Your existing mounts will NOT be able to fly in the new expansion

Ive been shredding the web since yesterday looking for anything that says this is wrong but every comment so far confirms it.
I dont want this to be like this. Obviously WE are the only ones here trying to actually make the game better instead of just accepting the newest passive aggressive slight ion has to throw our way as a few others in here are so willing to do


i agree man, but nothing truly supports outright replacement either in whats been posted, but yah passive aggressive is a perfect way to describe it,lol, 100%

In either case, it REALLY puts a huge damper on my feelings about the expansion :O(


From the article:
“Finding those different spires to jump off of becomes an interesting thing to look for as you’re traversing the world”

My questions are:

How long does it take to get to the top of one of those spires?
Do we have to crawl hand over hand to get to the top, just to glide off?
Will it take 10 min to get to the top for a 2 min glide?

Will the goblin glider still be a better option?

When I saw the video of the dragon riding it was like BOOOM!..gonna love this. I LOVE flight simulators…the faster paced they are, the better. Ive had a friend nearly vomit watching me play, lmao.
so this was right up my alley.
Saw the new race…yeah…personally Im loving it. I’ll roll one day one if we can.
Then I saw that crap from wowhead about grounding all my flying mounts.
Yeah…more petulant passive aggressive controlling flight hate from Ion.
sorry to all here but I dabble a bit in the psychobabble…we do marriage counseling as well. Saved a LOT of marriages over the years. Nothing Ion is or has been doing is new to me. Ive seen the behavior 1000 times.
This was just another unnecessary attack on players who love flight. My way or the highway.

Cool, Ion.
My wife and I choose the highway.


Because I LIKE flying around on my Warforged Nightmare, that’s why I paid actual MONEY for it!

It matches my outfit . . .

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


Dude you read way to much Into this and blaming ion personally like that shows how uneducated you really are. Lots of people put Input on these things at blizzard ion doesn’t jsut say f you I’m God bow down to me. You talking like that just goes to show you probably shouldn’t be counseling anyone.

cool thing here?
youre on the list…i dont need to listen to more shills today :wave::wave:


And further proof you shouldn’t be counseling anyone lol.

yah , i’m a launch day baby here, and am giving serious thought to cancelling because of this passive aggressive stuff.

I commented before on this, but it is nice to see Wowhead get some love and support in the forums, I just did not like the way the article was presented, I like sources and quotes from ‘experts’. It is what it is in the end.

Lol, nothing wrong with any kind of counseling, it can definitely help even if no one thinks it can, I 100% agree, hope they realize this and give us reg flight later in the expansion.

ps. one thing being missed is that they are having the drake function as a flight whistle at least.

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Trying to talk myself into just staying subbed since I have tons of old mogs up thru legion i still need. I think the wife is pretty much done though. She hated SLs and this is turning out to be last straw material here.
We’ve bought a list of flying mounts and being told by Ion we wont be able to use them for what we bought them for in current content…eh…not endearing us to the game.


are they? thats cool. I kind miss the whistle. Though I have to admit playing hunter as my main makes me want to fight those mobs lol so not so quick to want to get back to base

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yah i think Ion said that in either the deep dive or the Hazelnutty interview.

yah nothing screams ‘worth it’ like belly bumping riding on the ground with a nice store mount.

Not to mention that we will likely get a flying mount with the CE purchase, that so far it appears wont be able to fly in the new zone,lol

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jesus lmao…
Just hearing that makes me want to bang my head on the desk here :rofl:


I only fly on my warlock mounts, (demon horses), if they cannot fly I just won’t buy.


That is a BIG IF and from what I read that it more gliding like paragliding not flying.

You’ll should already know what’s the tea. They’re just going to use it as an expansion feature where you have to do weekly grinds to unlock longer flight times.

if dragonriding ends up being fun and faster than traditional flying then I will be alright with it. Tbh I’m the sort that uses that broomstick mount every hallowend because of the save on mount up time (when I’m not a druid!)

if it feels good to use then I will be happy to use it.

If it stinks… well I will have to wait and see first!

I think I will need to stay away from the websites and this forum coming up to not get bummed out about things before it even comes out. When all these little flaws are pointed out or complained about I tend to view it differently walking into it.

Gonna try to keep it all a surprise this time. :relaxed: Anyways have a nice night.

It was fun back when WoW was new. But once the genie is out of the bottle… no going back.

Also from the article:
“…try to figure out how to get as far as possible before you land again”

So we glide, then forced to land, then glide, then forced to land, then glide then forced to land, then glide, then forced to land, then glide then forced to land until we finally reach where we want to go… that does not sound like fun to me. Up down Up down UP down UP down… ugh! Just let me FLY! I have almost 400 mounts. And not one of them will be able to FLY. It will be a see-saw of up and downs. NO THANK YOU! I will not be purchasing the xpac.

Edit: Also, what is going to happen to druid flight? They are going to lose it too? OOOOH boy…


I’ll be surprised if nothing changes after the first patch.

Dragon riding looks more fun than base flying, so I don’t really care. There’s a difference between making us do pathfinder out of spite, and giving us a potentially, actually awesome new form of travel.

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