You will never be satisfied with Anduin, won't you?

Implying it wasn’t really tedious from the word ‘go.’ Dismissive bluntly of any actual criticisms of Anduin and then goes off topic to make up a fictious scenario about big bad Horde Players talking about Turalyon and a Siege of Stormwind – this is just in the OP.


Is she? I thought they booted her.

Golden is one of the reasons why the game story is such a mess and personally for me, one of the reasons I’m tired of Anduin.


Guess he’s trying to gain some infamy, be one of the “known” forum personalities, like that blood elf guy. Don’t remember his name.

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Hmm, so would it be accurate you like your heroes with less depth to them? By which I mean they show little to no of their internal emotional world.

No judgement there, some people do not want to deal with that baggage in their fiction. It is fair to say it is not what you signed up for with Warcraft as it was in prior eras. You signed up for big sweaty muscle dudes with big swords fighting. Orcs vs Humans, as it were.

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More then likely the case, considering he’s physically unable to not take various pot shots at Horde players like they’re Satan incarnate or Alliance players that dare disagree with his takes almost every other second.


Because I am right and you are wrong. You know it, you know I have exposed you.

There is no valid criticism of Anduin. I’ve already debunked all the so-called “criticism”.

I debunked the criticism that Anduin is a nepo baby by pointing out that he is not a nepo baby because he was surrounded by snakes in every corner and grew up an orphan.

I debunked the criticism that Anduin isn’t relatable by pointing out that he has suffered and been humbled many times over the last years.

And I have exposed the Horde playerbase. They only want to get back at the Alliance and Blizzard for the Siege of Orgrimmar, it’s what they’ve wanted for years.

First they latched onto the “boy king” whispers from Il’gynoth as proof that Anduin was going to become a villain, now they have just moved over to Turalyon.

You people won’t be satisfied until the Siege of Stormwind becomes reality, won’t you? Because that’s all these Anduin/Turalyon “criticisms” are. A desperate attempt at villain-batting them so that the Horde can raid Stormwind and get “revenge” for SOO.

But it’s never happening.

No, it wouldn’t. I like an emotional moment as much as the next guy, but for me it’s a lot more interesting when it’s a remarkable event, like a stoic character breaking down under pressure or an “evil” character showing a positive emotion. Not this non stop weeping I see from Anduin.


Yeah, nothing says “stoic” like Garrosh going on a rampage because Taran Zhu made a joke about his absent father. :rofl:

Garrosh was anything but stoic. You want a stoic character, there was Saurfang. Another sacrifice on the altar of Anduin, courtesy of Golden. I’m starting to get the impression you aren’t very bright.


I gotcha. The core issue then is Anduin is just… fundamentally incompatible with what you are looking for. Stoic is not a word I would ever use to describe him. He is definitely a soft character that often wears his heart on his sleeve even when he is trying to pretend he isn’t.

Exactly. Like I said, I don’t want this character killed. There are people who like him, I don’t get why, but they exist. Not fair to have them lose that character just cause I don’t like him. The only thing I ask, is less exposure to that character.


Out of curiosity, is Turalyon more your speed? He is definitely more the stoic warrior sort.

You would not say this if you were right, knowing you’re right even, especially in such an emotional tone.

I wouldn’t call him a nepo baby, but I can think of about one thing he did that was competent; his investigation to find the Harmonious Mallet which culminated in the destruction of the Divine Bell. Almost everything after that has been him being sad.

A character being constantly put through the wringer does not mean they’re inherently relatable.

The Alliance Playerbase wants to become the villains the next go around, because I saw a few Alliance players say they want to become the bad guys one time.

“But it’s never happening” Oh yes, Blizzard will or won’t do something with their own IP as writers of the game because a person on the forums said so.


Not sure. I liked Zealot Turalyon. But I haven’t kept up with the stories involving him, so I don’t know if the present version has been “fixed”.


Scalecommander Azurathel called him a zealot in DF, and there’s mention of him considering the armistice more fragile then people realize in TWW, but thats about it AFAIK.

Sounds like he needs some space to shine. That won’t happen in we get more of Anduin, I think.


He does show up in TWW, but so far only in a small capacity. He is there with Geya’rah overseeing troop training and the two spend most their time exchanging barbs.

You claim that specifically story-focused players quit due to age.

The fact this person… the OP… is saying this … months after Golden was “let go”… shows the OP’s lack of comprehension.

Maybe the OP is the one person worshipping at Golden’s Anduin Altar, even after Blizzard was tired of that rubbish


Wait, you said you were a zoomer. So you were 18 or 19, at the very most, arguing with people on the internet about BfA? That’s not a good way to spend your youth.

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