You will never be satisfied with Anduin, won't you?

Maybe i’m too non american to see this, but what exactly makes anduin’s writing “white” from simply human?

The humans are just written as humans.

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My point is literally nobody looks at the forsaken and goes Gee, I wonder what those white people zombies are up to.


And if you look at Anduin and think “Gee, I wonder what this white man is up to”, you waste too much time thinking about the X crowd and cheap virtue-signaling.

This is not normal thinking.


Why do it for living humans either? Why bring race into it about Anduin and Turalyon? Do you and others bring up the idea of “white people” about Arthas or Jaina too? Or Mathias Shaw?

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I actually like Anduin. He’s not a fav, but he’s a interesting character.

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I don’t. But I don’t control what others do or how they think. The color of a characters skin is irrelevant to whether I personally like them or not.

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Same here (remember, it wasn’t you or I who shoehorned real-life race into this discussion).


I know. It sadly happens a lot lately, be nice if people could talk about liking or disliking a character based on how that character has been used or misused instead of disliking them because said character doesn’t fit a set of political parameters some people use

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Millennials have a penchant for bringing real life politics into gaming. They can’t separate a videogame from real life. What happened to the desire for escapism? What happened to the desire of spending some time in a fantasy world without having to worry about the ugly real world?

You see the same nonsense happening in other topics. You see this nonsense happening in the Troll Wars too, where the High Elves were apparently WhItE cOlOnIsTs and the Amani were iNdIgEnOuS/nAtIvEs.

Because we have to make everything about irl politics. :exploding_head:

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That died the moment social media became popular and people decided to live full time on it


You’re not wrong. While I too am a millennial, I try not to do that, and at times I fail. That said, I didn’t drink the 90’s kool-aid of “Ex-treme!” and “Cool people rebel!”

For Anduin, I just see him as a prince who was too naive and nice for his own good but started to grow out of that. Not spectacular but decent. Especially as he started to see when war was necessary. People can like or dislike who they want, but if it’s all opinions, how do we say who’s right and who’s wrong? Because I’ve said the same kind of things about Sylvanas regarding “being sick and tired of a character”. I’m mixed about Sylvanas given the writer tug-of-war that made her story such a mess, but I don’t want to see her again for a long time, if at all.

Depends on what kind of person you are.
As far as I am concerned, he makes a lot of sense.

Some people are do have a “iron will” so to speak, when it comes to their principles and their views. Seems very sensible to me.

People who do not budge at all in regards to their philosophy, is a normal thing, so yes… it is incredibly believeable.

Someone switching from one extreme to the other, however, that is less so believeable -cough- Jaina -cough-

It’s an opinion. They, by their very definition, can’t be right or wrong in the technical sense. As long as one is being reasonable about it that is.

But hating a character based on sex, skin color, etc is where people usually get themselves in trouble.

Well, I would make the argument that at some point you certainly can say: “No, that is not an opinion, you are just wrong.”

Which is my point. It entirely depends on how one is framing said opinion. Hence my second sentence about using certain parameters is where people usually get themselves in trouble/hot water

I still think the most interesting thing they could have done with Anduin was to follow through on their plan to have him permanently crippled by getting the divine bell dropped on him. Just think of all the storylines it opens up.

How would it affect his relationship with Varian?

What would the average citizen of Stormwind think?

How would it affect his attitude toward the Horde? (Note: the success of this storyline depends in part on the writers not doing the thing they do with Jaina, where they keep putting her in front of Horde players and shouting “LOOK HOW SAD YOU MADE THIS PERSON!”)

What solutions would the mages of the Alliance come up with to help him? I could see the gnomes building him a mechasuit, for example.

Or perhaps it would just take the pressure off him to be a physical warrior, enabling him to become a super-strong priest. Think Professor X vibes—which is not incompatible with the gnomish mechasuit!

After Varian dies, Anduin could reinstate the position of Supreme Allied Commander to handle the military aspect of leadership. Maybe whoever takes that position could even be non-human! And sharing power in that way would effectively dilute the power attached to the position of High King.


That says it’s an outdated article. You sure it’s right?

The forsaken also have aspects of mental disabilities which is a part that plays into their being dehumanized. Sometimes physical too, depending on who’s writing them.


Yes, most of them are insane and sadistic. But you are right. It’s always based on who is writing them. For one you had the Forsaken assaulting Gilneas, we have depictions of Forsaken shrugging off damage that would incapacitate or outright kill a human. Then later you have forsaken being threatened by child hugs. Goes to show how much they dragged this fictive race through the proverbial mud.


The Forsaken are “American Gods/Laura Moon” style undead. Yes they can take a beating(and that is not to say they shouldnt try and avoid it!) but everyday wear and tear is dangerous to their body because unlike the living they dont have a natural mechanism to repair damage.