Your existing mounts will NOT be able to fly in the new expansion

Tanks having armor allows them to skip content that they would otherwise have to stop and fight. are you against plate classes?


The barding didnt work for me in ZM. Play dead has been my godsend.

its garbage pretty simple. give me a choice and i’m picking flying like it has been. i never used a damn drake or anything like it mounts are so dumb.




Wasn’t even talking about you, haha. If calling someone out on purposely baiting is also trolling to you than it’s best that you do put me on mute.

It would be cool if at max level dragon riding, it let you use the older mounts with the new physics.

Indeed that would be cool. But I suspect that won’t happen because “it would cost a raid tier”. And heaven forfend that raiders lose out on one of their precious raid tiers in exchange for potentially vastly upgrading and improving one of the core evergreen gameplay systems in WoW. Oh the horror. The sheer horror. :roll_eyes:

Fun fact. According to Ion, the main reason we don’t have player housing is literally because it would “cost a couple of raid tiers”.

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Honestly at this point who cares, it’s a mount and it’s new and unique. It’s the internet no one will ever just be happy ever. You will get to customize a mount to use for that zone and fly your mount in 100’s of normal zones not tied into DRAGONFLIGHT.

During the reveal Ion mentioned something about players regretting losing abilities and power at the beginning of an expansion and the plans to address that. Then he goes on to tell us the flying mounts we’ve been collecting for over a decade will be useless for this expansion.

Furthermore dragon riding seems irritating to me. I don’t want to have fun while going from point A to point B because that will take me longer. Slowing down the consumption of content seems to be the real intent behind this new system.


When all a lot of people want is simply to be able to fly, of course people aren’t gonna be happy. The customization sounds cool, but so far of the 4 mounts two are okay looking. Nothing I’d ever replace my gryphon, on my hunter, or Paladin class hall mount. Not everyone wants something as big as a drake. I’m one of those people. Even if the larger size isn’t an issue, quite often they never scale properly for characters. Especially larger ones. If Blizz gets a tremendous amount of flack over this all I can say is you reap what you sow.


Then you are absolutely at liberty to not use flying to skip content and ignore the world. I find this view of how others use flying to be a tiresome cliché at this point.

I don’t use flying to skip content or ignore the world. I use flying to get around the world, to see the world, and to take part in the content that’s in the world. Is it faster? Yes. Is it more satisfying than being on the ground always? Yes.

Is there any reason at all that we can’t all have what we want (I get to fly, you stay on the ground if you hate it so)? No, unless you’re Ion, or anti-flying people who support him and think everyone should play the game the way you want them to.

Do we really need some mini-game abomination to completely replace flying for an entire xpac? That’s a resounding NO.


definitely won’t count on it, but here’s hoping that will change. There’s plenty of time left for reconsideration.

I left WoW after 13+ years because of Ions mistakes the past couple of expansions and he keeps making them. His annoying arrogance and persistence to defy players wishes is mind boggling. Successful companies actually try to please paying customers, not continually upset them. One of my favorite parts of the WoW gameplay is it’s CURRENT form of flying, GW2 style of flying is hot garbage. I will not be re-subbing and will hard pass Dragonflight. Hopefully Microsoft will fire this guy.


well said.


Who cares? We’re getting a new system, the game needs new blood. And I’d like to try some new stuff. If it works, we enhance all flying, if it doesn’t we go back to the old system.

I use flying to find treasures, find rares, explore, do quests, gather crafting mats, gather anima to send to alts, look for new hunter pets, look for battle pets, work on alts, random “let’s go look at what’s on top of that mountain over there
” moments, drop in to help other players if they look like they’re having trouble with Custos in ZM (he’s a frequent trouble spot) - lots of things. If I’m out in the world, I’ve got goals I’m working on.

And I’m probably still not going to run into anybody complaining about the people who like old flight in this thread because they’re not going to be out there with me anyway.

Players choose to let progression and a lack of interest in certain types of content drive them out of the open world. They have free will, regardless of how much they’d like to blame the game for what they end up doing, and if their experience sucks because they put the bare minimum into it, it’s on them, not the game. Playing WoW Panzer Dragoon for a couple of years isn’t going to change that.


If Blizzard ran a restaurant, I’d be scared to death to eat there.

Me: “I’d like a cheeseburger, fries, and a Dr. Pepper, please.”

Blizzard: “Sure, BUT

Me: (runs for it)


Ion has said, in so many words, in the past
“its MY world, you should be thankful we even let you look at it.”


I have never gone back to Korthia since ZM opened

Youre wrong.

Cata had flying from the outset.


People who

  • Simply wished flying would remain the way it’s been.
  • Who really enjoy using specific mounts because they are comfortable with them and they make up part of their RP. I know I definitely do that.
  • Worried if player skill difference will make it hard to keep up while questing together. (I always laugh when I remember having to look behind me, constantly, to make sure my friend didn’t fall off the path while we were questing together way back in Vanilla. lol)

I think the system looks pretty interesting and I do want to give it a try, but this has a very big chance of alienating a lot of people. It’s possible it will bring new people into the game, but it doesn’t seem like a big selling feature. Players are going to have to like WoW in general, I think. We shall see. Always like seeing ya post, Thundastahm.