Your existing mounts will NOT be able to fly in the new expansion

People do it because they enjoy it. Just like they unsubbed because they wanted it back. And Blizz did give it back with a monkey paw. That was supposed to be a compromise. Now they’ve just been trying other ways to get rid of it.


I picture this system to be as lousy and not fun as the flying vehicle quests we have now.

I just want to get from one place to another quickly and without hassle. I have no interest in unlocking anything in regards to this system. Suppose I’ll have to do the bare minimum though.


Some do of course.

A lot of people do. I think the answer is give the non-flyers their own server.


Yep, of course, if Dragonriding is the only thing available then of course everyone is going to do it. I just hope Blizz doesn’t see that as success since what are my other options? Walk? #omegaLul


I think the flying we have in the game currently does and always has sucked massive donkey balls. I’m glad they are ditching it. Even if it is for one expansion. The new flying looks way way way cooler. You’ll actually have to interact with the zones beyond them being pretty scenery you fly over on the way to your next world quest.

Take a flight path homie lmao

They can apply that logic to anything in game though. Well, all these people leveled a character with threads of fate they must have loved it. All these players took multiple characters through the Shadowlands intro so they loved it.

I think they have a pretty good idea on what players really like and what they just do because they feel they have too. They would never admit it but they know.

The cynic in me says this is all just another way to irritate the players who like flying. The reality is that they most likely believe this will be fun for players.

Time will tell.

The question is, why not have normal flying?
Dragon Riding is faster + better? Cool, let me fly slower then.


I 100% believe that it will be fun, lots of things are fun in small doses. Torghast is fun the first few times you do it, WPvP is fun when you first start playing, there is 0 doubt in my head that it will be fun. However, what about 1 year of playing everyday? Still think people will find all the extra work of flying fun? Maybe, some people also like those other things I mentioned but I think there will be a growing wave of people who dislike the system over time.

But I don’t think Blizz will change it before launch and, just like with covenants, they’ll stick to their guns until enough people QQ about it.


but we should walk more, we need the exercise.

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So we should just appease everyone’s opinion and preference?

Like many things, it should be an option not mandatory.


I don’t know. The multi-seater flying mounts have been pretty useless for the last couple of expansions. When I try to fly around with my wife, even when we have quests synched, she is constantly getting randomly ejected from my mount.

Disagree. I’ve helped and seen others help many people in ZM due to the fact that there are still many who haven’t unlocked ZM flying. So when a person without ZM flying joins a rare raid farming group, at least a couple are picked up by people with 2 seater mounts to help them keep up with the rest of the raid.

That part sounds really cool and I know I’m gonna have fun customizing my dragon. The thing is. No matter how many customization options there are, you will always have a dragon. That alone takes away a lot of some people’s experience.


I haven’t met a single player, though I’m sure many will introduce themselves to me now, that enjoyed the ram dailies during Brewfest. That’s basically what this will be.


Again, thats a you problem. Not us. You.


As long as I don’t have to lose a body part :smile_cat:

I have tried that a few times and IF it is like that :roll_eyes: