You will never be satisfied with Anduin, won't you?

Especially Death Knight players (including yours truly).

How is the suffering of the Forsaken more relatable than what Anduin’s been through?

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Because relatability is unique to each person and the lives they’ve lived


I can sympathise with anduin, but thats not reason enough for me to like or care about him


Just on the basic level of Forsaken and Demon Hunters are Playable while Anduin isn’t… so Players can relate in a virtual way. Literal avatars of themselves.

That aside, I think you have to extrapolate from that, if you are being honest, or if you just care to find the answer.

Not many people can relate to the experience of Anduin as far as being the son of a king and that drama. Just population wise.

People can relate to the helplessness of the Forsaken. Low born or high born fell to it. People can relate to being shunned for things they had no control over. People can relate to their world being torn upside down and having to make new lives after torment and chaos.

Maybe people who are born in rich families see Anduin and living in castles as every day life, and for them, I suppose it would be. They couldn’t relate to the Forsaken, such things would be as alien as a Martian.

By saying the Forsaken are more relatable, I think it is being said that there are simply more people who can relate with the sort of… issues … that they express, than Anduin’s issues.

Charitably, one could say Anduin touches on issues of parental expectations and what constitutes “masculinity” but those issues were kind of forced on him by a Writer who no longer works for Blizz… so hopefully, we won’t see too much more of that.

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Anduin and the Forsaken literally went through the exact same struggle.

The only difference is that Anduin, unlike some Forsaken (but not many others), was born a nobleman.

If that’s disqualifying to you, then you’re not as pseudo-intellectual as you try to be.

Bro refuses to listen

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That might be the nicest thing you ever said. Since you don’t out right name call me, you just sort of name call me if I agree with your strawman. And I don’t disqualify him.

I said people relate to different things, and more people would relate to the Forsaken. I even said there are some who could relate to Anduin and not the Forsaken.

Whether you acknowledge it or not, a previous writer has outright stated that she was trying to write Anduin a certain way, regarding masculinity. Not everyone found that forced narrative interesting.

That writer tried to raise Anduin like some sort of AI virtual son or something… her strange psychobabble had a lot to do with why Anduin has been off putting to many.

With that writer out of the picture, Anduin may have a chance to be a better written character.

I don’t disqualify the character. I am open minded for what ever new direction they take him without Golden using him as a morality lesson for her own son, and us as well.

So most players who have ever cared about the story are geriatric and must have quit the game due to age-related health issues? You’re projecting quite a bit.

Being a heir to a throne definetly makes you a “nepo baby”

But there is nothing inheritly wrong or right with being a “nepo baby” either, or a heir.

Nor does being born into wealth makes your suffering less valuable, I think being slammed into a bell, being mind controlled, being punched by your superhuman father would hurt the same him being rich or poor. Of course, he had some privilege growing up, the best teachers in all fields, but he is still a good person, and he clearly knows the value of working hard, he has been living as a common civillian for maybe 3 to 5 years at this point, his only talent is with the light and he has been living without it for quite some time, he wasn’t a good warrior, yet he had to pick the sword and become decent at it to survive, He probably didn’t feel competent enough to take the throne of stormwind, yet it seems that in his short rule he did a lot of good, He didn’t sought revenge on the Defias for what the rebellion did to his mom. And of course, him being always good is exactly what some people don’t like about him, but it is what i like in characters, or characters that struggle to keep doing what is right.

No character will please everybody and I understand a lot of people might feel he is overstaying his welcome, and that is fair, but once an arc starts I feel it is better to end than to keep the lose thread.

He’s never abdicated the position. He’s just temporarily away, leaving a surrogate to take over for him.

It’s never been retconned. People who post on this forum all know about it, and people on this forum are who the thread is addressed to.


I’m 15 years older from when I started… almost everyone on my friends list has absent times that are measured in years. And none of the forum regulars I remember post any more. In fact a couple of friends I had in this game and others in the tabletop scene have passed in real life, the latest just a couple of weeks ago.

It’s a fact of life.


Anduin came from wealth and privilege certainly. But he had his own struggles. He spent most his childhood basically alone, first without parents, then with Varian who was kinda a lousy father who was coping with his traumas poorly, prone to flying into blind rages bad enough Jaina gave him a hearthstone (which canonically are very rare and expansive) to bring him to Theramore when his father was “having a logosh moment”. Until the near the end the two of them never really saw eye to eye, as Anduin was never the warrior Varian wanted in a son. Anduin also had a nation’s worth of expectations on his shoulders, and tried to be good enough to match those expectations but never really felt he could. He always had to have his Royalty mask on, only rarely getting to pull that away when he hid who he even was.

If they had actually explored that in more depth, it would of made for a fascinating story in BFA. But alas.


And what? Cause he’s “suffered” I’m supposed to like him? Does not work that way, chief. And I couldn’t give a toss about him dying. I just don’t want him constantly weeping on my screen. It annoys me.

Some people like this tearful type that’s fine. But I don’t. I want a hero that is crazy, like the Forsaken used to be, or manly bordering on toxic, like the orcs used to be. Something for everyone, yes?



Oh… oh… Goodness… this was too funny. :rofl:

A hero as in the hero unit, which is what most of the major lore characters and classes are based on. Not in the real world sense. I thought that went without saying.


This naivety.

No dear, NOTHING can be taken for granted with the Horde/Forsaken playerbase. Absolutely NOTHING.

I learned this conclusively in 2018 when Horde/Forsaken/Belves stans were saying that Sylvanas did nothing wrong because the Burning of Teldrassil is war and war is war.

You people don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt.

You’re still mad over something that happened 5 years ago?


Save if for your blog, cause I don’t care. Especially since I wasn’t even among those people.

Like it or not, not everyone is gonna fawn over your weepy princess. Some people want different things and if you are gonna pull out your past traumas every time someone disagrees with you, this thread is gonna turn really tedious.


This is exactly what Golden is fighting against.

And this is why I am happy that Anduin isn’t getting shelved.

Stuff like this, it needs to be erased.