You will never be satisfied with Anduin, won't you?

House of the Dragon stans: **Even better. :blush: **

Jaina is reaching her 50s at this point and is still single, thats sad.

Doesn’t matter. Tandred is still young and fertile.

Daelin Proudmoore’s line will continue.

Never thought I’d hear that outside of Goldshire, yet here we are.


It’s weird and not in a good way.


Alex Afrasiabi once said in an interview that Jaina “is as evil as I am.”

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Jaina wasnt evil, she was just Hangry, she just needed some kitkat bars.

I’ve said a lot of negative things about post-Wrath Jaina but nothing near this damning, wow.


Maybe, but I think they are a minority. I think more people are annoyed at Anduin the High King than are annoyed at Anduin Wrynn himself, if you get what I mean.


remember the jaina is a dreadlord meme

I found it.

[BlizzCon 2017 World of Warcraft Q&A Panel Transcript | Blizzplanet](

Participant 14: In the Battle of Azeroth, is Jaina actually a good guy? I mean, are we just supposed to forget the whole genocide of Dalaran?

Alex: Jaina is complicated, just like any of the other characters. She’s as evil as I am. Bad example.

Jenny: How evil are you?

Alex: As these guys. So look… if I am Jaina… as a character, Jaina is racked with regrets… looking over her past decisions and the things that she’s done, responsible for the death of her father, potentially responsible for what the Horde is today as a result of that.

What could she have done differently at Stratholme? Could she have saved Arthas? What about the Battle for Undercity? So if you could have unpacked all that, break all of those things apart, it has left a character that has some damage (and then not even speaking about Theramore). So one of the things we are going to do is explore that damage, explore those decisions with Jaina, and try to understand how she got to be the way she is, and hopefully pull her out of it.

So… no, she’s not evil. She’s conflicted, and it is something we absolutely want to explore.

When someone tells you who they are, believe them.

She’s a genocidal autocrat. Or she was before Chronicles.

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Last I checked, Jaina was not responsible for the Genocide of the Draenei, the Fall of Theramore, or the Burning of Teldrassil, which are the only confirmed genocides in this franchise.

Worthless fan-fiction/headcanon, not interested.

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First off: Who cares if she is still single. Lots of people have happy lives single.

Also, she is not 50.

Best info we have is she was born 3 years before the first war. That was based off a tweet that no longer exists. So, probably true. But I wouldn’t say 100% official. DF is 40 years after the first war. So, she is likely around 43-44 years old. (Which would line up nicely with Laura Baily’s age.)

In WoW magic has been shown to extend people’s lifespans, particularly if they are strong. So, depending on the direction Blizzard decides to take, they could say she could live centuries. Meaning, she could still be quite ‘young,’ with many years left before she needs to worry about ‘settling down.’

Don’t be that guy.


Anduin hasn’t been High King or even King for two expansions now. And he may be sitting out a third, presuming he survives. The term hasn’t been used for even longer. I think it can be put to rest.

That’s been his whole gimmick ever since he started posting here. He’s basically nonstop forum-RPing as a hyper alliance stan, originally specifically targeting people posting on horde accounts before branching off to accuse non-Zerde alliance-posting players of being secret horde posters.


Sometimes I have this urge to hop on my vulpera warlock and interact with him just for a good laugh :blush:


Jaina is not “lots of people”, Jaina is nobility. Noblewomen are expected to marry and produce children with which to continue the family’s bloodline and legacy.

Jaina is almost in her 50s and she still hasn’t wed anyone, let alone produce an heir. Strictly-speaking, she failed her duties as a noblewoman of House Proudmoore.

In an ideal and perfect world, Jaina and Arthas would have married, had children, and united the Houses of Proudmoore and Menethil. But the Infinite Dragonflight won.

But that’s alright, because House Proudmoore will continue through Tandred. So Daelin Proudmoore’s line will continue. :slight_smile:

Comparing Thrall and Anduin and calling them both nepo babies is so immeasurably stupid.

Thrall was born as a slave with nothing. Not even a name. He had to earn his freedom, had to free the rest of the orcs, fought to save the world from the Legion, and unified the core Horde races together. He earned the title of Warchief through his actions, it was not because of who is daddy was.

Anduin on the other hand was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and has had everything just handed to him either because of who his daddy was or because of some stupid chosen one prophecy. Anduin has never earned a thing in his life.


First off, if that was true, that expectation would actually be the thing you could call sad.

Second, it is not accurate. Carrying on family lines was historically considered a males duty. In this case it would likely be Tandred who would be looked to for that role.

And even that all presupposes that culture in WoW is all that close to real life medieval history.

Again, she is in her early 40s, not almost 50.

And finally, again, magic. She is a very powerful spell casters, and that has been shown in WoW to be able to extend life spans. If Blizzard wanted to they could easily have her start having kids when she was a couple centuries old.

That is not entirely accurate.

  • Thrall was taken in by Drek’Thar and the Frostwolves because of his father.
  • Drek’Thar taught Thrall shamanism because of who his father was.
  • Drek’Thar contacted Ogrimm Doomhammer specifically about the return of the son of Durotan.
  • Doomhammer tested Thrall to be his 2nd in command because of who is father was.

Yes, Thrall proved capable. Yes, he did a lot. But it wouldn’t have happened without his parentage.

That is also not true. I feel like you missed HUGE swaths of Anduin’s story.


No, not at all. Being High King is 100% because of who his daddy was and he never earned it. Being the best light user ever was 100% because of the stupid prophecy and not because he was dedicated to study or worship or anything.

He’s earned nothing.