You will never be satisfied with Anduin, won't you?

Confirmed, you missed a huge swath of his story. Anduin went through a lot and worked to achieve what he did.

Both Anduin and Thrall fall under the same general category. Both worked hard. But both got training, aid and rank because of who their father was. Both could not have accomplished what they did without the leg up their parentage gave.

We could argue back and forth who has suffered worse at this point. Who achieved more, etc. But that would all be subjective. But to declare Anduin as having earned nothing is objectively wrong.

Calling Anduin a “Nepo baby” is trolling.

What’s with Millennials and hating on monarchy? Anduin is not a “nepo baby”, he’s a product of the society he was born into.

Not to mention how he had a far from a happy, safe, or sheltered childhood, considering how a rock barely missed him when he was a newborn and hit and killed his mother instead. His father was abducted shortly after and replaced with a puppet, and he was influenced by an evil dragon and surrounded by evil drakes disguised as corrupted guards.

Far, far from a “nepo baby”. Some room temperature level IQ going on from the Anduin-hating club.

Oh no his mum died, and he got to live in safe secure castle that was always warm, always had food and always had clothes for him, surrounded by guard 24/7, such a hard life, certainly much harder then the peasents under him who have also likely lost family but had nothing else


Also he had to earn the respect of his clan, regardless of who his father was. And that was something he wanted to do anyway. He did not desire leadership, he just wanted to belong.


Room temperature level IQ.

It wasn’t a “safe secure castle” because he was literally surrounded by disguised dragons ready to snatch him and/or kill him at any point.

It’s also funny how you still haven’t addressed the fact that your precious Sylvanas is also a nepo baby, given how she was born into the second most prestigious family in the country and got the highest-ranking military title just thanks to mommy, and rest assured that Arthas wouldn’t have bothered turning her into a special banshee queen if she was some random ranger.

Whatever. You people are the reason why I am overjoyed that Vol’jin is in a ditch.

I kinda laugh at this because it is basically saying that hating on monarchies is somehow a recent thing that only came about thanks to Millennials.

I guess the leaders of the French revolution and the American revolution are now millennials. Not to mention Cromwell and his revolution that didn’t last that very long.


No the reason he turned her into a banshee was because she defied him it had nothing to do with rank, he did it to every ranger he got his hands on. Face it no one has to like your special little white guy.


hating monarchy is incredibly based actually


Sylvanas Windrunner: Finish it! I deserve… a clean death.
Arthas: After all you’ve put me through, woman, the last thing I’ll give you is the peace of death.
Sylvanas Windrunner: No! You wouldn’t dare!
Arthas tears Sylvanas’ spirit from her body, transforming her into a banshee.

Arthas turned Sylvanas into a Banshee because of her constant resistance. From Arthas’ pov, he just wanted to get to the sunwell and bring back Kel’thuzad to get Tichondrius off his back. But also learn about the true motives behind the Lich King and the Dreadlords that Kel’thuzad promised to tell him. Once he was resurrected.

Where does it say that he raised her as a Banshee because of her rank?


Anduin did absolutely nothing to earn being High King. I saw all of his story, there was nothing at all to explain why he was given the position.

I’m completely at a loss for anything Anduin actually earned in his life other than getting smashed by Garrosh.


The real crime was Onyxia and the guards all hiding in human form while Anduin was young.

What kid wouldn’t want to grow up with a bunch of dragons hanging around? If they’re going to be evil, they may as well be cool while doing it.


That event happened immediately following Anduin stopping Garrosh attempt to turn the sha into a weapon. You the whole studying to figure out how to counter the bell, looking for the answer, and risking his own life to save others. You highlighted one of the examples of him doing something that earned respect in your claim he did nothing. I am not wasting any more time on you. Good day to you.

Oh wow, he read a book once, that clearly qualifies him to be the king of a multi-national alliance!


Sylvanas is only interesting in the same way a train wreck is.

Let’s be real. This thread was a joke the moment you made it hoping to convert people into obsessing over Adnuin as much as you do, or lambasting people for having legitimate criticisms of him.


I fear they’d rather push him back into the Alliance :roll_eyes:

Anduin single handedly made me hate my faction

If that was said about the Forsaken or Demon Hunters…

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I remember people during legion were making fun of demon hunters and their whole I sacrificed everything, what have you? line.


Again the context and relatability of the suffering is what makes it interesting, i can’t relate to anduin but i can relate to the forsaken


It’s a fact. But so what?

A Nepo Baby didn’t choose to be a Nepo Baby - and that cuts both ways. They didn’t earn anything, but they also didn’t do anything to earn scorn simply for being born.

I see a lot of Nepo Baby celebrities who say “my parents opened the door but I had to walk through.” People can and do admit to being Nepo Babies if they are. Anduin is definitely a Nepo Baby.

My word. I don’t even know what triggered this reaction…

I don’t see this as being the case in fiction, at any rate. I can’t accurately divide the generations…. but Game of Thrones is all about monarchy, and has been popular for near decades.

And IRL, Megan Markel was some B List actress, and SUITS was some under the radar show. But after she married a Prince, she became a tabloid Superstar, and that show SUITS is being watched more than its original run.

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