You will never be satisfied with Anduin, won't you?

An’she could easily be a Light-related God, colonizer.

If it was just a tauren name for Light, it’d just be called Blessing of the Holy Light, or Blessing of Light; not Blessing of An’she.

There is no direct proof for An’she existing… but there is nothing directly disproving he exists either. There are far more contextual things lending weight to the “there is a sun god named An’she” than not, so as of now it makes more sense to imagine he does exist.


Yawn, another Millennial buzzword.

As I said before, the world doesn’t run on “maybes”.

But go rejoice for that bone thrown at you in 24 years of WoW, you’re totally right! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yeah, the sun exists, no surprise there. :rofl:

EDIT- Also, it’s worth mentioning that the passive effect “Blessing of An’she” empowers the active ability “Holy Shock”, which is a “burst of Light on the target”.

I think we see yet again who actually cares about An’she (nobody) and who just wants to troll-dupe Me.

Deleted. Don’t want this used against me.

As I said, I won’t stop you from enjoying this bone.

Just bear in mind that the Sun does not favour any particular race, while the Moon quite clearly favours the Night Elves.

It’s quite simple! :rofl:

You can’t prove An’she doesn’t favor the Tauren.

The guy on the talent tree artwork is not a tauren. :shushing_face:

I’m ok with Anduin. I would however would like to see other characters shine the most besides just the only main 3 or 4 cast of warcraft characters like Tess Greymane, Valeera Sanguinar, Rexxar, Rokhan, and etc.

No I don’t hate Anduin I just want to see variety in lore characters.


…Please do not loop me in with that guy. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Chosen of Elune just shows the moon. Sentinel just shows a generic hooded figure with an owl—There are not even elf ears poking out of the hood. Conduit of the Celestials shows a human, when the celestials are 100% a Panderan thing.

The hero talent art, when it depicts a person is mostly humans.

He shared his beliefs, how the frick that is racist?

No sane person agrees with varadoc. Dudes a meme and wrong in everything he says


Youngsters nowadays have turned many specific and important words into cheap buzzwords. An example is “racist”, it’s literally just a meaningless buzzword now.

I know this, because I am a youngster Myself (sadly). I know how we think. :slight_smile:

Are you aware that such statment is racist by itself?

As for An’she, there’s no evidence that he doesn’t exist.
On the other hand you have few things like “Blessing of An’she” or the Sun Rock Retreat it is said An’she himself kissed the mountain where the retreat stands.

It’s said that in Shadowland, An’she was supposed to be the subject of a questline but was cut.
Somewhere, it’s for the best considering how they are treating Elune.

Are we seriously treating legend as fact??

Most legends have a grain of truth to them—Particularly ones in fantastical settings like this.

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Imagine holding a grudge with some internet random for 3 years.

Talk about rent-free.

You don’t fight racism by practicing racism yourself. In this regard you are no better than those you loath.

As for your second quote, i consider that in a fantasy world, color skin is a way to differenciate countries, an element of world building.
Feel free to not agree with that, but if you consider everything that you don’t agree of as racist, the problem is on your side.

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To be fair, Gilneas was predominantly-inhabited by humans. I don’t recall any elf, or dwarf, or gnome living there.

So there was still some world-building there about Gilneas being isolationist and sort of a “backwater” that nobody wants to go to.

In contrast to this, there is a noticeable population of gnomes, dwarves, and possibly high elves (they had them in WC3) in Kul Tiras, reflecting its status as a maritime trade kingdom.

It seems that you need some education.
Here a definition of racism in my country, coming from the French Ministry responsible for equality between men and women, and the fight against discrimination:

Ideology based on the belief that there is a hierarchy between human groups, based on nationality, alleged race, skin color, ancestry or national or ethnic origin.
By extension :
An attitude of systematic hostility towards a category of people determined by its origin.

And what have you done?

An attitude of hostility towards a category of people determined by its origin, in your case the White Western millenials.

If you still can’t see and refuse to have a better behavior by not calling out people because of their color skin and origin, then i pity you, really.

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