You will get declined for being the wrong covenant

It’s only 4% increase on the first target you attack. That’s not always relevant on even raid bosses and certainly not M+. Also, what if venthyr is bad for your class?

And a 15% increase to consumables and enchants is not much at all.

You also can only take one of those.

And on top of that you can’t take the throughput conduit with either of those traits.

All soulbinds have a situational damage increase, they will all be extremely close and almost certainly won’t impact which is best covenant.

That’s why I’m excluding soulbinds in regards to balance. They are just too close when it comes to actual impact on throughput when there’s 3 other systems that are far more powerful.

I don’t play the top end of the game but I’m afraid what I pick for say the pve content I do will not be good for the pvp content I do and I will be forced to build a toon for each when for years I could do them fairly well on just a single toon.

This locking abilities to covenants affects more then just high end min maxers . It affects casuals that like to do multiple forms of content on a single toon.

Making a person have to make multiple toons of the same class for does not make good sense unless you are doing it to get people to play more to keep your numbers up for your investors.

In that case it would make perfect sense.

where are the parrots at saying “it’s just beta :crazy_face:” they are worried from the same thing as certain amount of people too with the covenants?

and yes people WILL get declined if they want to play with some min maxers.

You are being a spoiled brat. If only you realized the hypocritical nature of what you just said.


They changed torghast based on feedback…

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Because that 10% lower dps provides a 5% increased melee damage dealt debuff to the enemy for all your OP meta classes to take advantage of :wink:

I won’t, I don’t pug :sunglasses:

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Not really if I have to play a covenant I don’t want to why should I carry people who choose based on cosmetics rather than power?


Me neither. Glad to have friends and a guild to run with. We can pick whatever covenant we want, it’ll be awesome. :slight_smile:

Still though, even for puggers, I heavily doubt most are going to care about what covenants others choose. For one, a person would have to memorize every class spec and what their “optimal” covenant will be for that to work.

This thread is just another futile rage-flop against the system.


Oh look the wannabe elitist trying to be as toxic as possible, thankfully I know covenants will launch like this :3


This is true in a game where “choices matter” in which players have been asking for, reskinned as player agency, you can not have player choice and not be blocked from joining a certain group. It’s not possible.

Untying covenant powers from their covenants also does not make sense, because you do not become master of all covenants, you only become a master of one.

Personally class and build is what matters to me over covenant choice. It does not matter what covenant you choose unless it makes sense towards the build you’re going for.

For instance I won’t get invited to Venthyr groups because they want to skip/cheese certain mechanics if I chose Kyrian as a Hunter. But I will be able to pull higher dps numbers on trash with the 30% extra crit from the ability.

The difference is negligible, and in most cases the Kyrian choice will certainly be better for high-trash content like open world, mythic+, and Torghast whereas the Venthyr covenant will be better on single target fights like raiding due to free kill shots and bleed effect.

But again, the difference is negligible. But since in my case I won’t be raiding too often, going Kyrian is what makes the most sense.


You assume that these are mutually exclusive.
Also, there will be no covenant that is the meta for every raid encounter. Ion said it himself. And you can darn well believe that if there is, it won’t be for long. You might as well pick the covenant that you will find “fun” to play. That is what a game is for… fun. Just because you choose not to have fun, doesn’t mean you have to bring others down with you.


ok ralph


People will just do what they do now when they get declined… start a group of their own and make their own rules.

It’s really that easy.

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Imagine this:
You go to icy veins.
Your meta is as follows:

Venthyr soulbind.
Kyrian soulbind.
Ardenweald soulbind.
Kyrian soulbind.
Maldraxxus soulbind.

Thats your top 5 (and im not even hybriding this), one is great for fast aoe (dungeons), one is great for sustained aoe (add raid fight), one is great for single target dps (patchwerk), one is great for movement dps with adds (survival+aoe+cleave) one is great for deeps plus boss (st with aoe).

