You will never be satisfied with Anduin, won't you?

No, since they are dead. But it has been shown that they can in fact reattach limbs, not even their own. In the Traveler series we have a Forsaken who can even reattach his head and mend his dead tissue. So it’s hard to pinpoint what the exact situation is.


I may be reading your intent wrong, but from what it looks like you are saying I think you are approaching it wrong. Sometimes people just connect with different things and it is not something that can be compared with bullet points. Liking or not liking something is basically the definition of subjective.

If someone has a wrong belief about something, that can be corrected. So, for example is someone said Anduin did not suffer, that is objectively wrong and can be shown to be. But, if someone says they just didn’t connect with Anduin, that is just people are different and it is 100% fine. And you aren’t going to convince them with bullet points.

I think you are looking at Forsaken wrong. It is not about how much they suffered. There are going to be people that suffered more and people that suffered less. The name was always more about them being outcast and turned away (or Forsaken) by the rest of the world, or at least feeling they were (as they named themselves).

Who had it worse becomes a somewhat subjective measure. The same event can be more painful to one person than another. It is not exactly something you can quantify.

I would argue they are not related. Suffering, trauma, etc are pretty universal and not a Forsaken theme. Anduin’s suffering isn’t a Forsaken theme.

I actually found her choices very believable. He core desire and goal never changed. She wanted peace, she fought and sacrificed for it. The trauma and betrayal left her believing the Horde could not be trusted. Her actions from the perspective of that belief make sense. And as she recovered and could see beyond that trauma and start to trust again, her actions changed in line with that.

There is no 100% definitive. Based on the best evidence we have DF was 40 after the dark portal. Jaina was born 3 years before the dark portal. Making her 43 during DF. So, now she is either 43-44.

Again, best evidence.

Its not a double standard to say i like the forsaken for one thing and not anduin, that is just so weird to say, I don’t have to like anduin no matter what happaned it would be a double standard if i was saying you all had to agree with me, but im strictly talking about my own experience, and like meringue said, you can’t bullet point that, you just have to live it


I wasn’t calling liking one but not the other a double standard. I was calling it a double standard to dismiss the suffering of one but not another when they went through the same experience - in this case being controlled.

The Forsaken by the Lich King, Anduin by the Jailer.

I never dismissed it, i simply said it didn’t make me care about anduin


That’s fair. We have the same feeling about different characters. Illidan’s experiences don’t make me care about him (especially not after the retcons), though I do care about Darion (though I can say Darion did some wrong things).

I am curious what experience you’re talking about that you’re comparing with the Forsaken but won’t pry further.

you guys are silly.


a lawful good character is trash when the whole world acts neutral, MoP’s Anduin was amazing because Garrosh and the Sha was there but now, he’s just an idiot that cry and talks way too much.

also i want to add: this is the third time that anduin is going through the “i’m so sad, i don’t know if i can do it” saga
the first time was perfect, the second time (in shadowlands) was too much and now with tww is over done, boring and pathetic

watch: “Patch 7.2 In-game Cinematic - A Found Memento: Raising a King” to see the best momment of Anduin.


You can still be against it. I’d just clarify the current situation is just a continuation of Shadowlands. He never really overcame that, hence why he left others in charge during Dragonflight.

His story could have been interesting…until they have forgotten what Anduin said at the end of SL.
Here for TWW, we have a broken man because he never managed to overcame what he has done in SL.

But there’re three problems:
First we didn’t see him commiting atrocities while he was controled, not even a murder.
If he did such a thing then it was off screen, which is a big problem to make me believe this narrative.

Second, when he talked to Sylvanas, he clearly stated what were his problems:
His fear that the Light will not answer him…which contradict Chronicle IV.
According to the book, Varian and Saurcroc were visions from the Light. If it was truly the case, Anduin would have been the first to notice it.

It’s not what he has done the problem, it’s the fact that he enjoyed to do evil acts, making him to doubt that he is a good guy.

But for TWW, it seems that this part has been forgotten, leaving only the broken man part.
For me, it’s far less interesting than the man wondering if he is truly good or evil, especially with the Void at the corner.


This doesn’t matter. He attempted to murder Jaina, a dear friend whom he saw almost like a dear aunt or mother figure. That is enough to break a pious and noble man like Anduin.

Anduin hasn’t read Chronicles IV.

Well, i could say that it doesn’t matter too because according to Anduin: “It was horrific… and exhilarating”

Let’s see if this side of the character will be used in one way or another in TWW or Midnight.

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Anduin is one of the most racist characters in WoW. In Before the Storm, he arrogantly stated that the Light, Elune, and An’she were the exact same thing. He might as well be a missionary carrying a smallpox blanket, or a young earth creationist claiming the Great Flood was a literal story because other cultures have flood stories.

"[Anduin’s] mind went back to the Netherlight Temple. The Light finds us, he thought. All of us. It chooses the story, or the face, or the name, or the song that resonates the most with each of us. We may call it Elune, or An’she, or just the Light, but it doesn’t matter. We can turn away from it if we desire, but it’s always there. "

It’s pretty inconsistent.

Sometimes snapping their spine can drop an undead outright like in that BFA cinematic. But other times they survive canon balls to the face or outright complete dismemberment, surviving as just a talking head.

So their durability is whatever the writer wants it to be that day.


And that is why every other generation makes fun of Millennials.

Which is obviously wrong, since An’she, unlike the Light and Elune, does not exist, and is thus a false idol.

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I told you I’m a zoomer like you. But I was the kid in class who would argue with right-wing teachers. You were probably a Trumper jock like the ones in my high school.

Hey you finally admitted Anduin is wrong.

Bro I wish I had the physique of a jock. I wish.

I do acknowledge many times that Anduin is wrong.

Don’t be mistaken, I am the most impartial and unbiased poster you will ever come across. I only stand by the Lore.

Anduin is wrong about the Light, Elune, and An’she. How can An’she and the Light/Elune be one and the same when there is no evidence that An’she even exists at all?

If your argument is just that An’she is a Tauren name for Elune and the Light, I agree; and it makes the Sunwalkers joining the Silver Hand in Legion all the more logical. :slight_smile:

Wrong as always, Herald of The Sun Paladins can be Blessed by An’she.

Like you, Anduin is a privileged white kid who believes he knows everything but knows nothing.

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Yes, Yes, I am already aware of this. How could I not be aware of the one bone thrown at the An’she/Mu’sha-whatever copium crowd on X?

But since Paladins are all about the Light, well, how does this disprove that An’she is just a Tauren name for Light?

I mean even the icon is called “holyfire orb” and, well, guess what it’s called? The HOLY Light. :slight_smile: