You will never be satisfied with Anduin, won't you?

your time aint worth jack

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If it helps I been warming up to him these days. The guy is really going though some PTSD issues.

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Gazlowe is not even on the promotion posters. The only he has so far in a short story.

Dude, never use a for all statement. One counter example is all that is needed to prove you wrong.


Jaina was 23 and Thrall was 24 in Warcraft 3. And with Thrall being conviniently born when the Dark Portal opened we can say Jaina is 39 as of Dragonflight.

And this is info from Warcraft 3’s manual.

At this point who cares if they are? The Arathi are not the Alliance. And if anything there is a good chance they will just turn the Arathi into a customization option for BOTH Alliance and Horde.

There’s plenty of valid criticism.

The man has a habit of walking away from his responsibilities as King of Stormwind and one of the premier leaders of the Alliance.

He takes insane levels of risk, and they frequently don’t pay off.

Who doesn’t want an epic battle? Need I remind you the NAME of this game? I want a real Fifth War, where both sides can make an argument for being the right side. I want a battle ground that’s something more than an Alterac Valley Zerg, I still remember logging in and out of a battle that ran for three actual days straight, and left every building in that battleground a smoking ruin. I’ll take a siege on Stormwind any day over another mad dragon flying over it or LoveCraft deity dismantling the Cathedral. A prolonged naval battle as opposed to the land siege of Orgrimmar would be visually awesome, like the Fire Nation attack on the Northern Water Tribe.

I want to see a faction war that permanently divides these Class Orders, especially the Druid, Shaman, and Paladin Orders. Where each member has to take a stand.

Cause the story specifically describes the mainland arathi as intolerant to the point where they would war with the alliance and the horde


We burned a fair number of cities in World War 2 even more than we did to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, turning them into huge piles of corpses with casualties that would make Teldrassil a Columbine by comparison.

But we’re the good guys because we say so, and more importantly we get to say so because we won. Our “ally” Stalin was an even greater butcher than Hitler and Hirohito did his best to match them both in China and Korea. And we used a pretty good size crop of Hitler’s best killers to get us to the Moon.

Look deeper and you’ll see a heck of a lot of grey in those Black and White Hats.

Blizzard had an opening for an epic saga when they burned Teldrassil… And they made an utter waste of it.

I don’t think Horde players want an Alliance SoO, I think they just don’t want another SoO pushed on them, like they did in BFA.

But hey, never say never. Who knows what might happen by the time this expansion trilogy concludes.


She was 39 by BFA you mean. And 41 by the time SL happened. And then there’s the 5 years between SL and BFA which brings her to 46 and how long did DF lasted? 2 years? That brings her to 48, unless I’m missing something.

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Not sure on the timeline but the time between the start of Shadow lands and Dragonflight was five years. There’s a time jump that was a few years of peace mentioned in the “stay and listen” conversations some NPCs have while waiting for the first trip to the islands.

Anyway, it’s funny how people yapped about wanting more “human” and “grounded” conflicts back in Shadowlands, and now that we finally do have more “human” and “grounded” conflicts (because there’s nothing more grounded fantasy than a young king doubting himself and an invasion of evil monsters from the dark land), people are yapping that the story is too boring.

Did you prefer when the story was about Thanos gathering the Infinite Sigils to access the Homeworld of the Xel’naga? :rofl:

Hiroshima and Nagasaki were atrocities that weren’t military necessary. Teldrassil, was the same.

No they didn’t. Nothing good could’ve come from making the Horde commit genocide against a playable race. Any morality the Horde had was forever gone.

Yeah I meant to say between SL and DF, not BFA. Sorry.

Nothing to apologize for. Mistakes happen.

Unless of course you did it to prevent your own genocide. That was the motivation for the Xindi in Star Trek: Enterprise after all.

Dragonflight is exactly 40 years after the Dark Portal opened. And as I mentioned Jaina was born one year after the Dark Portal was opened. Ergo, she was 39 as of DF.

I don’t get Andiuns inner conflict. He got controlled by magic, it’s not like he did anything from his own will. No one blames him. What is he struggling with?

More interesting arch would have been him being a peace advocate. However BFA happened during his watch, if he was more of a competent leader it would not of happened. If he was able to control Genn and his forces or even punish them, chance are high that horde wouldn’t have signed up for war as this was the key topic that lead to war.

But blizzard wants to focus on oh he was mind controlled he feels bad. Dude it wasn’t your fault, no one blames you, just stop.


Stormheim was the only reason Sylvanas was even able to get Saurfang onboard with invasion of Darkshore/Teldrassil to begin with. She knew that without Saurfang backing her, the rest of the horde wouldn’t have soo eagerly followed her.


It is the nature of the control. It isn’t that he was just a puppet on strings, either unconscious or forced to watch but unable to act… its that he felt and experienced the joy of causing harm his controller felt and is unable to to differentiate between what was Zovval and what was his own thoughts and feelings. Domination-style possession appears to effectively be a sort of override of the normal personality a person has. Add to that a large dose of survivors guilt and you get present Anduin.

I’m sure having someone such as Arthas attached to you, via mourneblade doesn’t help either.