Your existing mounts will NOT be able to fly in the new expansion

No theyre corrupting a wish, quickly becoming a trademark of blizz. We said we want flight. They said “sure BUT”.


Also, if you are forced to land after a distance/time, and it forces you to land in the middle of a pack of elites or some giant mob of red… I foresee lots o runs from the graveyards.


imagine if the heroic Dragonflight version include a mount but you cant use it because the Dragonriding lol

Good, its a dragon expansion, intimidate them by riding them… If only Alextraza was a mount :hot_face:

I hope they don’t - the new system sounds so much better

How? I mean, i may end up loving it, but i dont want it replacing flying for good.


Because it’s not mindless afk aerial swimming, flying actually sounds fun now and something I’d enjoy doing to get from point A to point B. I don’t anticipate it becoming some mini game personally

I get that, but when it comes down to it, flying IS a convenience, not a minigame. And it seems like they want to make it into a minigame, vs something just used.

As i said, i may end up loving it, but i WANT the option to just mount and go mindless.


That is exactly what the Blizz people say it is:
“And then the whole mini-game is …”


“How can we make flying less useful, since we hate it and hate you players for wanting it?”


I guess we will have to agree to disagree. I don’t like flying being something that allows you to skip content and ignore the world element of the game.

I’d hoped they’d move away from world of instance craft personally and bring us back into the world for compelling content (aka not dailies and world quests) lol

Then dont fly. But for gods sake dont take away MY freedom to do so.
And by the time we get flying back, weve SEEN the content so many times its not worth SEEING anymore.


I mean you can do that on the ground too.

This argument has never, ever made sense lol.


I’m sorry but that’s such a non starter in a game like WoW if you don’t use every convenience you fall behind and get benched

How? You get dazed and knocked off. I’m the air you do nothing but reduce the content to A to B mindlessly. I also don’t agree with quest markers personally I think you should have to read the quest text and follow directions

Sounds like a you issue. Im not willing to give up my freedom so you dont feel inconvenienced by my CHOICES.


Wish I could give you more than one heart. lmao
I have a plethora of dragon mounts and not one of them is welcome to the skies of the new dragon isles? That is just WRONG! Those dragons be racists and stuff.


While I’m happy you have faith that blizzard will make the new system not suck, I have no faith in Blizzard.


They literally have mount equipment to keep you from getting dazed. If you are a tank, you can ignore that completely lol. If you have a way to drop combat, you can also ignore it completely.


its only as mindless as the person using it.