You will never be satisfied with Anduin, won't you?

The fate of 90% of Horde content.


Except, An’she is not “Horde content”.

There’s no evidence that An’she favours any Horde race.

An’she is just a tauren name for the Sun and the High Elves literally established their entire civilization around the worship of the Sun, which is also the Light.

you’re cute.

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And you’re weird.

Actually, I see many posters here who have high-levelled Alliance characters and yet they constantly shill for the Horde and hate on the Alliance. You’re just one of them. You know who you are, I know what you are.

Why don’t you guys just play Belves? Oh they’re totally just a discount Alliance reject race, but at least you can publicly pretend like you care about the Horde. :grin:

I do play high elves.
they’re horde!

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h ttps://

Not for much longer, and the same goes for Silvermoon. :smile:

nope, my high elf will remain horde!!

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Dunking on the alliance is half the fun :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I feel like it’s worth remembering this guy is here because he’s still absolutely seething about Teldrassil and because one Darkspear made a joke about Theramore. It’s literally the wojack of the angry crying guy with the smug face mask.


Imagine making fun of genocide.

Worrying. Genuinely worrying.

If we do not learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it.

You don’t understand the severity of making fun of genocide. You should educate yourself.

Bro, it’s a video game, it was six years ago, it was universally reviled as a low point in the franchise, and you’re the only person here still stuck on it.

Touch grass.


What I was saying is that we can’t even be sure of that.

We know the Light can be used based on faith.
We don’t know if that is the only way it is used.

So, even the light magic parts may actually be coming from Elune. Or maybe a little of both, they use the light and she makes them stronger using it. We can’t be fully sure.

I think you are missing my point.

‘Maybe you are using the power based on faith instead of getting it from Elune.’
Does not equal:
‘Elune doesn’t exist.’

It is possible they wield the light entirely based on faith with no help from Elune AND Elune exists.

I would have to go back over the scenario again, but I was pretty sure he did fight he way in. Pretty sure there were guards there he killed. It was just that most (not all) of the forces were focused on Sylvanas attack. I swear I remember seeing bodies.

High Elves never worshiped the sun. They drew power from the Sunwell. Not the sun. And I would argue that, while they revered the Sunwell, they didn’t worship it.

I think that this is truly worthless pedantry.

Worship, reverence, they still clearly look to the Sunwell as a form of higher-plane guidance.

Alleria herself in the latest short stated that the high elves are raised to find guidance in the light.

And the high elves also had their own priesthood (with one of the key WC3 units being high elf priests), so they weren’t just pragmatic magic users.

Not really, lol. Jokes are jokes, get over yourself.


That’s not what was said in
the Anduin quote being claimed as fact, and that’s not all the post said.

The spider kabobs were a little extra crispy this time around. Just saying :rofl:

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No they didn’t. They did not look to it for guidance. They looked to it for power, life and support.

The light is not the Sun.
The Sunwell is not the Sun.

The High Elves never worshiped the Sun.

Show me where in either the quote or the post it was stated that Elune did not exist.

I think you are reading that part in. You are assuming an implication that wasn’t there.

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Anduin is better than Baine. That is the nicest thing I can say about him.