You will never be satisfied with Anduin, won't you?

Let’s cut the filler and come to the root of the problem.

Anduin has been beaten, humiliated, abandoned, and literally mind-controlled for the past 5 years, and yet some people still yap about him being “boring” or “annoying”.

He is literally one of the characters who suffered the most in the Warcraft franchise, and yet that is still not enough.

I have the feeling that you people won’t be satisfied until Anduin literally just dies and Varian comes back or Lightbound Turalyon takes over the kingdom and starts his crusade.

All because some Horde players still think that Siege of Orgrimmar will get an Alliance equivalent… one day… any day now… who’s going to tell them? :rofl:

Suffering doesn’t make someone interesting


If he recognizes he’s a terrible leader and retires and is out of the story forever that would be satisfactory. I’d prefer he died, but I’ll be satisfied if he just screws off forever.


You do realize that Anduin is the last living member of House Wrynn, which is the royal house of Stormwind, right? He can’t just “retire” and the people of Stormwind love him. They love Turalyon too, but they also love Anduin, and they still think Anduin will come back one day.

There’s a story arc that Blizzard is telling here about Anduin’s current state of weakness clashing with his duties as the last monarch of Stormwind, if you will let Blizzard cook in the oven.

Explain how Sylvanas is “interesting” without mentioning her suffering in the least. :rofl:


Cool, let him go back to Stormwind and stay in Stormwind and only ever lead Stormwind. Just stop making him the freaking main character of WoW.

He’s been an awful character since MoP and he has only gotten worse since.


What makes suffering interesting is when people can relate to it, no one can relate to anduins suffering cause he is a nepo baby


Anduin looks like he used lvl 70 boost and is just walking around pressing WSAD spaming /cry emotes.


I’m fine with Anduin. :wave::robot:

He reminds me of Thrall. :robot::thought_balloon:

Technically so was Sylvanas. She inherited the position of Ranger General from her mother. After Alleria declined it.


Fair but i’d argue he is the far better off nepo baby


Lawful good characters are normally not wanted in nowadays fiction.

Not saying this is the only reason people don’t like him, but not only this is a big reason, it kinda elevates every other reason people might not like him.

Stuff like him being a young prince, being the Varian replacement, being put in a position of power, having a character arc about being controled by the enemy and then being unsure about his sense of self, being the focal point during periods in the story, all of that have more impact because he is a good guy, a legit good person.

I am on the opposite side, I like lawful good, I like very idealistic characters and Anduin’s story is very interesting to me in every part I followed.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and this all that i wrote is simply my opinion, people are free to dislike him and voice that as much as they want.


Oh boy. This thread has great entertainment potential.

Anduin’s fecklessness and spinelessness when it came to actually acting on his peaceful principles as king helped lead to a major world war.

I don’t hate him as a character but I had to lmao when I read the interview line about having to do his character justice in TWW like the writers haven’t been salivating over him more expansions than not since Mists


Think on the positive.

If anduin’s arc is complete he can just become a background npc. Who likes him gets a good character arc, who hates him doesnt have to interact with him besides getting some quest prompts.

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I find peoples dislike of Anduin to be linked to the absurd increase in impatient behavior we see ruining many other media today.

A character is given no chance to develope, to improve, they have to be perfect from the get go.

Varian was always popular with Alliance-zealots when he was the type of character that would go ham on the Horde whenever. Garrosh was always popular with the Horde-zealots when he was the type of character that would go ham on the Alliance. People who like these sorts of characters, are usually the loudest, on the forums too.

More people started liking Varian when he became more nuanced rather than just a blue-version of Garrosh. And the idea of a more tempered Garrosh was more liked than the chaotic and just “I WANT TO SMASH ALLIANCE!” Garrosh, see Stonetalon Mountain Garrosh, where it seemed he was about to get a spiritual awakening, although it was later revealed to have been a mistake.

I wholeheartedly believe that more people actually like Anduin, than people dislike him. He is a growing character that is being developed, that is to be expected of a character we followed as a kid, who then became king suddenly, and now had to learn how to lead, and more so, wage a war despite his otherwise pacifistic tendencies and desire for peace. It is a part of his growth, to realize, that sometimes, to preserve peace, you must be willing to fight que Legion soundtrack

His character is cooking, all we can hope is, that the final product will be good.

A raw steak is and will never be as good as a rare steak.


Speaking for myself, I find Anduin to be a frustrating character.

Circa Wrath, he was interesting. He was a child, but presented as wise before his time, shaped by the events of his youth, time spent as a pawn with no real power, watching others rule in his name, and poorly. At the time, he seemed like someone whom would grow into a strong, wise character, and I was looking forward to that.

Then, come Cataclysm/MoP, they made him into a naive peacemonger. Questing as an Alliance player had us facing many, many tragedies committed by the Horde, and mopping up the mess. For Anduin to continue to spout peace at a time the Horde was bombing schools of neutral druids and mass-raising innocent men and women into undeath like the Scourge, turned him from wise-before-his-years, to annoying, preachy, and ignorant.

Blizzard then doubled-down on the peacemonger identity. MoP had a few moments of potential interest, namely in his relationship with Wrathion. Considering how dragons had completely messed up human kingdoms in the past, it was an interesting dynamic to see a prince and a dragon as genuine friends. Alas, Anduin remained solidly in, “I’ll lay down on the ground so the Horde can use me as a doormat if it means peace,” mode.

After that, Anduin became a character out of a soap opera. Father dies, he inherits the throne (and the Alliance somehow), he himself is perfect and right, but his subordinates act against his orders and he becomes a victim of that because he needs to take the blame as the man in charge… Circle around to BFA and its more of the same. Even when he takes to the field, he’s more worried about Sylvanas killing her own soldiers to raise into undeath than he is about his own men.

Shadowlands comes around and he’s the ideal pawn this ancient god-tier entity has been waiting for, because why would it be the World Shaman, the strongest mortal sorceress of Azeroth, or even the Champion of the Planet and breaker of the Legion, for that matter?

Queue more, “Anduin is the victim,” drama where he’s mind controlled and made to be bad, tossing in a bit of Arthas to try and make it more interesting while in the process ruining one of warcraft’s most iconic characters.

Now we get sad Anduin in TWW. Just… no. I’ve had enough of this, ‘Days of My Lives,’ drama with him. I half expect we’ll start seeing, “I’m pregnant, and Anduin is the father,” storylines coming out of the woodworks next or something, it’s all so trite and cliche.

The character was ruined as far back as Cata. Stop trying to salvage him. Let him go the way of Medan already, he’s just as cringe at this point.


They would rather have Hero Chin back. Guys have a problem with Anduin because he’s not “manly enough” by their expectation for male heroes. That and the fact that he’s way too willing to work with Horde leaders by their standards.

He’s a hard choice for a committed relationship though, he’s very supportive, but not dependable.

Horde players have a problem of being frequently constrained to work with him as he overshadows their faction leaders in the story.


He could stay king of Stormwind but do away with the High King nonsense. That would go a long way toward making him more popular with players.


I won’t unless he abdicates or dies.


At least Varian’s development made him a better character. Varian went from Warmonger, to a wise king. The High King nonsense was stupid, but Varian himself had a lot of growth over the course of his time, and he was just getting to be a really good character when they killed him off.

It parallels Talanji in a way. Feels like they killed off a good character to make way for a new one.

That said, Varian is dead and should remain so. I was disappointed at first, but now I’m relieved he didn’t show up in Shadowlands (not that he could since he got disenchanted, but still).

Turalyon is interesting enough. I’m holding my breath to see how they’ll ruin him, though. It’s absolutely coming.