You will never be satisfied with Anduin, won't you?

I see that does paint a different picture but even then what was the worst thing he did? Hurt someone and steal a something that we recreated?

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That is where is gets really murky. They have insinuated he did a lot of awful stuff off camera but do not seem to want to explain exactly what it was he did. only “It was really bad, just trust us on this guys”.


Yeah, I really don’t get the math behind that number. The hell can she be below 40 when since vanilla it’s been nearly 20 years plus the 5 years time skip before DF when she was in her 20s 4 years before vanilla wow happened.

I don’t even get why “enjoying it a bit” is such a hang up for him. I imagine the overwhelming majority of people would derive some degree of pleasure in exerting their strength over others. It’s why PvP is still a game mode. Doesn’t mean you would go around stabbing people for realsies of your own volition.

Did Anduin just think that he was so above regular human emotion before this?

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Anduin is a character I theoretically should like.

He’s just such a nerd. I actually like that our ages finally synced up since I started playing WoW as a boy when he was a boy king. And I thought we were 20 something Priest mains but because of time dilation he was still like 17.

And now we’re both 30 something grizzled Priest but he didn’t earn it. He had a plot contrived mind control storyline and was so bent out of shape about it he decided to be a hobo for years.

They’re trying to make him grizzled without putting in the effort. SL was nonsense. It would’ve been far better if he quit just out’ve pressure and wandered the world only to see some real ish and that’s why he’s got the 1k year stare.

Instead he got mind controlled after resisting the torture that was the Sylvanas novel and stabbed some angel nobody cares about. Lame.



That is under the presumption that Blizzard have actually told an overarching story through several expansion with themes that also stretches across said expansions.

They haven’t. Blizzard only just started doing this. So no, Anduin have had no time for developement.

He could have had, if blizzard were competent writers, but they are not, so he did not have enough time.

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It’s not just in expansions. Anduin has been the main character of more books than any other character in WoW.

He’s had way more time than any other character in the franchise to be developed and he still sucks.


There are a number of issues with Anduin, but the four major issues are following

  • Made Highking for no reasons other than his father and keeps it even after all his failures.
  • He is promoted as a Role model by the writers, Therefore he will never do anything that can be considered as wrong or interesting because of this. He is overly predictable and has been used as a tool by the writers to simply shut down faction conflict without resolving the conflict organically.
  • He is simply overused. He has become the protagonist in a MMO where the players are being sidelined from the story so the writers can push their own characters and cast as the real heroes which we are just sidekicks for.
  • A Character like him makes no sense based on the world around him and the nature of his upbringing. He should be jaded in his perception of the horde based on the stories and the events of the people close to him. However despite that seems to be completely ignorant of the history of the Alliance and Horde.

There are a number of other problems with the charcter but the more they keep forcing anduin into the story the more people will resent him. best option as other have pointed out is to just sideline him as just being the king of stormwind, nothing else.


That doesn’t explain how the Forsaken are more relatable for you than Anduin.

So why do the Forsaken do it for you but Anduin doesn’t. Can you elaborate?

You’ve got a point about the “Forsaken are playable, Anduin isn’t”, which gives players leeway to craft a story for their PCs that they don’t have for Anduin.

While I don’t think being killed and turned undead are relatable in real-life, I can see what you’re going for about types of issues.

That said, both Anduin and the Forsaken have relatable experiences. It’s a bit hard to compare since Anduin is one person and the Forsaken are a group, but I’ll give it a go.


  • Grew up without his parents.
  • Never knew his mother
  • At times overbearing, borderline abusive father.
  • Losing loved ones
  • Pressure of family expectations (don’t have to be royal or even wealthy to face that).
  • Being shipwrecked.
  • Being abducted

Forsaken (as a whole)

  • Being shunned over appearance
  • Being shunned for your situation
  • Losing your home
  • Losing loved ones

If we look at things individually, I’d say that Anduin’s experience is worse than Calia’s or even Nathanos’, and they’re both Forsaken.

Plus, Anduin’s time as the Jailer’s possessed puppet means both him and the Forsaken have experienced a loss of control (also, it was the leader of the Forsaken - Sylvanas - who forced Anduin into that situation).

Because my life experience hasen’t made me go through anything like anduin, has, i haven’t lost a parent as a child, i haven’t lived in a massive mansion, i haven’t tackled the weight of parental expectations. but i do know what its like to have normal people treat me as less then human. Your life experience shapes you


Like again its not about oh who’s worse, cause if you don’t care about a character all the forced suffering in the world isn’t gunna change that and honestly is just genuinly wild to me that anduin fans can’t seem to handle that some people just don’t like their special little boy.

You say giving him ptsd means he is just like the forsaken, i say its just them bolting forsaken themes onto their special white boy, so they don’t have to write the forsaken.


That’s exactly what it is. They’d rather write for the generic white male humans than any other race. Anduin has stolen themes and story from draenei as well as forsaken. Just like Varian before him stole a bunch of themes from night elves and orcs. They did it with Turalyon too.


I was satisfied with Anduin back at the start of BfA when he said it’s time to reclaim what’s rightfully ours and kick the foreskinners outside of the Lordaeron squat. It’s Blizzard’s fault they decided to ruin him afterwards.

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Uhm, You DO realize that Anduin as a character predates the Draenei/Eredar and WoW Draenei retcon, right??

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So, tell us than what themes Anduin had in vanilla, besides Generic white prince living in castle, with regent running the show while daddy is gone and evil dragon secretly manipulating events

I‘ll wait.


I’m still waiting for anduin to become the ultimate paladin or introduce us to a Priest holy DPS spec.

We even have Shalamayne now mirroring the Ashbringer, being corrupted, now it needs a new boost of holy power.

Vanilla has only been 15 years ago:

On this note they slightly aged Thrall down. In the original Warcraft 3 as I mentioned he was 24. In this “current” timeline he would have been 20 at the time of Warcraft 3.(and Jaina would be 19)

The “timeskip” is apperently a misgnomer because Shadowlands is apperently 35-36 thus technically it has only been a timeskip of 4 from the end of Shadowlands.

What do you mean “normal people have treated you as less than human”?

(also, Anduin was a teenager, not a child, when his father died).

While how people feel about a character does matter, I think it’s overrated in WoW. I’m ambivalent about Anduin, but double standards are my bugbear.

I meant the loss of control meant they’re alike, not so much the ptsd. Zovaal controlled Anduin the same way the Lich King controlled the Scourge who became the Forsaken. And with the same power, no less - the same runes on Frostmourne are the same runes on the Jailer.

And if you want to bring race into it, the Forsaken are mostly just undead white people. Some are whiter than Anduin figuratively and literally.

While you have a point about Anduin and Turalyon, did you know the Forsaken are mostly white people too, right?

Difference is Turalyon and Anduin are written that way and the forsaken aren’t. The forsaken are zombies dealing with a world that hates them and wants to wipe them out

There’s a stark difference between both


The Forsaken are undead white people, so what’s your point?