in the game be relegated to Shadowlands and older expansions only? If that is the case, then I’d wager about 50% of the remaining playerbase should probably just go ahead and unsub right now and save the money.


ion used the keyword,

“still” when answering about mounts and if theyre making more mounts in DF. “still making mounts”

Yes I am aware they’ll still be making regular mounts. But that is irrelevant to the point I was making. Or do you mean it is a sign they’ll stop making regular mounts eventually?

11.0 they may stop making mounts altogether and each new expansion will have its own build a mount instead

Quite possible this could be their long-term goal. I wonder if the physics system for the new dragon mount will even work in the older expacs. One would assume it wouldn’t since its physics is probably reliant on having a compatible map.

They may simply clone it and give it to us as a regular mount for non-Dragon isle usage. So it would be striped of all its fancy new features and become just another no-clip flying mount.