You will never be satisfied with Anduin, won't you?

Calling Elune merely another word for the Light necessarily implies that she, the actual goddess, doesn’t exist, and only the Light is real.

“Anu belore dela’na”, a common Thalassian greeting, means “The sun guides us” in Thalassian.

You are clearly not the type of player who reads quest texts, not interested.

The blood elves don’t have their own religion. The light was adapted from the humans.

Just like Nightborne they became atheist because magic is everything.

The Quel’dorei seem to have veneration of some form to the “eternal sun”. We have very little information on really any religion for a PC race outside of the Kaldorei Elune worship, and even that is pretty broad strokes.

Faith in a world where the gods literally reach down and grant miracles is a weird one anyway. It becomes less a religion as we know them IRL and more a philosophical movement mixed with a fan club.

The light, Elune and Loa are the only valid religions. Tauren myths do not count.

Did you actually read that quote? Or just skim it? Because if you actually read what was said, it clearly establishes a consciousness that chooses. It chooses the story, face, name means it has to have will and thought. In other words, it is someone. If anything the quote is suggesting that everyone has a limited part of the story of the greater entity behind it. In other words, it is suggesting that An’she and Elune may be the same entity and people are only seeing part of that being. Meaning he was suggesting Elune the Goddess exists. And any who see only the light as a force are just getting a limited story.

Or someone that does a bit more digging and looks at context. Something you clearly don’t do.

Let’s take your translation thing first. That translation didn’t come from a quest text. It came from a very old encyclopedia for Warcraft written long before the High Elf story was actually flushed out. And one that notably Blizzard removed from their site. So, it has to be taken with a grain of salt to start with. It came from a time that it sounded good, but didn’t really have anything behind it.

Next you have to consider it, again in context, with everything else we have seen. There are no temples to the Sun in Silvermoon. There is no church of the sun. There is nothing to show any kind of worship of the sun. That in mind it would make more sense to interpret this phrase as a carry over from some past time. One that doesn’t really mean that. The same way English has phases like ‘hit the sack’ or ‘kick the bucket’ that don’t mean what the literal words say.

In the end, if your evidence for High Elf sun worship is a single phrase translate in a very old, no longer available, encyclopedia you don’t really anything.

“gee, wonder why people took the “be patient” line in the lore interview poorly?”


That’s an esoteric interpretation.

I’m still confused why we as horde players have to like him, should we automically just like a character just because they are nice


It doesn’t help that by Warcraft standards Anduin got off pretty easy. If he was stuck in DK form forever seen as a monster by the ignorant masses I would have been a lot more sympathetic to his plight than “Oh boohoo I was under mind control for two months.”
Yeah that sucks. Now get in line behind all the Orcs Forsaken and Death Knights pretty please.


Yeah, considering there was also a statement about Baine “learning the terrible truth of his people,” Horde players (and lore) probably dodged a bullet there.


Varadoc believes Rommath should die because he was rude towards the alliance once.

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Sarm, come back to the discord!

Edit: i saw that Ariel, you too!

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I actually unsubbed again, sorry. I meant to last month but forgot, and have just been mucking about since. I’m thinking of holding off on buying TWW until it goes on sale since I’m hoping to reverse some story burnout and because the opening patch isn’t compelling to me.

What sucks is that I feel like I don’t have any other MMO I’m interested in to fill that gap, and I don’t often buy myself new games in general, so it feels like I’m facing a whole lot of nothing as far as entertainment goes. :confused:


Its not an mmo but have you tried Path of exile?

Some of the best idle general chat bs chat ive ever had

It’s alright, I’m not looking for recommendations. But it doesn’t look interesting to me in the slightest, sorry.


Gotcha, figured id mention it since its free and goons have a solid playerbase there.

Anduins alright. I enjoy seeing a hero who isn’t an absolute giga-chad meme