This is a crap-show. And lets remember this is just pve instanced. My rogue is a dot class. Theres a ramp up… what works in a prolonged fight doesnt necessarily work in the world with quick deeps and low health bars. im not also speaking pvp or remotely addressing my poor multi-spec shammy.

So ive got at least 5 soulbinds to grind. Which means ive got at least 4 covenants to grind for renown. I mean the meta insists on all 4 at max renown. I need them right, so im not rejected from groups or raids? On top of this, i also need the conduits, right? I need to farm them obviously? So how is this different from an AP bar? I can choose to not farm them? But youve told me i’ll be rejected if i dont adhere to the meta? So i need all 4! I need to cap renown with each covenant so i can take advantage of each soulbind (according to the meta), otherwise i’ll be rejected for being sub-optimal. So i need them! I have to have them!

So now i need to farm 4 covenants. I need to grind out all the conduits for those soulbinds. I need to follow the iron law of the meta. This feels a lot like BfA; the very expansion these exact forums have spent the past 2 years complaining about.

“This game sucks. Why dont they fix it!”

Reading this wall of crap is literally not a representation of what would be reality.

Farming all four covenants renown and accessing all the different conduits and soulbinds will only matter to the 1% doing every piece of content WoW has to offer.

The general populace does not actively do all content in the game unless they’re a “casual completionist”, which is another ~1% of the populace.

Also those optimal choices can be researched before you even choose it ingame, after you decide which piece of content you want to pursue. If you want to do Mythic+ and Torghast in the first couple months of the game? Pick one covenant and use their optimal soulbinds.

Then when you want to raid for the tail end of the patch? Get your other covenant up and running and use that. It’s ABC simple methods.

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so, it doesnt matter to anyone but the 1%. Er, okay then.
Its so strange you came at me with such an explosive opener when we both agree that it is a dumpster fire created by the top end to try and pretend this is an issue that urgently needs to be addressed on behalf of the mainstream playerbase… But okay. Apparently you wont be rejected if you are sub optimal (or you’ll be rejected on whatever arbitrary grounds the burgeoning elite playerbase decides based on whatever arbitrary condition they decide to place in front of you completely irrelevant to the success or failure of the respective run… just as they’ve always done throughout the course of the game’s long history).

(TO BE VERY CLEAR: Im pointing out where the logic goes when covenants are opened and players have maximum choice. It pains me to have to explain this to someone who seems to share my position). Lets just follow the logic.

10% u say


I dont agree with the premise that everyone will get declined based on whatever you choose as a soulbind/covenant.

I also am not agreeing with you about the 1% putting out data that these builds are proven to work and the wannabe elitists are following in their footsteps thing but that’s not part of the main point.

What I’m saying is, it starts with the individual and their goals for the game.

If they dont care about progression in the slightest, by all means choose whatever covenant you want to RP as or love the aesthetics, just dont complain that whatever you choose happened to not synergize with whatever build you got or does not meet a group leader’s requirements otherwise.

Okay if you choose to go the Mythic+ route, and you look up data that details a specific build proven to work, and you work on those covenants and soulbinds, dont complain that people doing AoTC or Cutting Edge progression won’t take you because you’re using essentially a clown build in the raiding atmosphere.

On the same note, if you’re doing Raiding as a route, dont complain that whatever build you use that’s good for raiding (single target with some cleave) gets denied when you are going to Mythic+ (a more aoe focused environment with some single target.)

Of course, as I said earlier this is for AOTC or CE progression at the beginning of an expansion, there are going to be some exceptions to this unstated rule in the lower end of the spectrum. See: LFR, Norm, Keys below +8.

When you posted this:

You actually are misrepresenting what the guides are actually saying. You dont need to farm out ALL of these for acceptance.

It’s always differentiated between which soulbinds are optimal for cleave, raiding, ST, etc.

That goes back to my main point, pick a content route to go, and get those optimal soulbinds, but dont complain when someone doesn’t want you cause you choose a soulbind in another sphere of content.



If I ever do a M+ key I’ll just do it with my friends. -shrug-